How will they rule ??!

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OT but had to share

“Intellectually do everything you can to defeat the alt-right,” Ryan said Thursday in an interview with Jonah Goldberg, a senior editor at National Review and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where the interview was held.

“It is identity politics, it is antithetical to what we believe, and it’s a hijacking of our terms, just like the progressives hijacked the word, ‘liberalism,’ the blood-and-soil nationalists of the alt-right have hijacked things like ‘Western civilization,’” Ryan, R-Wis., added.

“So we have to go back and fight for our ground and re-win these ideas and marginalize these guys as best we can to the corners.”

“They don’t believe in classical liberalism if they believe in this kind of white identity politics,” Ryan said. “That is not conservatism. That is racism, that is nationalism, that is not what we believe in, that is not the founding vision, that is not the Founders’ creed, that is not natural rights, that is not natural law.”

I don't care about race but people like Ryan confuse not wanting to be over run by a backwards culture and not be blamed for everyone's problems and be expected to just be self loathing as "alt right." You absolutely should value national interest over globalism. It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with culture. Backwards cultures which the left wants to replace us with, does not believe in assimilation and the left does everything they can to discourage it.

Could you imagine pulling that crap on another country and the left being okay with it? They already bitch about American Imperialism. Anyway, truth is, not all cultures are equal and many of us balk at the idea that Americans are supposed to step aside and watch their culture/history be taken simply so the Democrats can get votes from the third world.

I believe in immigration but with assimilation and actual valuing American history and culture. Don't come here and make it look like Pakistan or Mexico. Otherwise, it's like going into someone else's home and as a guest and then telling them how to run things.
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“Intellectually do everything you can to defeat the alt-right,” Ryan said Thursday in an interview with Jonah Goldberg, a senior editor at National Review and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where the interview was held.

“It is identity politics, it is antithetical to what we believe, and it’s a hijacking of our terms, just like the progressives hijacked the word, ‘liberalism,’ the blood-and-soil nationalists of the alt-right have hijacked things like ‘Western civilization,’” Ryan, R-Wis., added.

“So we have to go back and fight for our ground and re-win these ideas and marginalize these guys as best we can to the corners.”

“They don’t believe in classical liberalism if they believe in this kind of white identity politics,” Ryan said. “That is not conservatism. That is racism, that is nationalism, that is not what we believe in, that is not the founding vision, that is not the Founders’ creed, that is not natural rights, that is not natural law.”

I don't care about race but people like Ryan confuse not wanting to be over run by a backwards culture and not be blamed for everyone's problems and be expected to just be self loathing as "alt right." You absolutely should value national interest over globalism. It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with culture. Backwards cultures which the left wants to replace us with, does not believe in assimilation and the left does everything they can to discourage it.

Could you imagine pulling that crap on another country and the left being okay with it? They already bitch about American Imperialism. Anyway, truth is, not all cultures are equal and many of us balk at the idea that Americans are supposed to step aside and watch their culture/history be taken simply so the Democrats can get votes from the third world.

I believe in immigration but with assimilation and actual valuing American history and culture. Don't come here and make it look like Pakistan or Mexico. Otherwise, it's like going into someone else's home and as a guest and then telling them how to run things.
Paul and Jonah are both never trumpers. Consider them part of the resistance
How long has the been in the public?

If it is in fact real, it would explain why the U.K. has tried to shutdown Assange.

It would also explain why Trump talks up Boris Johnson. That memo was forwarded to him, could he possibly have been the one that warned Trump about the Obama admin listening to his campaign?

Maybe he’s the source for Wikileaks?
Jamie and fuzz would throw a bitch fit. It's crazy how the Democratic party turned into the communist party overnight.

It's almost impossible these days to have a rational conversation with a liberal without them losing their minds.
Trump and the flock wants rational conversation? [roll]

You have my permission to punch a democrat lawmaker.

Ryan said. “That is not conservatism. That is racism, that is nationalism, that is not what we believe in, that is not the founding vision, that is not the Founders’ creed, that is not natural rights, that is not natural law.”

I don't care about race but people like Ryan confuse not wanting to be over run by a backwards culture and not be blamed for everyone's problems and be expected to just be self loathing as "alt right." You absolutely should value national interest over globalism.
Yea, I don't understand his mixing nationalism with racism. They are completely different unless he has a different understanding of the word. If he hadn't said that, I'd pretty much agree with him.
I wish we had a few million more like him. One of the smartest guys out there.

I still want to know why he was charged and convicted but Rosie O’Donnell hasn’t?

Totally agree.

And pretty amazing the privilege that exists when you're a Democrat. You'd also think that those who preach about "white privilege" would want to know why the wealthy white woman gets off while D'Souza goes to prison?
Great picture. So much truth in that. I wish we could get rid of Debbie Blabbermouth down here but she represents a socialist district made up of transplanted New Yorkers so there is no way it will happen. She is a transplant New Yorker too. What a disgrace to the House of Representatives.

Joe Scarborough should be added to the swamp