How will they rule ??!

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This Laura Ingraham bitch on Fox is dumb. I'm getting really tired of her spouting off about marijuana users and who the hell spells their last name like that? LOL at Ingraham. I realize that probably isn't her fault, but still. I wish they would give her time slot to Watters or someone else who is ok. Even her opening monologues are terrible.

And Shep is another one who I really dislike. He's just a typical democrat who is still insisting that the Russia Hoax is not a hoax at all. Move him to another time slot or better yet tell him he belongs on CNN and don't give him any time at all.
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You would think the parent of this child model would have said something at the photo shoot?

Plot Twist: The Mother Of The Model Actually Approves Of Her Son's Controversial H&M 'Coolest Monkey' Ad
And she thinks people who have a problem with it have problems.

“I am the mum, and this is one of hundreds of outfits my son has modeled. Stop crying wolf all the time, [it’s] an unnecessary issue here. Get over it.. That’s my son, [I’ve] been to all photoshoots and this was not an exception. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about this… I really don’t understand but not [because I’m] choosing not to, but because it’s not my way of thinking. Sorry.”
New York Sen. Jeff Klein accused of sexual misconduct.

Vladimer said she and Klein didn’t normally socialize. Chatting with Klein so casually at this bar was a rare moment, and a potentially significant networking opportunity for an aspiring government worker.

The two went outside to smoke a cigarette, and that’s when she says Klein forced himself on her. After briefly looking over her shoulder, Vladimer said Klein grabbed her head as she turned back around.

"All of a sudden there was a hand on the back of my head and he shoved his tongue down my throat," she said. "In my head it lasted forever, I don’t think it lasted even three seconds."

Vladimer said she could taste the cigarette the senator had been smoking.

“I pulled away and I said, ‘Senator, absolutely not.’” she said. “And he looked at me and said, with this stupid little grin on his face, ‘What? What?’ Like he was being coy, almost trying to flirt and play a game.”

Yep. Meaning people who you judge as "poorly educated".

Ha! You libs are nothing but goddamn narcissists
"In the latest Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) measuring math literacy in 2015, U.S. students ranked 40th in the world. The U.S. average math score of 470 represents the second decline in the past two assessments — down from 482 in 2012 and 488 in 2009.

The United States ranked 25th in science literacy and 24th in reading literacy. Singapore topped all nations in all three categories. China, Japan, Korea, Canada, Switzerland, Estonia, Australia and New Zealand were among the other top-performing countries."

Were no Singapore, that's for sure.
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"In the latest Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) measuring math literacy in 2015, U.S. students ranked 40th in the world. The U.S. average math score of 470 represents the second decline in the past two assessments — down from 482 in 2012 and 488 in 2009.

The United States ranked 25th in science literacy and 24th in reading literacy. Singapore topped all nations in all three categories. China, Japan, Korea, Canada, Switzerland, Estonia, Australia and New Zealand were among the other top-performing countries."

Were no Singapore, that's for sure.

Demographics certainly don’t help us. We have way more of people from demographics that are routinely at the bottom in education, income, etc and are over represented in worse categories.

You take away those groups and let’s compare our stats.
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Demographics certainly don’t help us. We have way more of people from demographics that are routinely at the bottom in education, income, etc and are over represented in worse categories.

You take away those groups and let’s compare our stats.
You could do that...

Or you could try and bring everybody along for this 21st century ride.

No excuses for the greatest country on earth.
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Austin I generally like your posts man, but if you keep quoting Joshua Feuerstein on here you’re gonna lose me. Dude is a nut.
You could do that...

Or you could try and bring everybody along for this 21st century ride.

No excuses for the greatest country on earth.

spoken like a true liberal. so by your statement I suppose you mean tax our way into academic improvements and prosperity. well that never works, in anything.

when these deimographics have the worse family statistics, no fathers, sometimes no mothers, many family members incarcerated, or speak little to no english and have no desire to learn the language, you have schools that will never succeed no matter how much money you throw at them. when the families aren't involvled in their kids academics, if they are even there at all, your not going to improve anything.
I’m Just sorry I missed out on the era when rape was apparently acceptable and women couldn’t say no due to fear of social ostracism. There I was being a wallflower when apparently we were sacking Rome.

