How will they rule ??!

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i think a lot of people use the term "moderate Muslim" when they should actually be saying "liberal Muslim".

Liberal Muslims are the ones who are fully integrated into American society. They would also be burned alive in cages if they were in Syria and stand precisely zero chance of reforming a religion of >1B people.
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Here is something for you anti-gun activist. I have heard your kind say that they would rather have no guns there (conceal carry) because some would not be well trained enough to protect them and could possibly shoot you by accident. Here is my response, chance to survive vs no chance. If you were to get your way, stupidity would be the order of the day. But that is your choice, pigs to the slaughter.
Your premise is false on many levels. First, never does everyone die so there is always a chance.
Second, if you are carrying a 9mm and are facing someone with body armor and an AK-47...your chances aren't real good plus you will have made yourself a target. Plus, every round that is fired off puts others at risk.
Third, more people win the lottery than are killed by terrorist. To have enough people carrying that it makes the odds of having a trained permit holder in the right place at the right time means that there are so many weapons in the workplace, sports arenas, shopping centers, churches, schools... that the odds of any of those weapons being used against a co-worker with whom you've had an argument or a manager who just had to fire an of opposing teams who've had too much to drink and begin to argue...Black Friday shoppers arguing over the last X-Box, road rage...are all infinitely higher than they will ever be used to stop a terrorist.

In other words, it becomes infinitely more dangerous for anyone to go anywhere. Perhaps we have fewer mass shootings or lower body counts in those mass shootings...but you can be guaren-fukin-teed that the total body count would rise by an order of magnitude. Can you say; Unintended consequences?

Let me make it clear...I am far from "anti-gun". I am a gun owner and own hand guns (2), rifles (2) and a shotgun. But I fully support common sense regulations that could be put in place like restrictions on how much ammo you can purchase, requiring background checks for all firearms purchases...ammo too. Magazine size restrictions...etc.
The gun nuts haven't been vocal enough about the extremist gun nuts shooting up schools, theatres and churches. They have in effect quietly approved these shooting rampages with their silence. If more gun nuts said ENOUGH then maybe the extremist gun nuts would stop their shootings.

I also think we should have gun owners under surveillance since they are more likely to be involved in these mass shootings. Maybe even start closing gun ranges.
Third, more people win the lottery than are killed by terrorist.
Not for long if you people like you that want extremely open borders have anything to do with it.

But basically since it is not really a big deal to you can you push your side to stop wanting to repeal the 2nd amendment as a solution? Hard to get any background checks added when so many liberals are so vocal at wanting widespread collection of guns.
Well, that is all fine and dandy Deeee, but what if the neighborhood secretly approve of the muggings, regardless if it is THEIR neighborhood.

The reason why it isn't happening is because of one reason, there is no way to be a moderate muslim. Just waiting to for someone to prove me wrong, but it's not happening at this moment.

Muhammad Ali, Nazr Muhammad, Mos Def, Fareed Zakaria, Shaquille O’Neal, Lupe Fiasco, Dr. Oz, Rima Fakih, Farooq Kathwari (CEO of Ethan Allen), Malik M. Hasan (a pioneer in the field of HMOs), and Safi Qureshey (a leader in PC component manufacturing), Ice Cube, Janet Jackson, Amal Clooney, Snoop Dogg, Dave Chappelle, Cat Stevens, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Casey Kasem, Malala Yousafzai (the girl shot in the face by the Taliban) are all Muslims.

As are Rep. Keith Ellison (DFL-Minn.), the first American Muslim to be elected to the U.S. Congress; Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.); Mohammed Hameeduddin (Mayor, Teaneck, N.J.); and Amer Ahmad (Comptroller, Chicago).

Dude, "radical Islam" has killed 100+ times more Muslims than non-Muslims because those Muslims are "too moderate" for their taste. Add the fact that Islam is only a front for these animals that is used to attract followers. Their quest is for power for themselves.

Need more? Try this out.
The gun nuts haven't been vocal enough about the extremist gun nuts shooting up schools, theatres and churches. They have in effect quietly approved these shooting rampages with their silence. If more gun nuts said ENOUGH then maybe the extremist gun nuts would stop their shootings.

I also think we should have gun owners under surveillance since they are more likely to be involved in these mass shootings. Maybe even start closing gun ranges.


I see what your doing here.

To the other poster, liberal anything is just not the way it is supposed to be. So liberal Muslims = Non Muslim, liberal Christian = non Christian. If you have to tack liberal to it your basically calling them fakers!
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So people seriously want to round up Muslims and kick them out of the country/do god knows what else to them? Guarantee these same people claim to want to "restore the Constitution"
Trump is nuts. I hadn't heard that he wanted to round all of them up but only to stop them from getting visas. At this point all he is doing is making the GOP look ridiculous and helping Hillary.

I am starting to seriously think he is being paid by Hillary to make the GOP look utterly stupid.
In addition to banning Visas he said he would prevent American citizens who are Muslims from returning home if they left the country for any reason

I see what your doing here.

