How will they rule ??!

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Strange how conservatives say AOC ideas are wrong but then cannot stay in the ring with her when trying to debate her.

Color me shocked (no racist) they are going to seek the death penalty for the El Paso shooter. If you litter in Texas they will put you on death row. I hope they don’t drawl it out and save the taxpayers some money
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Trump has stated support for it in the past. It’s definitely not a conservative idea but one issue doesn’t dictate a persons point of view. The guy who committed the shooting is not only full of hate but also nuts.
Trump has mentioned in the past that he wants to make sure every American is covered, that's quite different than promoting Universal or Government run Healthcare.
How many more of you guys want to advocate Your gistapo tactics. Yes, Trump should use the power of the President to go after his enemies. Should lock up his enemies. Let his children who supposedly run his business into private meetings and get national security briefings. ..


It's "Gestapo", by the way, which is an abbreviation for Geheime Staatspolizei, or State Secret Police.
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What does one have to do with the other?

What does increased background checks have to do with mass shooting? Nothing. So why not tie it to something else completely unrelated?

Going to be thoroughly disappointed in the US Congress if they finally come together to agree on something, and once again they’re agreeing on taking rights from the American populace.

You give the left an inch, they’ll take a mile. Can you imagine telling someone 15 years ago by 2020 the Democrat party would have 83 genders?
Maybe but he has a point. When evil like this happens, people on both sides are just rushing to prove some type of political point. I'm not sure what the answer is to mass shootings, but I know that blaming it on the opposing political party sure as hell isn't going to stop it. I'm a white guy who votes republican or libertarian. It's sickening seeing fellow republicans hoping and praying it's a muslim that did the shooting when it happens just to score political points. Of course liberals hope and pray it's a white guy with a rifle so they can do the same. There are good and bad people in every aspect of life, on both sides of the political spectrum. Stop using mentally unstable evil assholes to try to prove you are right politically. As long as repubs and libs think the other side is responsible and place sole blame on them, this issue will only get worse. Instead we have to realize that both sides don't want innocent people being slaughtered, and work together to figure out the best way to deal with the actual evil people.

You are 110% correct IMO. This is how it should be. But sadly I don’t think it will ever happen.

We live in a society that has many people getting their info and perspective from people like CardiB and Alyssa Milano, blindly believing what they say because they’re fans. One that reads headlines and thinks they know the whole story. We have a society that seems to think twitter is a representation of real life when it isn’t. People that use Wiki as a source for information. We have MSM, politicians, and regular citizens wanting to blame the president (and I don’t care who the president is at the time, it’s dumb) for shootings.

If we want rational, logical and clear thinking, we have to weed out social media extremists and find a good source of info that isn’t slanted or biased... but I fear there is no going back to that now.
You are 110% correct IMO. This is how it should be. But sadly I don’t think it will ever happen.

We live in a society that has many people getting their info and perspective from people like CardiB and Alyssa Milano, blindly believing what they say because they’re fans. One that reads headlines and thinks they know the whole story. We have a society that seems to think twitter is a representation of real life when it isn’t. People that use Wiki as a source for information. We have MSM, politicians, and regular citizens wanting to blame the president (and I don’t care who the president is at the time, it’s dumb) for shootings.

If we want rational, logical and clear thinking, we have to weed out social media extremists and find a good source of info that isn’t slanted or biased... but I fear there is no going back to that now.
The bigger problem is a great number of people who have the same ideas as your post contains then go and hang onto everything that comes from Fox News or Ann Coulter. I have a sister who is married to a high ranking officer in the Navy that gets most her news from The Drudge Report.

Why is it that only 2-3 shooting events a year get all the national coverage?

The way they will describe the events is also interesting.

Urban and black guy involved shootings..."Inner-city crime... the plight of the African American...drugs...gangs...etc..." Politics rarely discussed outside the general context of the macro "what to do about urban decay?" discussion...


I think gathering and compiling all the data is good. My question would be, do the authorities do that with all shooters? Do we know the political leanings of all the other folks in the picture above? Did they have diaries? What was their online and social media activity like?

Also very interesting that it seems like El Paso shooter's manifesto made it out before the damn shooting was over...shit...we knew everything about that guy before we knew what the body count was...

I hope we find a way to curtail all the violence, but going about it the way we have for decades doesn't seem to be working.

Need to transition from reacting to prevention. That involves a lot of things and compromises from all folks and politicians on both sides.

Some stricter gun and ammo laws which obviously infringes on the right to own. Some stricter laws on who can purchase what, which gets into the territory of profiling and ultimately infringes on the right to own for certain types of individuals. Also, need to start thinking about weeding these lunatics out of gen pop and getting them to psych wards which is a sensitive issue/idea.

More jobs and less drugs would probably help as well. Don't remember the phenomenon really starting to become a thing until after we shipped out our industry and shipped in the legal and illegal drugs.