I always shake my head at the horse sh— that women are afraid to come forward in the west as if there’s not an immediate jump to believe women and ruin every man’s life with unproven accusations.

We give merit badges on any claim of perceived victimhood so the idea that people aren’t jumping at the chance for that is ridiculous .
spoken like a true liberal. so by your statement I suppose you mean tax our way into academic improvements and prosperity. well that never works, in anything.

when these deimographics have the worse family statistics, no fathers, sometimes no mothers, many family members incarcerated, or speak little to no english and have no desire to learn the language, you have schools that will never succeed no matter how much money you throw at them. when the families aren't involvled in their kids academics, if they are even there at all, your not going to improve anything.
Why would you assume I'm liberal? Where did I advocate increased taxes?

Why wouldn't we want to have a populace that was well educated across the

It's a problem that needs to be addressed, not excused.

How? That's what should be up for civil debate.
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spoken like a true liberal. so by your statement I suppose you mean tax our way into academic improvements and prosperity. well that never works, in anything.

when these deimographics have the worse family statistics, no fathers, sometimes no mothers, many family members incarcerated, or speak little to no english and have no desire to learn the language, you have schools that will never succeed no matter how much money you throw at them. when the families aren't involvled in their kids academics, if they are even there at all, your not going to improve anything.
That's such bullshit. Some of the most undereducated parts of the U.S. are family values true blooded white americans. Ky is a shining example of a state with terrible education across every demographic. We have a handful of counties where everyone with the means moves their kids and the other 90% of the state is abysmal. We stopped educating kids and started only teaching how to pass yearly tests that determine the schools funding. Ever since that became the norm in public schools we have fallen way behind as a country. My wife is a teacher and we get in many debates about how dumb our school system has become. You are right about family involvement, one of the biggest factors that determines whether a kid succeeds in school is having a family member involved in their education.
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The creepiest part of my walk through 'Amazonia' in Seattle was when the tech giant turned into Big Brother

It's no secret that downtown Seattle - specifically, South Lake Union and Denny Triangle - is dominated by Amazon.

With offices spread over more than 33 buildings and a Seattle workforce edging past 40,000, the area can sometimes feel like Amazon's private city.

That feeling was driven home on a recent walk through the neighborhood. About an hour into my walk, I turned the corner onto 7th Avenue where the company's cashierless test store for employees, Amazon Go, is located.

A photojournalist had set up a camera on the sidewalk to film construction across the street. Two security guards were gathered around her asking questions and seemingly calling something in on their radio.

I snapped the above photo and walked past them.

As I did, the security guard pictured followed me, holding up his smartphone to my face. I stopped and asked him what he was doing. He replied that it is company policy to film all media personnel in the area. I had never identified myself as media.

After the guards left, I went back to the photojournalist and asked her about the incident. The photojournalist said Amazon security has tried to throw its weight around when she's photographed in the area before.

"In my opinion, I think they think they own the city, and can patrol it how they want. But no one will stop me from taking photos on a public street," the photojournalist told Business Insider, asking to remain anonymous so as not to jeopardize her relationship with Amazon.
spoken like a true liberal. so by your statement I suppose you mean tax our way into academic improvements and prosperity. well that never works, in anything.

when these deimographics have the worse family statistics, no fathers, sometimes no mothers, many family members incarcerated, or speak little to no english and have no desire to learn the language, you have schools that will never succeed no matter how much money you throw at them. when the families aren't involvled in their kids academics, if they are even there at all, your not going to improve anything.
Also, grading on the curve continues to widen especially in college. Money drives the train there and the dumbing down of America is a very real thing.
This may sound old fashioned but the language used on twitter and other social media should be curtailed because there are a lot of youngsters out there on the web. What is the problem here, have we become so dumb that we lack enough vocabulary to get the point across?
Product of poor texting keyboards on devices when texting first became a thing and Twitter's original 140 character limit.

Those 2 simple things completely bastardized the English language in about 10years time. B/c humans are bound by sloth, if nothing else.