To the other poster, liberal anything is just not the way it is supposed to be. So liberal Muslims = Non Muslim, liberal Christian = non Christian. If you have to tack liberal to it your basically calling them fakers!
Basically, it's the redneck Muslim's doing all the bad shit.
FUZZ, you missed on both points. (no surprise there)

1. Still a chance vs no chance. Not everyone wears body armor. Head shots and leg shots would also slow down or stop them if they did.

2. You can not guarantee body counts go up becuase of concealed carry accidents. No data exist to support that. Perhaps more thugs and criminal body counts would rise if more would carry.
So people seriously want to round up Muslims and kick them out of the country/do god knows what else to them? Guarantee these same people claim to want to "restore the Constitution"

I haven't heard that one yet, but Donald Trump did indicate that he is "open" to the idea of internment camps like we had back in the 40s

The folks in the RNC must be pulling their hair out
The only way for the GOP to beat Trump is get rid of most of the other candidates. Get this down to Trump and 1-2 others.
I think it is pretty obvious that Cruz and Rubio will end up at the top of the list. Trump will fade eventually.
Muhammad Ali, Nazr Muhammad, Mos Def, Fareed Zakaria, Shaquille O’Neal, Lupe Fiasco, Dr. Oz, Rima Fakih, Farooq Kathwari (CEO of Ethan Allen), Malik M. Hasan (a pioneer in the field of HMOs), and Safi Qureshey (a leader in PC component manufacturing), Ice Cube, Janet Jackson, Amal Clooney, Snoop Dogg, Dave Chappelle, Cat Stevens, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Casey Kasem, Malala Yousafzai (the girl shot in the face by the Taliban) are all Muslims.

Those are holograms created by liberals, not real people.
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The only way for the GOP to beat Trump is get rid of most of the other candidates. Get this down to Trump and 1-2 others.
That works itself out on its own. It's relatively cheap to run a campaign at this stage but once primary season starts and they have to compete and buy air time for ads the costs ramp up considerably. Those who are not gaining traction in the primaries will see there money dry up and they will drop out.
IMHO Trump doesn't really want to win or have any piece of being in the WH. He keeps getting more and more outlandish thinking (hoping) that eventually people will catch on. So far however he has underestimated the stupidity of the people.
Trump, crazy or not, is doing us all a great service.

He is forcing this conversation to advance, quickly, in plenty of time to disqualify himself but also to let the Muslims in the US know that they better get their act together, start assimilating and acting like decent human beings, or else their comfortable life in the US will come to an end.

One or two more terrorist attacks in the US and all bets are off. You'll then start seeing reports of "accidental" shootings of Muslims.
To hear someone on the left talk about carrying guns (fyi I don't own or carry) you would think the south would be like the wild west with knee jerk shootings by gun nuts (h/t to catdaddy). Reality is irrelevant, anything to avoid talking about muslims.
I haven't heard that one yet, but Donald Trump did indicate that he is "open" to the idea of internment camps like we had back in the 40s

The folks in the RNC must be pulling their hair out

Dee, I listened to the entire interview this morning, at no point did Trump say he was open to 40's era internment camps. He said numerous times that he wasn't.

At some point we as a Nation are going to have to make some hard decisions. For whatever reason Muslims are at war with the West. We may be an unwilling participant but we're in it.

When someone wants to kill you, and they aren't afraid of arrest or death, and you don't know their intentions. They're going to kill you unless you get lucky and they screw up. That's the predicament we're in now.
Trump, crazy or not, is doing us all a great service.

He is forcing this conversation to advance, quickly, in plenty of time to disqualify himself but also to let the Muslims in the US know that they better get their act together, start assimilating and acting like decent human beings, or else their comfortable life in the US will come to an end.

One or two more terrorist attacks in the US and all bets are off. You'll then start seeing reports of "accidental" shootings of Muslims.
"let the Muslims in the US know that they better get their act together"... as if all Muslims are the same. You are basically doing the same thing that Hitler did in Germany by blaming problems on "the Jews"...or how people criticize "blacks", or "Mexicans"... If they are different than you then it is "them"...however, when it's some redneck white guy like Dylann Roof then it's all about "him".

Thanks for pointing out once again how racism still lives.
Trump, crazy or not, is doing us all a great service.

He is forcing this conversation to advance, quickly, in plenty of time to disqualify himself but also to let the Muslims in the US know that they better get their act together, start assimilating and acting like decent human beings, or else their comfortable life in the US will come to an end.

One or two more terrorist attacks in the US and all bets are off. You'll then start seeing reports of "accidental" shootings of Muslims.
Muslims need to get their act together? You're more like to be struck by lightning than to be killed by a Muslim in a terrorist attack in this country. You puddy cats are so fearful im not sure how you leave your homes every day. Sack up.
Muslims need to get their act together? You're more like to be struck by lightning than to be killed by a Muslim in a terrorist attack in this country. You puddy cats are so fearful im not sure how you leave your homes every day. Sack up.

Only in places where they're the minority. I'm not even talking about acts of terrorism. Look at Sweden and pockets of the UK where they have taken over, cops don't even go into those neighborhoods anymore. Sweden's rapes grew at an absurd rate with Muslim migration.

