I would like to call on everyone in the political thread to join me tomorrow in Manchester Kentucky to protest the name of the town. It is 2019, and it is time for the citizens in Clay County to change the name to Personchester. Who is with me? I invite all cis males, all cis females, all trans and non-binary citizens to make your voice heard.
yawn. Yeah I'm a scary socialist. And you want the feudal system to come back. Because you sure don't support capitalism any longer.
Jackmyson lmao. What happened to that guy?
They all know it’s a hoax, just another way for income redistribution. If Al Gore really believed what he was pushing, he would not live in a huge mansion and fly around the world in a plane belching more CO2 than a thousand cars.
It is amazing how fast the left can destroy an economy.
Not sure a trump supporter should be talking about someone's hair.I remember when Biden started getting his hair plugs. Had he not he would look exactly like Walter.
Hell yes! then on to jackson. jack son, so much wrong in both syllables..
Not sure a trump supporter should be talking about someone's hair.
Jackmyson lmao. What happened to that guy?
Not sure a trump supporter should be talking about someone's hair.
Not a lot of good hair on the campaign trail.You can criticize Trump's hair all day long and will get no objections from me or hardly anyone else here I bet.
But let's be fair.
Yet all holy hell that Sarah Sanders takes a gig with FOX.Liberal media folks
ABC 2020 gun story post
Yet all holy hell that Sarah Sanders takes a gig with FOX.
Good for them. Proves that even a gay Kenyan couple can achieve the American Dream.