How will they rule ??!

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you should talk with all your bullshit and made up stories. Again, not even voting. You say drama king, then realize you are voting for the absolute definition of a drama king. Guy whines about everything like a little 5 year old. You bigots enjoy the show. Guy reaches into the next persons pocket to enrich himself through lies, deceit and bullshit. But yeah, Obama. [roll]

Trump is the king of the liars...the fact you don't realize this is just amazing. Or maybe you don't care. Living in your own fantasy land where automation isn't causing job losses(not China or f'ing Mexico), there's no drought in California, and now having no experience is a huge plus. Hypocrites doesn't even begin to define what Republicans are. No wonder your party is a joke full of the most racist, ugly, hateful people I've ever seen.

He plays the fear card so spectacularly though. I'll give him that. I guess those who have little job skills think that these high paying manufacturing jobs are somehow coming back if they just vote for Trump. You wanted a free marketplace and these are the results. Either learn new skills or deal with it.

Are you saying milllions of US manufacturing jobs haven't moved to China and Mexico? You contradicted yourself later in the post.

Trump NEVER said there wasn't a drought in California, thats just what the headlines said, he actually said they were pumping billions of gallons of freshwater in the ocean and curtailing that would ease the water restrictions in place because of the drought.

Trump has experience in the realworld, something our current President lacked. Not to mention he had only slightly longer elected experience at the time he ran for President.

You've got alot of gall to call ANYONE hateful after that post chalk full of generalizations and namecalling.
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Trump is the king of the liars...the fact you don't realize this is just amazing. Or maybe you don't care. Living in your own fantasy land where automation isn't causing job losses(not China or f'ing Mexico), there's no drought in California, and now having no experience is a huge plus. Hypocrites doesn't even begin to define what Republicans are. No wonder your party is a joke full of the most racist, ugly, hateful people I've ever seen

Headline, not from the Onion:

ACLU leader quits after daughters encounter men in the women’s restroom
Shame on her, what a bigot. teach your stinking brats that their fears of pissing in a rest room with large 6 ft + deep voiced female-identifiers is a thought crime. honestly the state just needs to be made permanent parental guardians of all children at birth, clearly American parents just are not sensitive enough or teaching proper values.
Shame on her, what a bigot. teach your stinking brats that their fears of pissing in a rest room with large 6 ft + deep voiced female-identifiers is a thought crime. honestly the state just needs to be made permanent parental guardians of all children at birth, clearly American parents just are not sensitive enough or teaching proper values.
It takes a village.
Oohs wee looked and the wages were won out west! Unexpectedly in la and Even the cities, the so called liberal cities in America have a special taste for American sovereignty. Ny and la and Texas and Ohio and Florida go throw the trump card.
Oohs wee looked and the wages were won out west! Unexpectedly in la and Even the cities, the so called liberal cities in America have a special taste for American sovereignty. Ny and la and Texas and Ohio and Florida go throw the trump card.
Go on man, sounds like you're getting on a roll!
So protestors throw eggs at a Trump supporter yesterday in CA, burn the American flag, raise many Mexico flags, list goes on and yet Trump and his supporters are the bad people? What the Fk has happened to this country?
The last 7 1/2 years have been awesome & the results are easily measurable, you guys
And that is with extra stimulus and interest rates kept low to boost it. Obama says white people think the economy is bad because we sit around watching Fox. It is clear also that Yellen will wait until he is near the end of his term to raise rates.
Hell of a jobs report today.

"The primary story that Republicans have been telling about the economy is not supported by the facts. It's just not," Obama said. "They repeat it a lot, but it's not supported by the facts. But they say it anyway. Now what is that? It's because it has worked to get them votes."
Saw something interesting today, Obama's lowest part-time worker percentage is even with Bush's highest part-time percentage....and overall avg of about 13% to 11%.

Post-recession 2010 has been brutal, pretty much lost as many worker's % wise in 6 years as it took to grow in nearly 20.
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if you can go talk on your Obamaphone, and live in your HARP adjusted mortgage home, and eat your food stamp purchases, and have Obamacare health insurance, and pay the remainder of bills with state welfare....

why work?

most everyone would see declining labor participation as a failure, as a problem. except democrat politicians, to them it is a success. creating dependent slave class who will vote for them in perpetuity....if they don't, they might get flipped out of the comfy hammock they are easing through life on at the expense of those dumb enough to still be productive in this society.
You are missing the key point--it's all about family and family values. The hyper Labor Participation Rate that started in the late 60's was caused by the significant increase in women working outside of the home. But, as a side effect, we saw the demoralization of our children, an increase in drug use, teen pregnancies and the like. THIS administration is leading the charge to put families back together---provide our children with the attention, the love and guidance that they need to put this great country back on its feet!

Obama: Job Well Done!
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SSDI growth has effected the participation rate greatly and has been purposefully ignored to make the numbers look better and put more cash, err cash advance, into the economy.
SSDI growth has effected the participation rate greatly and has been purposefully ignored to make the numbers look better and put more cash, err cash advance, into the economy.
by the same token, I really do wonder how many people who comment on the above chart actually know what the numbers represent...
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So protestors throw eggs at a Trump supporter yesterday in CA, burn the American flag, raise many Mexico flags, list goes on and yet Trump and his supporters are the bad people? What the Fk has happened to this country?

The national media plays a very large part.
Cash for clunkers was just terrible, frankly. Destroying perfectly good used vehicles was a joke, especially the kind that lower income folks need to survive. The kind that are easier to work on. The kind that don't have as many expensive sensors etc. Then skewed the market for used cars for the next level up the income ladder. Supplies and demands lols!

All for what?
Cash for clunkers was just terrible, frankly. Destroying perfectly good used vehicles was a joke, especially the kind that lower income folks need to survive. The kind that are easier to work on. The kind that don't have as many expensive sensors etc. Then skewed the market for used cars for the next level up the income ladder. Supplies and demands lols!

All for what?

The gainz
You mean to tell me that I can get a brand new car with only a $450 month increase from what I was paying on my old car that is about paid off on a $10 hour job? Shit, sign me up for one those Marsades Benzes.
Cash for clunkers was just terrible, frankly. Destroying perfectly good used vehicles was a joke, especially the kind that lower income folks need to survive. The kind that are easier to work on. The kind that don't have as many expensive sensors etc. Then skewed the market for used cars for the next level up the income ladder. Supplies and demands lols!

All for what?
To help bail out his buddies at GM.
Cash for clunkers was just terrible, frankly. Destroying perfectly good used vehicles was a joke, especially the kind that lower income folks need to survive. The kind that are easier to work on. The kind that don't have as many expensive sensors etc. Then skewed the market for used cars for the next level up the income ladder. Supplies and demands lols!

All for what?

Just read.
Average American loan is 68 months $503 a month
Hell of a jobs report today.

Republicans only post this when there's a bad jobs report...funny, haven't seen very many of those lately.

Lots of jobs out there, you just actually have to have skills. Most of the people bitching about jobs either live in a rural community where there have always been few job opps or they have little marketable skills. If you're bitching about having to work at Wal-Mart or McDonalds and you're not under 25, you might be the problem.