How will they rule ??!

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Man Americans are so dumb and easily deceived. Trump didn't forgive disabled vets debt. That has been a law for many years. All this changed was the department of education will no longer send them a letter asking if they want the debt forgiven and instead ask if they don't want it forgiven. Apparently the large majority of vets didn't know this was the law and never bothered applying. He had to lie and make it sound good for his audience. In total it's only $700million so the pentagon should be able to cover it with their coffee mug budget.

The prior default was non forgiveness. That's switched to forgiveness. So yes that's forgiving the loans.

Imagine not knowing what an assault weapon is after years of this debate going on.

Oh they know. They just lie in hopes the general public doesn't know. That's why they also use the intentionally misleading "assault style weapon" nonsense too


This is how it happens, a deep and more painful recession causes the ignorant and naive public to vote in a socialist who promises to fix all your problems by taking from billionaires cause they will be fine, no one needs a yacht and it's their fault we are in this situation anyway ....

then that lasts for a few years until there are no more billionaires left to take from....

maybe then, and perhaps only then, these people figure out that there is actually indeed no such thing as a free lunch.
The prior default was non forgiveness. That's switched to forgiveness. So yes that's forgiving the loans.

Oh they know. They just lie in hopes the general public doesn't know. That's why they also use the intentionally misleading "assault style weapon" nonsense too

You can be sure their definition of “assault style weapon” covers damned near every type of firearm that is posessed by criminals and law abiding citizens alike.
Greta will create 6x more CO2 sailing than had she flown

And Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is currently sailing on a yacht from Monaco to New York to set an example of how to live without emitting carbon when in reality her trip will emit four times more emissions than flying would have because her crew is jetting back home afterward.

The wealthy or ruling class will never have to abide by their own rules in Utopia.

Slightly related, we have talked about if we went totally solar/wind energy, how do handle demand without fossil fuels?

We all would reply that it can't be done. It can't be done with everyone having them freedom to use energy as they please.

But for the planet, or the common good, a new system could be put in place. I have a smart electric meter, but no smart appliances.

It could be mandatory that all appliances/devices/systems in your home be smart. When demand is too great, the all knowing could just throttle you back. They could adjust your thermostat to a more reasonable temp.

Revised 500k jobs off 2018. Trump must have been paying someone to fudge the numbers real good.
* yawn *


US weekly jobless claims fall more than expected.

  • The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits fell sharply last week.
  • The data suggested the labor market is holding firm despite a manufacturing slowdown and concerns the economy is on a path toward recession.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped to 209,000 for the week ended August 17, the Labor Department said.
Both you and Edstein can go jump your asses into the Ohio River.
* yawn *


US weekly jobless claims fall more than expected.

  • The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits fell sharply last week.
  • The data suggested the labor market is holding firm despite a manufacturing slowdown and concerns the economy is on a path toward recession.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped to 209,000 for the week ended August 17, the Labor Department said.
Both you and Edstein can go jump your asses into the Ohio River.
First round K.O. Austin, we need to move you up to the heavyweight division.
Kamala Harris, the resident genius of the Senate, needs to study the issues a little more before weighing in with her “solutions.” I would love to see her get “bitch slapped” again by Gabbard in another debate and bring her pompous ass down another notch or two. Talk about not being ready for prime time!

It is best to look like an idiot and not speak vs speaking and removing all doubt. Kamala has not learned that lesson.

That's exactly what I was talking about the other day. That's step 1...methodical and universal effort to kill consumer confidence. Steps 2&3 will be major events/occurrences both domestically and abroad that will directly affect the economy. They will occur close to the election and they will not be by chance.
Remember when the media and the left in general spent two years claiming that Trump was a Russian agent and that he was going to be brought up on charges? I vaguely remember that being mentioned once or twice

Yea I thought they impeached him?

Tuned into CNN...

AMERICA UNDER ASSAULT - big red banner headline on tv. Over two dozen mass shootings have been prevented in just 3 weeks. And surprisingly, large majority of these threats were for hispanic genocide.

Congrats! Can you imagine how much crime we would prevent if we put everybody in jail?
That's exactly what I was talking about the other day. That's step 1...methodical and universal effort to kill consumer confidence. Steps 2&3 will be major events/occurrences both domestically and abroad that will directly affect the economy. They will occur close to the election and they will not be by chance.
People are very naive if they don't think there are larger outside forces at play trying to trigger a recession. That may seem like tin-foil hat theory to many, but after failing on so many other levels, They are left trying to destroy the Orange Man by hitting what's been his one true and sustained strength thus far. They are content to destroy innocent, common working peoples lives, all so they can come in and "rescue" them with their socialist policies by proclaiming how capitalism has failed them.
Remember when the media and the left in general spent two years claiming that Trump was a Russian agent and that he was going to be brought up on charges? I vaguely remember that being mentioned once or twice

Old article but worth revisiting...

Let's not forget that The Washington Post and The New York Times won the 2018 Pultizer Prize for their national reporting of President Donald Trump's alleged collusion with Russia. They were awarded $15,000 in a joint prize...

...Now that we know there was no collusion, now that we know there was no obstruction, does this mean we get a "redo" on this award? Does Pulitzer pull their award and name a new winner? Do these news organizations have to return the $15,000 they were wrongly awarded? And do these journalists have their "Pultizer Prize Winning" title pulled from their bio?

Good questions.
People are very naive if they don't think there are larger outside forces at play trying to trigger a recession. That may seem like tin-foil hat theory to many, but after failing on so many other levels, They are left trying to destroy the Orange Man by hitting what's been his one true and sustained strength thus far. They are content to destroy innocent, common working peoples lives, all so they can come in and "rescue" them with their socialist policies by proclaiming how capitalism has failed them.

Hell, there are people in this thread who openly root for China in this trade war.

Forget the fact they’ve been stealing all the US IP they can get their hands on, manipulating their currency and exploiting space labor to prop up their economy, orange man bad.