How will they rule ??!

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"Trump is stingy with treasure and blood. He's willing to sanction and fight trade wars to avoid real wars. He's sending in accountants instead of America's sons and daughters. He's an orange faced Gandhi."
Mama Bama likes to ride on taxpayer money, Barry liked the freebies as well..

Government travel expenses for President Barack Obama and his family totaled $105,662,975, according to records obtained from the Secret Service by a government watchdog group.

One trip to Martha’s Vineyard, in August 2016, racked up $2,512,380.88 in hotel bills, said Judicial Watch, which obtained the records via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.


Total expenses for an Obama family trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August 2016 were $2,684,271.36. / AP
“It is troubling to see such massive amounts of money paid out for trips that appear to have minimal value to the public interest,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is frustrating to have file multiple FOIA lawsuits and engage in long-running court battles to get basic information about the costs of presidential travel.”

The records show President Donald Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Expenses for Obama family travels include:

  • Michelle Obama’s trip to Morocco cost $128,108.47 in hotels; $88,725.60 in car rentals; $1,476.07 in gas/oil and $972.22 in cell phone charges for a total of $244,218.01.
  • Michelle Obama’s trip to Liberia cost $55,220 in hotels; $44,000 in car rentals; $2,500 in gas/oil and $1,000 in cell phone charges for a total of $107,890.
  • Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain cost $79,764.49 in hotels; $81,750.99 in car rentals and $4,547 in staff overtime pay for a total of $166,062.48.
  • Obama’s November 2016 appearance at a Clinton campaign rally in Orlando cost $150,530.99 in hotels; $103,526.96 in air/rail; $11,588.76 in car rentals and $5,829 in equipment for a total of $271,467.71.
  • Obama’s trip to Los Angeles in October 2016, which included two fundraisers and an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” cost $127,822 in hotels; $38,715 in air/rail; $24,326 in equipment and $4,992.30 in car rentals for a total of $195,855.
  • Michelle Obama’s October 2016 appearance at a Clinton campaign rally in North Carolina cost $13,206 in hotels; $11,965 in air/rail and $1,331 in car rentals for a total of $26,502.
  • The Obama family trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August 2016 cost $2,512,380.88 in hotels; $89,586.82 in rental cars; $53,234.69 in air/rail and $29,068.97 in miscellaneous expenditures for a total of $2,684,271.36.
  • The Secret Service spent $1,862,230.74 on the Obamas’ final Christmas to Honolulu on the taxpayers’ dime: $1,765,583.12 on hotels and $96,647.62 on car rentals.
Judicial Watch also noted that Secret Service protection for Hillary Clinton between April 11 and May 6, 2015 cost $23,323.14 in car rentals; $294.057.65 in air/rail and $32,856.80 in travel vouchers for a total of $350,237.59.

President Trump’s “Thank You Tour” between November 9 and December 12, 2016 cost $330,260.86 in hotels; $112,314 in air/rail; $14,340 in equipment and $18,563.44 in car rentals for a total of $475,478.30.

Trump visits to Mar-a-Lago between Feb. 3 and March 27, 2017 cost $1,474,726.03 in hotels (including $19,760 at Mar-a-Lago), $284,581.63 on car rentals; $1,791,768.33 on air/rail and $55,873.42 on supplies and services for a total of $3,606,949.41.

Judicial Watch previously released Air Force records showing Trump administration travel costs. The grand total for President Trump’s and Vice President Pence’s travel to date is $7,560,425.0
Mama Bama likes to ride on taxpayer money, Barry liked the freebies as well..

Government travel expenses for President Barack Obama and his family totaled $105,662,975, according to records obtained from the Secret Service by a government watchdog group.

One trip to Martha’s Vineyard, in August 2016, racked up $2,512,380.88 in hotel bills, said Judicial Watch, which obtained the records via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.


Total expenses for an Obama family trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August 2016 were $2,684,271.36. / AP
“It is troubling to see such massive amounts of money paid out for trips that appear to have minimal value to the public interest,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is frustrating to have file multiple FOIA lawsuits and engage in long-running court battles to get basic information about the costs of presidential travel.”

The records show President Donald Trump’s travel expenses total slightly over $4 million.

Expenses for Obama family travels include:

