How will they rule ??!

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Favorite story this year. If only @fuzz77 would take up their cause as well.
Saw that last week. My wife says "why should that story make you angry? it's sad." It is sad. I guess I was irritated by the naivete, and the preaching/condescension that goes along with it, and finally that the mindset is what's behind a lot of the turmoil we face today. IOW, not a story about just these 2 people.

From the NYT piece....

First, the entitled/spoiled part:

“I quit my job today,” Mr. Austin posted the month before their departure last summer. “I’ve grown tired of spending the best hours of my day in front of a glowing rectangle, of coloring the best years of my life in swaths of grey and beige,” he wrote. “I’ve missed too many sunsets while my back was turned. Too many thunderstorms went unwatched, too many gentle breezes unnoticed.”

Then the naive part:

“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Mr. Austin wrote. “People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. “I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own … By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this,” he wrote.

Then the reality bites part:

A grainy cellphone clip recorded by a driver shows what happened next: The men’s Daewoo sedan passes the cyclists and then makes a sharp U-turn. It doubles back, and aims directly for the bikers, ramming into them and lurching over their fallen forms. In all, four people were killed: Mr. Austin, Ms. Geoghegan and cyclists from Switzerland and the Netherlands. Two days later, the Islamic State released a video showing five men it identified as the attackers, sitting before the ISIS flag. They face the camera and make a vow: to kill “disbelievers.”
Saw that last week. My wife says "why should that story make you angry? it's sad." It is sad. I guess I was irritated by the naivete, and the preaching/condescension that goes along with it, and finally that the mindset is what's behind a lot of the turmoil we face today. IOW, not a story about just these 2 people.

From the NYT piece....

First, the entitled/spoiled part:

“I quit my job today,” Mr. Austin posted the month before their departure last summer. “I’ve grown tired of spending the best hours of my day in front of a glowing rectangle, of coloring the best years of my life in swaths of grey and beige,” he wrote. “I’ve missed too many sunsets while my back was turned. Too many thunderstorms went unwatched, too many gentle breezes unnoticed.”

Then the naive part:

“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Mr. Austin wrote. “People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. “I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own … By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this,” he wrote.

Then the reality bites part:

A grainy cellphone clip recorded by a driver shows what happened next: The men’s Daewoo sedan passes the cyclists and then makes a sharp U-turn. It doubles back, and aims directly for the bikers, ramming into them and lurching over their fallen forms. In all, four people were killed: Mr. Austin, Ms. Geoghegan and cyclists from Switzerland and the Netherlands. Two days later, the Islamic State released a video showing five men it identified as the attackers, sitting before the ISIS flag. They face the camera and make a vow: to kill “disbelievers.”

Yep. A prime example of irrational emotion by leftists versus those who understand reality.

“Don’t stick that that fork in an electrical socket.”

“Shut up you racist!”

“Alright, go ahead.”

*Electrocutes himself.

“These refugees need to be saved. We welcome refugees with open arms. No borders!”

You know, you should be careful at bringing in unverified people into your nation given the terrorism, rape, drugs and entitlement spending.

“Shut up, you xenophobic Nazi!”

*Terrorism increases, entire areas are gone, neighborhoods go to crap, trafficking occurs , more women are raped, backwards culture doesn’t assimilate, tries m to breed to conquer.*
The person who hung the signs was an 18 year old female Ethiopian would-be refugee. Obviously her actions were top secret during the war but after the war her exploit remains relatively unknown. This can only be put down to racist and sexist attitudes of the time. It was not until 2010 that the person in question, Liya Bekele, by then a British citizen, received an award from the Queen. Even then,
Favorite story this year. If only @fuzz77 would take up their cause as well.