Side note: If I hear someone use the word "Text" as a past-tense verb, ie, "He just text me to call him back", I hate them and they're an idiot. The word is "texted."
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Hilariously misleading and a recognition they know how dumb their audience is...Ronald Jr. has been a far leftist his whole life. Didn't Newsweek have some gravitas 20-25 years ago? Pretty much Huffington Post now

In fact, this is an image of him calling Trump running for President a “tragedy” and is featured on that compilation of leftist media getting it wrong.
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That's such bullshit. Some of the most undereducated parts of the U.S. are family values true blooded white americans. Ky is a shining example of a state with terrible education across every demographic. We have a handful of counties where everyone with the means moves their kids and the other 90% of the state is abysmal. We stopped educating kids and started only teaching how to pass yearly tests that determine the schools funding. Ever since that became the norm in public schools we have fallen way behind as a country. My wife is a teacher and we get in many debates about how dumb our school system has become. You are right about family involvement, one of the biggest factors that determines whether a kid succeeds in school is having a family member involved in their education.

The part about schools teaching kids about passing yearly tests is absolutely true and absolutely pathetic. The amount of time used to teach kids to best guess, skip it and come back, and the preparation only for math, grammar and reading that will be on the test is insane. They could be teaching these kids about math skills they’ll need to survive, managing money, and how to make it in the world. It’s all about money for the schools and teachers being judged on test scores. It’s a very sad state of affairs.

On top of that the kids get to behave like animals if they choose to. I realize parents or guardians are probably equally responsible on this front, but I’m not in their house to witness it. I am however at a school and see it everyday. I know a kid that has kicked teachers, hit other students and constantly distracts the class by throwing temper tantrums. Rather than being dealt with the kid gets to go to a special teacher and play games and sleep... yet he passes each grade. At this point and how these schools handle things now, the future looks dim.
You could do that...

Or you could try and bring everybody along for this 21st century ride.

No excuses for the greatest country on earth.
Even the greatest country on earth has a tipping point. What, exactly, do you expect when we don't ask the people overrunning this country to assimilate. Many of them can't even speak our language, For f*cks sake

'Bring everyone along for the ride'. What a load of liberal utopian bullshit. That's not how life works.

Go ask any teacher how hard it is to 'bring everyone along for the ride'.

And, yes, EKY is a very poor and uneducated region. This is mostly due to lack of jobs in this region and not the education system itself.

In fact, EKY is known to have some of the best performing schools in this state. As the husband of a teacher at a good school system, I used to ask my wife why those EKY schools were always so high on the list giving the reputation of that region. I'll let you all guess what her answer was. Hint: it starts with a D and ends with graphics.
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spoken like a true liberal. so by your statement I suppose you mean tax our way into academic improvements and prosperity. well that never works, in anything.

when these deimographics have the worse family statistics, no fathers, sometimes no mothers, many family members incarcerated, or speak little to no english and have no desire to learn the language, you have schools that will never succeed no matter how much money you throw at them. when the families aren't involvled in their kids academics, if they are even there at all, your not going to improve anything.

We have some asinine policy in Alabama where strugglin inner city schools get shit tons of money... so much they don't k ow what to do with it.

So they build these huge new amazing schools.. spending millions and millions on them. They all get personal ipads to take home.

The attendance rate hasn't increased. There are shootings at and near them. And they are trashed within a few years.

Such a waste.
And, yes, EKY is a very poor and uneducated region. This is mostly due to lack of jobs in this region and not the education system itself.

In fact, EKY is known to have some of the best performing schools in this state. As the husband of a teacher at a good school system, I used to ask my wife why those EKY schools were always so high on the list giving the reputation of that region. I'll let you all guess what her answer was. Hint: it starts with a D and with graphics.
I graduated from the KY public HS system with a math level of maybe a 7th grader. I did terrible on that part of my SAT and took me a ton of tutoring and hard work to get somewhat caught up in college, but I still struggled with it. Mind you this was 25 years ago. At that time it was all about passing the state test and that was it.

My teachers were terrible and did the bare minimum to teach us. Had one math teacher who only gave out group tests where we could share answers and a lot of times would put on a movie instead of teaching. I loved it at the time because I got good grades and the classes were easy, but I learned nothing and it kicked my butt later on. I always felt like I was just being processed through the system with no real help from teachers and my guidance counselor was a joke. Did nothing to help me apply for colleges or scholarships.

Thankfully I had enough self motivation and was able to put myself through college with zero help from anyone else except some pell grant money. That is why I do not have much empathy for folks who make excuses on not being educated or why they are poor. I grew up poor as hell and found a way out simply because I refused to fail.