How will they rule ??!

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What about Hillary.

According to legal standards that have applied exactly one time in the history of this great country, while Hilary was breaking the law, she didn't explicitly say her intent was to break the law, and since she didn't say she intended to break the law, all of the actions she knowingly and willfully took in direct violation of the law were null and void.

Basically, if you murdered someone but told James Comey all you wanted to do was kill a person not break the murder law, you'd be in jail. Hilary would be free.
There's no there there.
One FBI text message in Russia probe that should alarm every American

It is no longer in dispute that they held animus for Donald Trump, who was a subject of their Russia probe, or that they openly discussed using the powers of their office to “stop” Trump from becoming president. The only question is whether any official acts they took in the Russia collusion probe were driven by those sentiments.

For any American who wants an answer, there are just five words, among the thousands of suggestive texts Page and Strzok exchanged, that you should read.

That passage was transmitted on May 19, 2017. “There’s no big there there,” Strzok texted.

The date of the text long has intrigued investigators: It is two days after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign.

Since the text was turned over to Congress, investigators wondered whether it referred to the evidence against the Trump campaign.

This month, they finally got the chance to ask. Strzok declined to say — but Page, during a closed-door interview with lawmakers, confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case, according to multiple eyewitnesses.

The admission is deeply consequential. It means Rosenstein unleashed the most awesome powers of a special counsel to investigate an allegation that the key FBI officials, driving the investigation for 10 months beforehand, did not think was “there.”
If you truly care about Russia meddling in the 2016 election then you should be angry at Obama. You should have questions for him and his administration.

After all they knew it was happening as far back as 2015 and instead of trying to stop Russia Obama gave the stand down order. He allowed Russia to meddle. He could have stopped it in 2015 but chose not to.

Why is that? What kind of president would voluntarily give the stand down order and allow a foreign adversary to "attack our sovereignty" and meddle in our election when his cyber chief had a clear plan in place to stop it?

To borrow some of the left's hysterical hyperbole just think if we had a president who gave the stand down order instead of storming the beaches of Normandy.
Disney actually fired Guardians of the Galaxy director and huge leftist Trump hater, James Gunn, today over his links to child porn, pedophilia and rape jokes from 2009-2012.

Of course, as expected, many on the left is up in arms about it and excuse it because it was "so long ago" and he makes comic book movies and he hates Trump. You see any of them lose their shit over stuff happening to conservatives or any mercy shown to anyone else for stuff that is far less than making pedophilia jokes (truly a sick person).

The left made the new rules and we're going to push to make sure they're applied to everyone. Joy Reid got a pass cause she had the black card. Gunn is a white guy.
Of course, as expected, many on the left is up in arms about it and excuse it because it was "so long ago"

Not a lie and I'm going to try to find the tweet but read one today where someone seriously said (paraphrasing)

"It was 6 years ago Do you know how much the brain grows in 6 year and distinguishes right from wrong."

Keep in mind Gunn in in his early 50's. This person argued 6 years ago Gunn in his mid 40's his brain wasn't developed enough to know right from wrong.
Disney actually fired Guardians of the Galaxy director and huge leftist Trump hater, James Gunn, today over his links to child porn, pedophilia and rape jokes from 2009-2012.

Of course, as expected, many on the left is up in arms about it and excuse it because it was "so long ago" and he makes comic book movies and he hates Trump. You see any of them lose their shit over stuff happening to conservatives or any mercy shown to anyone else for stuff that is far less than making pedophilia jokes (truly a sick person).

The left made the new rules and we're going to push to make sure they're applied to everyone. Joy Reid got a pass cause she had the black card. Gunn is a white guy.

I wonder why in some cases 9 years ago is “so long ago” and in others it doesn’t matter if a mere accusation occurred 40+ years ago?

Glad to see he was let go though. Pedophiles have been skating far too long in Hollywood with 0 consequences.
Not a lie and I'm going to try to find the tweet but read one today where someone seriously said (paraphrasing)

"It was 6 years ago Do you know how much the brain grows in 6 year and distinguishes right from wrong."

Keep in mind Gunn in in his early 50's. This person argued 6 years ago Gunn in his mid 40's his brain wasn't developed enough to know right from wrong.

Paula Deen dropped the n bomb in the 60/70’s. Her brain had waaaay more time to distinguish right from wrong. Bet he didn’t stick up for her though.
Disney actually fired Guardians of the Galaxy director and huge leftist Trump hater, James Gunn, today over his links to child porn, pedophilia and rape jokes from 2009-2012.

Of course, as expected, many on the left is up in arms about it and excuse it because it was "so long ago" and he makes comic book movies and he hates Trump. You see any of them lose their shit over stuff happening to conservatives or any mercy shown to anyone else for stuff that is far less than making pedophilia jokes (truly a sick person).