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Adam Schiff thinks it is illegal for President Trump to revoke Brennan's security clearance. This guy is maybe the biggest joke in politics. It seems like he is constantly saying stupid stuff like that. I hope POTUS revokes the security clearance of all of those on the list. The Obama justice department and the heads of intel agencies were politicized beyond belief and weaponized against Trump. These are some of the bad actors. There is no reason any members of the resistance should have security clearance. The only legit reason why they would still need it is if they wanted to help the president. They clearly have no intention of helping him so screw them all. The notion that Brennan is speaking truth to power is a load of horse crap. Losing his clearance won't deny him his free speech. He will continue to run his mouth regardless.
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Adam Schiff thinks it is illegal for President Trump to revoke Brennan's security clearance. This guy is maybe the biggest joke in politics. It seems like he is constantly saying stupid stuff like that. I hope POTUS revokes the security clearance of all of those on the list. The Obama justice department and the heads of intel agencies were politicized beyond belief and weaponized against Trump. These are some of the bad actors. There is no reason any members of the resistance should have security clearance. The only legit reason why they would still need it is if they wanted to help the president. They clearly have no intention of helping him so screw them all. The notion that Brennan is speaking truth to power is a load of horse crap. Losing his clearance won't deny him his free speech. He will continue to run his mouth regardless.
What does removing their clearance do? nothing. The only thing a clearance lets a retired official do is talk to a current official about their past classified experiences so they can offer advice. They don't get access to new information unless somebody else is breaking the law or it was authorized by an agency to help with an operation. If someone is saying things that aren't supposed to be said then they should lose their clearance but that doesn't stop them from still talking. not agreeing with the current administration isn't a qualifier for losing clearance. Trump just looks like a petty despot trying to go after anyone that won't kiss his ring. If Trump wants to push congress to pass a law requiring all retired officials to lose their clearance then that's fine. They can figure out a way to give temporary clearance when they need to bring an retired official in for help. We shouldn't have administrations using it as an attack weapon. Its going to turn into another executive branch overreach of power like bill signing statements.
The cost estimate for Trumps parade is now 100million. The military thinks the parade is a stupid idea. whats the point now that the cost is skyrocketing?
What does removing their clearance do? nothing. The only thing a clearance lets a retired official do is talk to a current official about their past classified experiences so they can offer advice. They don't get access to new information unless somebody else is breaking the law or it was authorized by an agency to help with an operation. If someone is saying things that aren't supposed to be said then they should lose their clearance but that doesn't stop them from still talking. not agreeing with the current administration isn't a qualifier for losing clearance. Trump just looks like a petty despot trying to go after anyone that won't kiss his ring. If Trump wants to push congress to pass a law requiring all retired officials to lose their clearance then that's fine. They can figure out a way to give temporary clearance when they need to bring an retired official in for help. We shouldn't have administrations using it as an attack weapon. Its going to turn into another executive branch overreach of power like bill signing statements.

The cost estimate for Trumps parade is now 100million. The military thinks the parade is a stupid idea. whats the point now that the cost is skyrocketing?

Because he wants to show respect for the greatest military in the world instead of berating them like you do.

Rather have my tax money go towards a parade for the military them give it to bums and illegals.
Because he wants to show respect for the greatest military in the world instead of berating them like you do.

Rather have my tax money go towards a parade for the military them give it to bums and illegals.
When the military thinks the parade is a joke and a pathetic attempt to look like Kim Jong Un how is it showing respect? Its a parade for Trump not for the military, if he gave 2 shits about the military he would have served and not draft dodged. He literately went to France and then threw a fit "I want one of those to!".
When the military thinks the parade is a joke and a pathetic attempt to look like Kim Jong Un how is it showing respect? Its a parade for Trump not for the military, if he gave 2 shits about the military he would have served and not draft dodged. He literately went to France and then threw a fit "I want one of those to!".

lol bill clinton was a draft dodger and barak obama was too scared.

You're not too bright there. Got any of those fake news links?
lol bill clinton was a draft dodger and barak obama was too scared.

You're not too bright there. Got any of those fake news links?

I never understood Dems using Trump not being in the military as an insult considering the last Democrat president to have military experience was Jimmy Carter.