How will they rule ??!

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You know which side is winning the argument when Democrats have to paint each other as foreign assets, but Republicans can just paint someone as a Democrat when trying to win the independent vote.
It is hard if not impossible for Liberals/Socialist and the Christian faith to be compatible in today's world. Love, peace and forgiveness are not liberal traits .

Ah, yes. “Love, peace and forgiveness” is easily found on this thread dominated by conservative posters. Give me a break. You only care about Americans who vote the same way as you. Trump really has driven some of you guys insane. What will you look like after four more years?
Ah, yes. “Love, peace and forgiveness” is easily found on this thread dominated by conservative posters. Give me a break. You only care about Americans who vote the same way as you. Trump really has driven some of you guys insane. What will you look like after four more years?

TruMp HAs ReALly dRIvEn SoME of YoU GuYS inSaNe.

Says the guy who creates 10 usernames and makes up fake scenarios to get outraged about.
Did y’alls parents talk about partisan politics when you were growing up? Did your father teach you to be a “conservative man?” At this point I’m wondering if politics were mentioned in your church services. The fanaticism is bloody laughable, mates.
Yep, people who support Trump at this point are definitely party over country. No one loves Trump as much as the Republican establishment.

God you loony toons and your loony toon fantasy world.

Real American patriots are concerned that Putin and Erdogan are tag-teaming the POTUS. Trump-over-party-over-country morons are fine with weakening our nation’s status as long as “their guy” sits in the Oval Office.

You treat this like team sports. That’s the fantasy world you live in. Wake up, pumpkin. At least you have real patriots like me who still actually GAF about this country.
My favorite Hillary Clinton lie was her claim to have been named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to scale Mt. Everest. Hillary Clinton was born in '47; Edmund Hillary climbed Everest in '53. lol

William Saffire was totally correct way back in 1996 when he was the first to brand her a congenital liar.
Real American patriots are concerned that Putin and Erdogan are tag-teaming the POTUS. Trump-over-party-over-country morons are fine with weakening our nation’s status as long as “their guy” sits in the Oval Office.

You treat this like team sports. That’s the fantasy world you live in. Wake up, pumpkin. At least you have real patriots like me who still actually GAF about this country.


“Herp derp that’s the fantasy world you live in”. Got anything other than “I know you are but what am I”.

You loony toons are so caught up in your fantasies you can’t come up with any clever responses. Surprised to see you go back to Russia collusion though. Big misstep. Everyone knows we’re on to Ukraine collusion now after the first total exoneration.
I’m not here for “clever” responses. I’m here to find out why you guys treat politics like the UK/UofL rivalry.

Because you lefties are like UL fans. Completely delusional. Cheating every step of the way, but accusing everyone else of doing what you’re in fact doing.

On the other hand, you have the UK fans. Know it’s the greatest program to ever exist although its had its hiccups, but want to protect that program from the UL fans who would love to see it crumble and be replaced by a program that’s built on a foundation of ugly hood rat strippers.
Did y’alls parents talk about partisan politics when you were growing up? Did your father teach you to be a “conservative man?” At this point I’m wondering if politics were mentioned in your church services. The fanaticism is bloody laughable, mates.

I was raised by left leaning Democrats. I saw how wrong they were about everything.

Hillary was born in 1947.

Sputnik was launched in 1957 by the Russians.

NASA was formed in 1958.

The first American in space was 1961.

Why make up a lie about writing them as a little girl and getting a hurtful response?

It is not lost on Levi that NASA refused to send a ten year old into space.

If I were on Twitter, I would respond to Hillary with "at this point was difference does it make"?
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No. I really did vote for Romney. Voted obama second time.

I knew our President slept with many lovely ladies, but single-handedly setting such records? WOW

Real American patriots are concerned that Putin and Erdogan are tag-teaming the POTUS. Trump-over-party-over-country morons are fine with weakening our nation’s status as long as “their guy” sits in the Oval Office.

You treat this like team sports. That’s the fantasy world you live in. Wake up, pumpkin. At least you have real patriots like me who still actually GAF about this country.
You sound like you did more cocaine before posting this than Hunter Bidens done in his entire life.
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Real American patriots are concerned that Putin and Erdogan are tag-teaming the POTUS. Trump-over-party-over-country morons are fine with weakening our nation’s status as long as “their guy” sits in the Oval Office.

You treat this like team sports. That’s the fantasy world you live in. Wake up, pumpkin. At least you have real patriots like me who still actually GAF about this country.

How has Putin and Erdogan tag teaming the potus changed your life?

Hillary was born in 1947.

Sputnik was launched in 1957 by the Russians.

NASA was formed in 1958.

The first American in space was 1961.

Why make up a lie about writing them as a little girl and getting a hurtful response?

Because they have no pushback from media. Imagine how confident you must feel that you could say this, or claim to be an Indian, or claim to be a socialist while owing multiple houses...on and on. It’s because they know the media is a wing of their party.

Enemy of the People.
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This is ignorant of the facts. The entire country including myself united behind military man George W Bush after 9/11. He lost half of America when he decided to let OBL go at Tora Bora as documented by boots on the ground commander in afghanistan in Jawbreaker and invaded Iraq instead. I said on here that George H Bush deserved credit for actually flying bombing missions during WWII. I also gave Clinton credit for stopping two wars during his term. You sir don't know what you are talking about.