The left made the new rules and we're going to push to make sure they're applied to everyone. Joy Reid got a pass cause she had the black card. Gunn is a white guy.
Shhhh! Don't tell Keyser.
[laughing] you libs have been saying this for 2 years. There's not even an onion to peal. When will you loons finally realize there was no collusion?

Because admitting they legitimately lost would require them to accept that they sucked and got rejected. When you’re a liberal, a big Patna or you mantra is that it’s always someone else’s fault.

Since they lost, I have discovered it was because of racism, sexism, white women, women afraid of husbands, Facebook memes, bots, Russia, the electoral college being outdated and more.

Apparently not the fault of Democrats at all.
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According to legal standards that have applied exactly one time in the history of this great country, while Hilary was breaking the law, she didn't explicitly say her intent was to break the law, and since she didn't say she intended to break the law, all of the actions she knowingly and willfully took in direct violation of the law were null and void.

Basically, if you murdered someone but told James Comey all you wanted to do was kill a person not break the murder law, you'd be in jail. Hilary would be free.
Not a lie and I'm going to try to find the tweet but read one today where someone seriously said (paraphrasing)

"It was 6 years ago Do you know how much the brain grows in 6 year and distinguishes right from wrong."

Keep in mind Gunn in in his early 50's. This person argued 6 years ago Gunn in his mid 40's his brain wasn't developed enough to know right from wrong.

I’ve had the same arguments. Clueless. A man in his 40s changes? Lol.
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If you truly care about Russia meddling in the 2016 election then you should be angry at Obama. You should have questions for him and his administration.

After all they knew it was happening as far back as 2015 and instead of trying to stop Russia Obama gave the stand down order. He allowed Russia to meddle. He could have stopped it in 2015 but chose not to.

Why is that? What kind of president would voluntarily give the stand down order and allow a foreign adversary to "attack our sovereignty" and meddle in our election when his cyber chief had a clear plan in place to stop it?

To borrow some of the left's hysterical hyperbole just think if we had a president who gave the stand down order instead of storming the beaches of Normandy. Trump says it didn't happen...but if it happened then it's Obama's fault because he issued a "stand down order"?

So was Trump stupid to be so adamant that Russia didn't interfere???
And regardless of what Obama did or didn't do, isn't it now his responsibility to take up for his country and condemn the Russians for trying to influence our elections regardless of which side they were taking?
This dude has been whining and crying about partisan politics forever on here. Now he whining and crying about people calling out Russia. Boo yourself clown.
Yes, unlike you, I hate partisan politics. But you snowflakes seem to need it. Pssst! Hey snowflake, it is hot out there, better stay inside or you makeup will melt.
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Of course it's Trump's fault Gunn is a creepy pedo that got fired from his job.


giphy.gif Trump says it didn't happen...but if it happened then it's Obama's fault because he issued a "stand down order"?

So was Trump stupid to be so adamant that Russia didn't interfere???
And regardless of what Obama did or didn't do, isn't it now his responsibility to take up for his country and condemn the Russians for trying to influence our elections regardless of which side they were taking?

Trump has admitted it happened numerous times. He denies collusion. Russia meddling doesn't equal Trump collusion.

There's no if to it. Obama was aware in 2015 well before the election and gave the stand down order not to stop it even though his cyber chief had a plan to do so. His cyber chief is on record testifying to this.

He's adamant that he didn't collude. You seem not to be able to grasp the difference between Russia meddling on their own accord and Trump conspiring to help them or benefit in some way.

There's no regardless to it. Obama was the president. His main job first and foremost is to protect the US. He chose not. Only he knows why and that's a question he should be forced to answer.

Trump has been much tougher on Russia. There are plenty of examples out there. It's not even close. Even left leaning publications have written about this.
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Trump hotel liquor license complaintants.

James Lee

Had to look this up. Their reason is solely political. The group complaining represents a neighborhood miles away from the hotel and the group that represents the specific neighborhood where the hotel is located isn't joining the suit. Plus the one group only wants it revoked because Trump is a meanie.

Zach Teutsch, the commissioner of ANC 4C, told Fox News that while his group does not represent the specific neighborhood in which the Trump hotel sits, they would still join the complaint. The group representing the area of D.C. where the hotel is built, ANC 2C, has no reported plans to join the protest.

"What the complaint says is that the owner of the Trump International Hotel doesn't meet that definition and so ABRA, the Alcohol Beverage Regulation Administration, should take action,” Teusch said, denying to Fox that the move was a political stunt.

ANC 2C's chairman John Tinpe disagreed, telling Fox News that the owner's moral character was not usually considered by the board.

“Now, if there is criminal activity, that is different,” Tinpe said. “But the subject of character is something different.”

The Trump Organization dismissed the protest as a "frivolous" complaint in a statement to Fox News.

“The complaint is patently frivolous and an obvious attempt to harass and to distort the law for political gain. Politics has no place in the licensing process and this complaint is an assault on the hundreds of employees who count on the property for their employment and livelihoods," a spokesperson said.