The difference in outward Muslim hostility seems to be based on if they have the numbers in their favor. I know no one here wants this country to look like the intolerance that occurs under Sharia Law.

Anyways, as for the GOP nomination, I wish to God people would just go all in on Rubio to make sure Hillary doesn't win anything. Get Rubio with some VP of the current candidates like Cruz or even Carly to offset the feminist BS angle by the left.
I want to reiterate again that we need to go all in on Rubio with maybe Cruz as the other option. But I don't know if Cruz can beat Hillary but I know Rubio would do it.
Muslims need to get their act together? You're more like to be struck by lightning than to be killed by a Muslim in a terrorist attack in this country. You puddy cats are so fearful im not sure how you leave your homes every day. Sack up.

About 50 people die each year from being struck by lightning. So you are ok with having several San Bernadinos/Boston bombings/Chattanooga Recruiting Center/Fort Hood masacres per year? Just so long as the body count doesn't go above 50.
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Add the fact that Islam is only a front for these animals that is used to attract followers. Their quest is for power for themselves.
Mighty presumptuous. What is your basis for believing their faith is not genuine, other than simply wanting it to be so?
About 50 people die each year from being struck by lightning. So you are ok with having several San Bernadinos/Boston bombings/Chattanoogas Recruiting Center/Fort Hood masacres per year? Just so long as the body count doesn't go above 50.

Over the past month, look at what "peaceful" Muslims have done. We had the Muslim stabber/killer at UC Merced over a study group. We had Paris attacks, we had Mali attacks, we had three female suicide bombers in Lake Chad, we had the San Bernadino mass shootings and more.

This was just over the weekend.

2015.12.07 (Tripoli, Libya) - Sharia advocates behead two men for 'sorcery' at a public event.
2015.12.06 (Aden, Yemen) - A suicide car bomber turns seven 'apostates' into rubble.
2015.12.05 (Koulfoua, Chad) - Three female suicide bombers massacre twenty-seven patrons at a local market.
2015.12.04 (Ramadi, Iraq) - Five suicide car bombers take out over two dozen Iraqis.
2015.12.04 (Sabon Gari, Nigeria) - A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three others.
2015.12.04 (Sanaa, Yemen) - Nine Shiites are beheaded by the Islamic State.

"Don't worry, guys. I'm just a kid."

About 50 people die each year from being struck by lightning. So you are ok with having several San Bernadinos/Boston bombings/Chattanoogas Recruiting Center/Fort Hood masacres per year? Just so long as the body count doesn't go above 50.
Of course I'm not OK with it, are you a moron? I'm just saying I'm not gonna be a scumbag and discriminate against an entire religion because of a few outliers. I'm going outside even though there's a chance I will be struck by lightning, I drive my car everyday even though there is a 1 in 100 chance I wil be killed in a car accident. I won't pretend that all white people are racist necause the KKK exists, they are outliers. There are bad policemen, I will not act like all policemen are bad, they are outliers. Some black people are thugs, I will not pretend that all black people are thugs, they are outliers.
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I think it is pretty obvious that Cruz and Rubio will end up at the top of the list. Trump will fade eventually.
Everyone - including me - has been saying that for months. Time to presume it's not true, and that the 20-35% of people who like him are in it for the long haul. I think the current conventional thinking is that the Republican race, which usually comes down to an establishment candidate vs the conservative base candidate, will instead this time have 3 finalists. You'd think that means Rubio, Cruz and Trump. But anyone who claims to know how this will shake out is lying....
Of course I'm not OK with it, are you a moron? I'm just saying I'm not gonna be a scumbag and discriminate against an entire religion because of a few outliers. I'm going outside even though there's a chance I will be struck by lightning, I drive my car everyday even though there is a 1 in 100 chance I wil be killed in a car accident. I won't pretend that all white people are racist necause the KKK exists, they are outliers. There are bad policemen, I will not act like all policemen are bad, they are outliers. Some black people are thugs, I will not pretend that all black people are thugs, they are outliers.

Just for some clarification, there were nearly as many deaths during the WTC as there were by the hands of the KKK in their entire history. It's not like the Klan is any actual threat of today and surprisingly no one says crap about the racist Nation of Islam that calls for the deaths of whites all the time.

The numbers and our eyes tell us a lot. Islam is the only religion that spit these lunatics out at this rate around the world and can't live in peace with anyone in general.
Of course I'm not OK with it, are you a moron? I'm just saying I'm not gonna be a scumbag and discriminate against an entire religion because of a few outliers. I'm going outside even though there's a chance I will be struck by lightning, I drive my car everyday even though there is a 1 in 100 chance I wil be killed in a car accident. I won't pretend that all white people are racist necause the KKK exists, they are outliers. There are bad policemen, I will not act like all policemen are bad, they are outliers. Some black people are thugs, I will not pretend that all black people are thugs, they are outliers.

Yeah there just a few outliers in the Muslim world. Why should we risk taking people in from certain countries with high rates of terrorism without a vetting process? We can find plenty of other immigrants that don't come from places where 20% of more of the population hate us.

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.

YNet: One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children:,7340,L-4053251,00.html

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.

Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)
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