How will they rule ??!

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This is a no-Nate Doog bashing thread. Sorry
Nadler making it up as he goes.

Overruled and said Burke was allowed to make disparaging remarks about Trump because he was there as a witness, not staff, so the parliamentary rules of decorum don't apply.

10 minutes later, after Burke read all kinds of lies into the record during his opening statement, an R brought up the fact that Burke wasn't sworn in as a witness. Nadler then switches and claims that Burke didn't have to be sworn in because he was there as staff, not a witness.

Clown show.
Count me in the camp of people who thinks this IG report will be like Hilarys emails.

Laws will clearly have been broken, they will detail all the facts, but in the end they’ll come up with a reason not to charge anyone of any importance. At most it will be some low level sacrificial lamb.

Anything short of Comey, Clapper, Brenna, Page, Strozk, etc. in cuffs will be a disappointment.
IG is part of the swamp, don’t expect much from him.
Now I’m genuinely curious as to the correct plural form of Krampus.

I’d have gone with Krampuses but I think I like Krampi more.
My wife and I literally had a half hour conversation about what the plural of “mongoose” is while watching several of them run around the Kona Brewing patio in Hawaii while we enjoyed a few pints. Fantastic setting and I will argue to my grave that the plural SHOULD be “mongoosi” ( rhymes with “eye”).
Good times.
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My wife and I literally had a half hour conversation about what the plural of “mongoose” is while watching several of them run around the Kona Brewing patio in Hawaii while we enjoyed a few pints. Fantastic setting and I will argue to my grave that the plural SHOULD be “mongoosi” ( rhymes with “eye”).
Good times.


This is the most important story of the day, week, month and possibly year. No fan of the Post but this is good journalism.
This is true of just about every war every country has ever fought. No government is ever going to admit they are losing a war until the bitter end. The part so ****ed up about Afghanistan is that we are still there knowing for 10+ years it is a complete failure at every level.
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LMao you dipshits are to funny. Before today it was always the IG report is going to rain down indictments and crush the deep state! Now that the report does none of that and clearly states the FISA warrants were warranted by the evidence, the IG is now the deep state. Have you learned now that no report is ever going to change anything?
LMao you dipshits are to funny. Before today it was always the IG report is going to rain down indictments and crush the deep state! Now that the report does none of that and clearly states the FISA warrants were warranted by the evidence, the IG is now the deep state. Have you learned now that no report is ever going to change anything?

From the very start I've been saying the IG report was the right's version of the Mueller report. A complete waste of time that won't lead to anything. I've said that many times on here.
LMAO, It literally says exactly what i said it would 2 days ago. Some low level fbi dudes went into grey areas and now they will review fisa procedures and retrain. But overall everyone else was just doing their job like they were supposed to. How about instead of auditing FISA we repeal the patriot act and all of FISA with it.

The report concluded that investigators found no intentional misconduct or political bias surrounding efforts to seek a highly controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the early months of the Russia investigation -- but also faulted the FBI over numerous "omissions" and "inaccuracies" in the application process.

The IG probe identified at least 17 "significant" errors in the Page applications and said they would launch a new audit into the FISA process.

At the same time, the report said key officials including former FBI bosses James Comey and Andrew McCabe did not act with political bias and extended a similar finding to the overall surveillance efforts targeting Page
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My wife and I literally had a half hour conversation about what the plural of “mongoose” is while watching several of them run around the Kona Brewing patio in Hawaii while we enjoyed a few pints. Fantastic setting and I will argue to my grave that the plural SHOULD be “mongoosi” ( rhymes with “eye”).
Good times.
This is the type of stuff that makes my day. That is awesome.
This is true of just about every war every country has ever fought. No government is ever going to admit they are losing a war until the bitter end. The part so ****ed up about Afghanistan is that we are still there knowing for 10+ years it is a complete failure at every level.

Agree with ya. Some dimes are being dropped to keep this cash cow going.
IG report is going to rain down indictments

No one ever said that. The IG is incapable of indicting anyone.

Now that the report does none of that and clearly states the FISA warrants were warranted by the evidence

Except it says exactly what we've been saying. The FBI used unverified information to obtain the very first warrant and then three subsequent warrants. That's illegal.

Nunes has given us an update on his phone calls with Giulianis felons. Now he remembers the calls he said never happened. The kicker! It was the wife he talked to and he passed it on to staff. lmao
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No one ever said that. The IG is incapable of indicting anyone.

Except it says exactly what we've been saying. The FBI used unverified information to obtain the very first warrant and then three subsequent warrants. That's illegal.

Maybe you should be focusing on the fact that FISA should not exist. We managed just fine without secret courts to spy on Americans the first 230 years. Go tell your GoP overlords that came up with this shit to quit being unamerican POS.
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The IG probe identified at least 17 "significant" errors in the Page applications and said they would launch a new audit into the FISA process.

Yeah, only 17 significant errors on just four warrants. Amazing you actually think this isn't very,very damming. We're talking about the FBI and secret courts spying on American citizens. One error on one warrant is too many. How big of a raging bootlicker are you?
LMAO. you idiots have already moved on and
Yeah, only 17 significant errors on just four warrants. Amazing you actually think this isn't very,very damming. We're talking about the FBI and secret courts spying on American citizens. One error on one warrant is too many. How big of a raging bootlicker are you?
Yea a POS FISA idea created by conservatives, ran by conservatives, filled with conservatives, and still supported by conservatives. the FBI is a also a conservative agency filled mostly with conservatives. Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Wray, and on and on, all Republicans. The FBI was doing what it always does when it gets a hit, it attacks relentlessly. Have you forgotten what the FBI was in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s? It was spying on and keeping records on every American Hoover considered a political threat. SCOTUS actually ruled in the FBI's favor and said spying on americans was fine as long as they didn't break into homes.
From the very start I've been saying the IG report was the right's version of the Mueller report. A complete waste of time that won't lead to anything. I've said that many times on here.
Horowitz is a swamp creature and the people he was "investigating" are his friends and colleagues. He will sugar coat it for their benefit. But he will soon be out of the picture and the adults will move to the forefront. John Durham and William Barr do not agree with Horowitz and they have THE EVIDENCE. They have gone past the friends Horowitz has tried to protect. They traveled abroad and interviewed people Horowitz did not or could not.

I know the press will poo poo this. Trump haters like Chris Wallace of Fox News will say it was proper to start an investigation so let's just move on to impeach Trump. But that is not how this is going to play out. We have a Grand Jury now. Let's see what comes out of that.
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