How will they rule ??!

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And let’s just assume that’s the story. Why were kids in MAGA hats doing a school cheer at an indigenous people rally? You don’t walk around Washington doing that unless trying to provoke. All jokes and internet bullshit aside, this isn’t the liberal media’s fault. It’s not because of Democrats. They acted like idiots and behavior should be condemned. Would you all want your kids acting this way? That’s what blows my mind. This shit isn’t normal.

They were at the freaking Lincoln memorial bking, they were on a school trip.
Condemned? They’re freaking kids, they were doing a school cheer, the old man walked up in the middle of them.
Don't really know much about the Cov Catholic thing other than the picture of that student. Good lord, one of the most punchable faces I have ever seen. If you never saw that picture, but you were casting one of the those set in high school movies where some douchebag gets his would see that kid and be like 'that is our guy'
Sad thing to me, which will offend the snowflakes, is that the President has set the example for this kind of behavior. See the same thing on Twitter and even this board. Any sense of decorum and common decency is considered tame, which is petty ****ing sad.

Who sets the example for antifa mobs and pretend decapitations of the POTUS?
They we’re doing school cheers on the steps in front of the Lincoln Memorial, I’m sure it started as a big school spirit thing.

BUT half of them decked out in MAGA stuff and a bunch of white males chanting in a group with MAGA stuff on in DC is going to be seen as an alt-right protest.
I’m very sorry

You are deeply ignorant from a political perspective on this topic ....OR you’re playing games

I can - and have enumerated/quantified specific core elements of Marx/Engels teaching on here
I’ve given very specific examples of where those teachings/tactics are being used quite obviously within and around the once proud d-party

I don’t intend to do it all over again

If you’re purposely obfuscating as opposed to just being ignorant then that’s even worse - ill leave it at that

We don’t have to communicate anymore about this -it’s a waste of time
That's good. I suspected as soon as you got called out on your BS and your obvious bias was noted, you would resort to these very tactics. You're so smart. LOL I've noted you did this right after I challenged you on your self-proclaimed non-partisan poppycock. It's just more of the McCarthy style commie scare BS conservatives have spouted for years which is funny and ironic now that we have a GOP prez prostrating himself before Putin.
So you watched all of the videos and say that the kids did nothing wrong?

Here's what I have heard from people close to the situation:

- Kids were on their annual March for Life trip to DC
- Kids were gathered on the steps awaiting the bus ride home adjacent to where an Indigenous Peoples March/ gathering happened to be and (I've heard) was winding down.
- Several of the kids were wearing Trump and MAGA stuff- not all

(Here's where it can get subjective)
- The kids were doing their school chant while waiting- I'm assuming the Indigenous Peoples were doing there own chant- who took exception to who is not clear. My guess is a little of both.
- Some amount of shouting took place between some of them- I've heard the "older crowd" were calling the kids "******s", I'm guessing the kids said something equally worse. I see reports of them saying "build that wall." I've watched a lot of video and can't hear it. I do see the kids mockingly do war chants.
- The elderly Indian genetleman did indeed approach the kids and not the other way around- some say to act as a buffer between the others in his crowd and the kids. The kids did not "surround" this group.

So here's my conclusions after all this:
- The kids were absolutely stupid and acted out of line with the stare downs and mock chants
- The other crowd is not without fault for approaching the kids.
- The biggest bust that I can see is a complete absence of adult chaperones or school administration during the run of one minute videos. Were they present before or just after? No idea.

None of this excuses the kids behavior- just like none of this should justify the psychopaths hunting down contact information of school admins and students sending hate mail.

The administration at Cov Cath are good people. They will handle this appropriately I have no doubt. In the meantime, this kid probably just became the face of every anti Trump ad for the next two years.
You just don’t realize how far left the left has gone. This animated graph shows it clearly, particularly for the politically engaged it’s pretty ridiculous actually.

And I voted for Obama, but so long as this leftist garbage has such a stranglehold there’s no way I can vote for them
And let’s just assume that’s the story. Why were kids in MAGA hats doing a school cheer at an indigenous people rally? You don’t walk around Washington doing that unless trying to provoke. All jokes and internet bullshit aside, this isn’t the liberal media’s fault. It’s not because of Democrats. They acted like idiots and behavior should be condemned. Would you all want your kids acting this way? That’s what blows my mind. This shit isn’t normal.

If they sought out a native rally then they’re definitely in the wrong.

If they were cheering in a place where natives happened to ALSO BE then your narrative crumbles. Facts would be nice here.
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Good rundown, @Bluedad2. I did see one shot of the other non-kid crowd yelling what sounded like *****r seemingly towards a very young looking black student. Obviously u called for in any way. I think it was a black guy saying it too, so who knows.
Sad thing to me, which will offend the snowflakes, is that the President has set the example for this kind of behavior. See the same thing on Twitter and even this board. Any sense of decorum and common decency is considered tame, which is petty ****ing sad.
False, the left has been doing this since the Clinton days and have stepped it up in recent years. For a person who professes to be smart you sure don't post like it.
They’re all idiots, not one of them was smart enough to somehow diffuse the situation so all the other idiots worldwide can view this with their political blinders on.

