How will they rule ??!

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oh she is nothing more than a George Soros funded plant who can't even spell politics much less know where New York is on a map.

but she could fart on me all day and we would both like it.

Had to look this up. Their reason is solely political. The group complaining represents a neighborhood miles away from the hotel and the group that represents the specific neighborhood where the hotel is located isn't joining the suit. Plus the one group only wants it revoked because Trump is a meanie.

Zach Teutsch, the commissioner of ANC 4C, told Fox News that while his group does not represent the specific neighborhood in which the Trump hotel sits, they would still join the complaint. The group representing the area of D.C. where the hotel is built, ANC 2C, has no reported plans to join the protest.

"What the complaint says is that the owner of the Trump International Hotel doesn't meet that definition and so ABRA, the Alcohol Beverage Regulation Administration, should take action,” Teusch said, denying to Fox that the move was a political stunt.

ANC 2C's chairman John Tinpe disagreed, telling Fox News that the owner's moral character was not usually considered by the board.

“Now, if there is criminal activity, that is different,” Tinpe said. “But the subject of character is something different.”

The Trump Organization dismissed the protest as a "frivolous" complaint in a statement to Fox News.

“The complaint is patently frivolous and an obvious attempt to harass and to distort the law for political gain. Politics has no place in the licensing process and this complaint is an assault on the hundreds of employees who count on the property for their employment and livelihoods," a spokesperson said.

The left wants a fight. They have set a precedent that there is no going back from. How they have behaved the last couple of years is so disgusting and it will get worse. If they think conservatives will play nice after this, they’re mistaken.
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The left wants a fight. They have set a precedent that there is no going back from. How they have behaved the last couple of years is so disgusting and it will get worse. If they think conservatives will play nice after this, they’re mistaken.
The gloves are off now.

This is Trump’s base, folks. You are part of this.

Harassing and attacking an immigrant and his family. Where are you at? Why haven't you immediately ran to this thread and condemned this vile racist behavior? This is the left. Completely unhinged, shit throwing, legal immigrant hating, anti semitic, racist fascists. You are part of this.
Left-Wing Protesters Throw Feces at Kosher Cafe’s Windows for Owner’s Trump Support

A protest group in a Los Angeles neighborhood allegedly threw a significant amount of feces at the windows of a coffee shop owned by an Israeli businessman.

Asher Shalom told CBS2 that on Thursday, protesters held signs and screamed at people at the Asher Caffe & Lounge, which offers Kosher items.

They said that the cafe and its owner over his support of President Trump’s immigration policies.

“So what’s the connection? This is what I don’t understand. I’m confused—the connection between Donald Trump and good coffee,” Shalom told the network.

In seemingly Alinskyian fashion, the protest group Defend Boyle Heights wrote on Facebook July 12, to “boycott the grand open of Asher Coffee and lounge,” calling on people to show and protest the business.

They called him “an anti-immigrant trump loving gentryfier,” adding that if “he hates immigrants so much, he can stay the [expletive] out of our hood.”

“They really intensely protested and accosted all the visitors that came to our grand opening event,” said son David of the incident. “It was very scary,” noted Shalom’s daughter Yael.

She said, “There was a lot of people protesting outside wearing masks […] and they threw a significant amount of feces at our windows.”

In a statement to CBS2, Shalom said he came to the United States 30 years ago and is now an American citizen. Meanwhile, his businesses employ dozens of people, including immigrants, he said.

Shalom sent a photo to the Daily Wire, showing protesters that did throw feces at the windows of the building.
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Neither is the creation and protection of "the muslim brotherhood" that your beloved Kenyan was doing ,oh and how bout run and gun? and this oldie but a goody..Pallets of cash to the Iranians..and God knows what else the slimy MSM covered his ass for..
Odd deflection. [laughing]

Nope, I don't recall those things when Trump took the oath of office nor defending Russia or any country in the constitution.
Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter: So help you God?
There is good money to be "conservative" media person that criticizes conservatives. There other token is Jennifer Rubin, who is a complete clown.

Don’t you enjoy so-called conservatives who want Trump and Republicans to lose yet ignore getting the SCOTUS and doing more conservative things than some of the past pansies?

A conservative who is okay with losing to the Democrats considering how far left they are, is no conservative. Never Trump “Republicans” are such frauds. What kind of conservative would want to lose the SCOTUS just so Trump wouldn’t be President ?
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Yes, unlike you, I hate partisan politics. But you snowflakes seem to need it. Pssst! Hey snowflake, it is hot out there, better stay inside or you makeup will melt.
Two snowflakes. The terrified of everything loser is still calling other people snowflakes. You're a coward who lives your life in fear, you're even scared of Russia. I'm not like you, I'm a real man, I'll go wherever I please.