If this is true, my generation and the one before that made us this way and now you want to slow it down or just completely destroy it with socialism and communism? That has worked so well in the past said no one ever. Good luck with that.The Bronze Age near east was the center of civilization and knowledge for a few thousand years, they were definitely extremely advanced in several fields of human endeavor. But rival basically anything we can do today? Other than artistry which is subjective, you'd be hard pressed to convince me they could accomplish any feat of strength, coordination, efficiency, or anything else better than we can today. Cyrus the Great shaped the modern world as we know it and probably would have made everyone on this board look like simpletons, but brew a cup of tea or talk to your friend in Korea? Any one of us idiots can do it more efficiently.
As for the question of equally, general relativity shows us that time is passing pretty evenly for all of us stuck to this rock. Unless you think the people on the ISS and their 28 microsecond per day difference is big enough to be worth mentioning.
You (democrats) tried keeping people oppressed in this country before in the past (slavery) but, my people from the right stopped you in the civil war. Could that possibly happen again? Stay tuned.