  • Michelle Obama’s trip to Morocco cost $128,108.47 in hotels; $88,725.60 in car rentals; $1,476.07 in gas/oil and $972.22 in cell phone charges for a total of $244,218.01.
  • Michelle Obama’s trip to Liberia cost $55,220 in hotels; $44,000 in car rentals; $2,500 in gas/oil and $1,000 in cell phone charges for a total of $107,890.
  • Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain cost $79,764.49 in hotels; $81,750.99 in car rentals and $4,547 in staff overtime pay for a total of $166,062.48.
  • Obama’s November 2016 appearance at a Clinton campaign rally in Orlando cost $150,530.99 in hotels; $103,526.96 in air/rail; $11,588.76 in car rentals and $5,829 in equipment for a total of $271,467.71.
  • Obama’s trip to Los Angeles in October 2016, which included two fundraisers and an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” cost $127,822 in hotels; $38,715 in air/rail; $24,326 in equipment and $4,992.30 in car rentals for a total of $195,855.
  • Michelle Obama’s October 2016 appearance at a Clinton campaign rally in North Carolina cost $13,206 in hotels; $11,965 in air/rail and $1,331 in car rentals for a total of $26,502.
  • The Obama family trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August 2016 cost $2,512,380.88 in hotels; $89,586.82 in rental cars; $53,234.69 in air/rail and $29,068.97 in miscellaneous expenditures for a total of $2,684,271.36.
  • The Secret Service spent $1,862,230.74 on the Obamas’ final Christmas to Honolulu on the taxpayers’ dime: $1,765,583.12 on hotels and $96,647.62 on car rentals.
Judicial Watch also noted that Secret Service protection for Hillary Clinton between April 11 and May 6, 2015 cost $23,323.14 in car rentals; $294.057.65 in air/rail and $32,856.80 in travel vouchers for a total of $350,237.59.

President Trump’s “Thank You Tour” between November 9 and December 12, 2016 cost $330,260.86 in hotels; $112,314 in air/rail; $14,340 in equipment and $18,563.44 in car rentals for a total of $475,478.30.

Trump visits to Mar-a-Lago between Feb. 3 and March 27, 2017 cost $1,474,726.03 in hotels (including $19,760 at Mar-a-Lago), $284,581.63 on car rentals; $1,791,768.33 on air/rail and $55,873.42 on supplies and services for a total of $3,606,949.41.

Judicial Watch previously released Air Force records showing Trump administration travel costs. The grand total for President Trump’s and Vice President Pence’s travel to date is $7,560,425.0

Judicial Watch? Really??

That’s like...CNN and Fox News levels of fake news.
The 8 year old aoc doesn't look like she'd take a knife to your throat over your political position.

Anyway, she's back:

Ya I just think this is cringy and feel bad for the girl. Unless her parents are hardcore lefties and she is just some weird 8 year old that is hardcore into politics, Im betting her parents are conservative and tell her how stupid AOC is and show her videos of people "owning" AOC.

I don't really care what side of the political side its on, I just think its indoctrinating kids, especially a kid that is only 8 years old.
You stupid gaf. Judicial Watch acquires official govt docs. Stay out of politics.

Judicial Watch is partisan bullshit, just like your political takes. You pray to your leader, get your talking points, and stay in line. Just March to the best of Donald Trump and let us big boys take care of the real politics.
Ya I just think this is cringy and feel bad for the girl. Unless her parents are hardcore lefties and she is just some weird 8 year old that is hardcore into politics, Im betting her parents are conservative and tell her how stupid AOC is and show her videos of people "owning" AOC.

I don't really care what side of the political side its on, I just think its indoctrinating kids, especially a kid that is only 8 years old.

My dad indoctrinated me after he fought the commies in Korea.

I give no shits about anyone making fun of socialists.

If you can’t see the biased and agenda by now, you’re part of the biased and agenda.

Reading through those twitter threads is disgusting on so many levels... reminds me of various catpaw arguments I've had with fools like bigbluesean, those people are so lost it's not funny.

they don't see the agenda and they are hellbent on forcing their misguided worldview on everyone... since you are all bigoted white supremacists, you deserve what's coming to you, if death, so be it.

(poor deluded brainwashed girl with rainbows and butterflies in her avatar, perfectly fine to her that some white dude dies from sucker punch because hey, demz the breaks)
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Schiff says whistleblower complaint is credible and disturbing. uh said the same thing about the Balsey-Ford Yet the Ukraine President says he was not pushed into anything. The two involved in a phone conversation say nothing happened per conversation but some second party who heard nothing whistle blows this?....Got Bidens bullshit written all over it and they can prove that yet the left claims Touchy Joe not involved in any way...Spielberg cannot make this shit up, while in the meantime tax payer dollars are being spent faster on this head hunt than the water going over Niagra
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D base is so brainwashed and uninformed that they need the liberal activists media to think for them andtexplain to them the contents of a telephone call transcript instead of just reading it for themselves.

So brainwashed and uninformed that the same liberal activists media can purposely omit 500+ words of the transcript and purposely lie to them, creating a completely made up and false narrative and the D base is none the wiser.
“No one is above the law.” - Judicial Watch, a “conservative activist group”

Comical. They’ll spin anything and you guys eat it up.

Nice deflection. Only thing I'm eating up is your nonsense.

That post was about official government expense documents obtained from the Secret Service through an FOIA request. You dismissed it outright as fakes news. The only thing fake about any of it is your understanding of the matter.
Nice deflection. Only thing I'm eating up is your nonsense.

That post was about official government expense documents obtained from the Secret Service through an FOIA request. You dismissed it outright as fakes news. The only thing fake about any of it is your understanding of the matter.

You trust the government?


Shame on you.
If he skates again this time, there will surely be another screw up because our current President simply fails to obey the law and tell the truth.