Those aren't the only things as the issue is complex with many layers, causes, and potential solutions, but I think they're good starting points.
Democrats want tougher background checks, Trump wants immigration reform. Trade off.
So the brown skinned victims should pay the price for being murdered. We shouldn't do anything about mass murder until we do what republicans want on another issue. Got it. Dead brown skinned Americans don't matter.
Rand Paul's comments on spending:

Dear Friend,
I promised Kentuckians I would stand against reckless spending and out-of-control debt in Washington, and I meant it.

This week, I called out a bipartisan monstrosity of a so-called "budget" that completely suspends the debt ceiling for the next two years!

Things simply don't have to be this way, and I once again offered a conservative solution to prove Congress can be fiscally responsible with your money and still meet our obligations.

You can find out more in my latest update below!

Dr. Rand Paul: "Disingenuous Republicans at the Spending Trough"

Last week, the U.S. of Representatives voted through the budget-busting deal I mentioned above, and so attention turned to what the Senate would do.

In addition to the two-year debt ceiling suspension - which means Washington's borrowing is unlimited! - the bill authorizes spending over $300 billion during that time above the limits Congress agreed to in 2011's Budget Control Act. The legislation completely tosses aside any semblance of true financial restraint and embraces the kind of recklessness that has led to our nation's $22 trillion debt.

On Wednesday, I took to the Senate floor to condemn this deal and make sure there was no doubt about what was happening.

"Adoption of this deal," I stated, "marks the death of the Tea Party movement in America."

“Both parties have deserted - have absolutely and utterly deserted - America and show no care and no understanding and no sympathy for the burden of debt they are leaving the taxpayers, the young, the next generation, and the future of our country," I said. "The very underpinnings of our country are being eroded and threatened by this debt."

You can find these remarks HERE.

As I have repeatedly done in the past, I presented an alternative that would keep our promises to the American people to change how government operates, introducing a Cut, Cap, and Balance amendment to the bill.

My amendment cut spending in keeping with my Penny Plan balanced budget (which would balance in fewer than five years by trimming just 2% each year from every on-budget dollar the government spent in FY 2019, with 2% growth afterward), instituted new caps, and authorized raising the debt ceiling only after Congress sends a balanced budget amendment to the states for ratification.

On Thursday, the Senate held votes on both my amendment and the overall legislation.

In an op-ed for Breitbart (which you can read HERE), I acknowledged that "ome say that it is irresponsible not to raise the debt ceiling," but I went on to emphasize that "true fiscal conservatives say it’s irresponsible to raise the debt ceiling without any reform of our profligate spending."

I pointed out that it is truly irresponsible to recklessly indenture our children and grandchildren through this debt burden. It is also irresponsible for Congress to believe it is Santa Claus and can be everything to everyone, with everything being free.

I noted that "[m]any of the supporters of this debt deal ran around their states for years complaining that President Obama was spending too much and borrowing too much."

"Now these same Republicans," I continued, "the whole disingenuous lot of them, will wiggle their way to the front of the spending trough to vote for as much or more debt than during the Obama years."

These are some of the concerns I expressed and expanded on in another floor speech (which you can watch HERE) shortly before the votes.

Though the Senate cleared the final bill, and only 22 Republicans stood with me on my amendment, I will not stop fighting to reduce the burden of debt on future generations and put our country on sound economic footing for the long term.
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First, time to read the second and third word of the second amendment instead of spouting our about "the right to own". The second amendment does not say what a lot of gun nuts says it does.

Second, time to consider it was Ronald Reagan that set back care for people suffering with mental illness after JFK had tried to address it as a national concern.

Third, the FBI just released their findings where they cannot attribute any motive to the gunmen in Las Vegas. It was for all intents and purposes in their judgement simply a mad man with a gun and lots of ammo. Clearly a nearly exclusive American problem.

Fourth, the FBI warned of a White Supremacist Terrorism just one week before the mass murder in El Paso by a White Supremacist.

Fifth, Fareed Zakaria just aired a documentary of this subject with a deep look into the minds of people who spout white supremacist garbage. Everybody should watch that program called State of Hate.

Sixth, some people simply want to obfuscate the problem by trying detour the conversation to their political beliefs about other subject matter other than the issue of White Terrorism.
What does increased background checks have to do with mass shooting? Nothing. So why not tie it to something else completely unrelated?

Going to be thoroughly disappointed in the US Congress if they finally come together to agree on something, and once again they’re agreeing on taking rights from the American populace.

You give the left an inch, they’ll take a mile. Can you imagine telling someone 15 years ago by 2020 the Democrat party would have 83 genders?
And no one seems to want to tackle a major issue which is mental health and what the hell is turning many young people doing doing horrible things.

Until we can figure that out not sure anything will change. Guns are like drugs and we know how the war on drugs worked out. If you really want one you can get one. And once someone has decided to act,no amount of laws will matter.

As long as schools/parents/people are afraid to identify potential problems or the answer to fixing said problem is to over medicate and throw person back into their normal lives, these horrible events will continue.
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