That there’s not one person of sufficient maturity to stop this idiocy from even being a story is the real problem. It’s as dumb as high school kids egging a fight on so they can film it on their cell phones but there are adults here
Good rundown, @Bluedad2. I did see one shot of the other non-kid crowd yelling what sounded like *****r seemingly towards a very young looking black student. Obviously u called for in any way. I think it was a black guy saying it too, so who knows.

Black Hebrew Israelites.

Absolutely awful people.
Soooooo a Native American man is beating a drum and singing as he has a stare down with a young white male.

And that’s a problem? I watched three videos of this. Heard no racist remarks, saw nothing malicious, and mfers on the internet are appalled.

What happened here?

And the kids' side is the indians came up to them instigating everything, beating the drum in the kids face while he refused to walk away. No chants about a wall.

Now, that's not text on an Instagram photo, so it doesn't matter, but yes, there's another version of events.
So what’s the issue?

We’ve seen numerous “protests” where kids and adults have beat the shit out of people with weapons, seen tear gas, seen riots where streets were on fire, some loon ran people over with his car, etc etc.

But this video of people staring at each other is omg the most egregious thing ever!!!!
And the kids' side is the indians came up to them instigating everything, beating the drum in the kids face while he refused to walk away. No chants about a wall.

Now, that's not text on an Instagram photo, so it doesn't matter, but yes, there's another version of events.

That’s what it looked like.

Now the hilarious part will be grown ass people/Cov cath admin doing the PR apology tour because the internet trolled them and won.
....another part of this, twitter was all up in arms over “Christian schools” before this incident happened. Idk why, but it was top trending topic and everybody was sharing how appalled they were about Christian schools in general. Then this thing hit, and it I guess triggered the f out of everyone who hates white Christians.

The internet is some place, man.
Soooooo a Native American man is beating a drum and singing as he has a stare down with a young white male.

And that’s a problem? I watched three videos of this. Heard no racist remarks, saw nothing malicious, and mfers on the internet are appalled.

What happened here?

This is the leftist mantra...the white guy is always the bad guy, not allowed to fight back and it’s okay to treat them like crap. Anyone not white are good and innocent and never at fault.
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Sad thing to me, which will offend the snowflakes, is that the President has set the example for this kind of behavior. See the same thing on Twitter and even this board. Any sense of decorum and common decency is considered tame, which is petty ****ing sad.
Neeeeaaahh...not gonna fully agree with you on that one. I know Trump pops off at the mouth, but I didn’t see too many liberals showing a whole lot of decorum during the Kavanaugh hearings or from the liberal politicians like Maxine Waters or Hillary et al. I called those kids idiots even though I’m on Trumps side here because for one, all teenagers are idiots by nature, and two, these kids are there for the trip that got them out of school, not because they’re fully behind cause and also because they were yelling Build the Wall at a group of INDIGENOUS people, illustrating my first two points.
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Soooooo a Native American man is beating a drum and singing as he has a stare down with a young white male.

And that’s a problem? I watched three videos of this. Heard no racist remarks, saw nothing malicious, and mfers on the internet are appalled.

What happened here?

I’m still waiting to hear and see some racism. “Build a wall” I guess? That requires that these kids could differentiate a Native American rally with an anti-legal immigration rally.
That's good. I suspected as soon as you got called out on your BS and your obvious bias was noted, you would resort to these very tactics. You're so smart. LOL I've noted you did this right after I challenged you on your self-proclaimed non-partisan poppycock. It's just more of the McCarthy style commie scare BS conservatives have spouted for years which is funny and ironic now that we have a GOP prez prostrating himself before Putin.

Go read Solzhenitsyn - the entire gulag archipelago

I really am suggesting that in a compassionate way

And I’ll leave you with this - I’d LOVE to be wrong about what I’ve concluded
And let’s just assume that’s the story. Why were kids in MAGA hats doing a school cheer at an indigenous people rally? You don’t walk around Washington doing that unless trying to provoke. All jokes and internet bullshit aside, this isn’t the liberal media’s fault. It’s not because of Democrats. They acted like idiots and behavior should be condemned. Would you all want your kids acting this way? That’s what blows my mind. This shit isn’t normal.

So nobody can walk around in a maga hat?

When did you embrace fascism? Tell us when you became a little brown shirt. So glad to know that you think you can tell somebody else what to wear, where to stand, what to believe.

You don’t even know WHAT HAPPENED.