How will they rule ??!

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If you're still parroting the "ISIS isn't Islamic or motivated by religion" line, you honestly are too uninformed to discuss the topic. Or you're just disingenuous, either way.
If you're still parroting the "ISIS isn't Islamic or motivated by religion" line, you honestly are too uninformed to discuss the topic. Or you're just disingenuous, either way.

You'd be amazed at how many are absolutely committed to the ideology and believe this type of stance. I had this same exact argument on campus in a class where three female students were absolutely nuts and two of them were so mentally fragile and left the room and threw out the term "Islamophobe" for essentially stating facts about attacks, Sharia Law and beliefs.

There are people so brainwashed by this PC nonsense that they cannot process the truth or have rational conversations when it comes to Muslims.
Cracks me up to hear Republicans talking about the intolerance of Muslims. I guess you have the 'at least we don't behead people'.

So we should hate Muslims because a percentage of their population doesn't like me a country that doesn't have a decent percentage of people who don't like us. Won't find one. Maybe the UK.

This stuff just proves to me that no matter what you all say, the vast majority of Republicans support Trump's viewpoints and his hate/bigotry.
Mighty presumptuous. What is your basis for believing their faith is not genuine, other than simply wanting it to be so?
Perhaps because it was born in the US prison camps in Iraq and the fact that Muslims and non-Muslims have lived pretty peaceably together for centuries. Yes, there are clashes of cultures but there have always been clashes between cultures...Catholics and Protestants in Ireland for example.

Sunni Muslims are not Shiite Muslims. According to a poll by Pew Research, some 40% of Sunnis don't even regard Shiites as real Muslims. What I'm sure that you and most Americans don't realize is that ISIS is "at war" with the Shiites as much as the US and the west.

But there's more than theology at work here. Perhaps even more important is geography.

One hundred years ago, around the time of the First World War, the Middle East was carved up in a Franco-British pact called the Sykes-Picot Agreement. But the Europeans had little interest in understanding the religious and ethnic intricacies of the Middle East when they divided up the region. Still, these arbitrary borders became the blueprint for today's maps.

The Shiites were divided primarily among Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, with Alawites (an off-shoot of Shia Islam) in Syria. This area has come to be known as the Shia crescent.

In Iraq, a Sunni minority ruled over the Shiite majority for decades. After the U.S. invasion, Saddam Hussein -- a Sunni -- was overthrown, and a Shiite government took over. That government proceeded to marginalize the Sunnis, and now some of those disenfranchised Sunnis have gone on to form the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS.

Let's do a quick who's-who in the Middle East: Al Qaeda and ISIS are Sunni Muslim groups. Hezbollah is Shiite.

Osama bin Laden was a Sunni. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an Alawite. And the Iranian mullahs are Shiites as well, which helps explain why Iran has gotten involved in the conflict in Syria.

You following all of that? Probably not because it isn't simple. It's easier to believe that all of a sudden (as of a few years ago) all Muslims became animals and wanted to start chopping off heads. People want to see everything as black and white and not be bothered with all of the intertwined nuances because that goes over their head.

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. If they were all sympathetic and supportive of ISIS then there would be mass killings everywhere and WWIII would be under way. As it is the basis of ISIS is the old Iraqi Republican Guard. They are upset with the west because we kicked them out of power where they once ruled. But crying about lost power doesn't play well. Make it about religion and then you've got something.
Over the past month, look at what "peaceful" Muslims have done. We had the Muslim stabber/killer at UC Merced over a study group. We had Paris attacks, we had Mali attacks, we had three female suicide bombers in Lake Chad, we had the San Bernadino mass shootings and more.

This was just over the weekend.

2015.12.07 (Tripoli, Libya) - Sharia advocates behead two men for 'sorcery' at a public event.
2015.12.06 (Aden, Yemen) - A suicide car bomber turns seven 'apostates' into rubble.
2015.12.05 (Koulfoua, Chad) - Three female suicide bombers massacre twenty-seven patrons at a local market.
2015.12.04 (Ramadi, Iraq) - Five suicide car bombers take out over two dozen Iraqis.
2015.12.04 (Sabon Gari, Nigeria) - A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three others.
2015.12.04 (Sanaa, Yemen) - Nine Shiites are beheaded by the Islamic State.

"Don't worry, guys. I'm just a kid."

How many other murders were there in the world over the weekend? I'd bet enough that those killings you list wouldn't add up to 1% of the total.
Yeah, really glad Trump is putting US citizens on notice that if people wholly unrelated to them don't stop harming us they will be stripped of their Constitutional rights. AMERICA!!!!
How many other murders were there in the world over the weekend? I'd bet enough that those killings you list wouldn't add up to 1% of the total.

How many of those are in the name of religion and there's a current issue of wanton to import this mentality over here?

In democratic ran cities across the country, blacks murder each other at alarming rates but this never gets a word from the politicians.
Cracks me up to hear Republicans talking about the intolerance of Muslims. I guess you have the 'at least we don't behead people'.

So we should hate Muslims because a percentage of their population doesn't like me a country that doesn't have a decent percentage of people who don't like us. Won't find one. Maybe the UK.

This stuff just proves to me that no matter what you all say, the vast majority of Republicans support Trump's viewpoints and his hate/bigotry.

You're incapable of logic. Love that you talk hate and bigotry while advocating for Muslims. That's a laugh.

Let's see, about every country that has imported Muslims has had a huge rise in rapes. Sweden is now the rape capital of the west because of Muslims. Second, there are still thousands of honor killings by moderate Muslims and this even occurs in western civilized countries now (Germany has the most recent one) and in Sharia Law where Muslims are the majority, they're the most oppressive people imaginable. They still have stonings for adultery/rape victims. They still execute homosexuals. They still allow for you to be murdered for leaving Islam and make sure no other religious group is treated well.

These are "normal" Muslims. You can watch the whole thing, which is eye opening (I know you won't) but at 4:17 these moderate Muslims still advocate these views that liberals constantly try to chalk up as "extremist."
Perhaps because it was born in the US prison camps in Iraq and the fact that Muslims and non-Muslims have lived pretty peaceably together for centuries. Yes, there are clashes of cultures but there have always been clashes between cultures...Catholics and Protestants in Ireland for example.

Sunni Muslims are not Shiite Muslims. According to a poll by Pew Research, some 40% of Sunnis don't even regard Shiites as real Muslims. What I'm sure that you and most Americans don't realize is that ISIS is "at war" with the Shiites as much as the US and the west.

But there's more than theology at work here. Perhaps even more important is geography.

One hundred years ago, around the time of the First World War, the Middle East was carved up in a Franco-British pact called the Sykes-Picot Agreement. But the Europeans had little interest in understanding the religious and ethnic intricacies of the Middle East when they divided up the region. Still, these arbitrary borders became the blueprint for today's maps.

The Shiites were divided primarily among Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, with Alawites (an off-shoot of Shia Islam) in Syria. This area has come to be known as the Shia crescent.

In Iraq, a Sunni minority ruled over the Shiite majority for decades. After the U.S. invasion, Saddam Hussein -- a Sunni -- was overthrown, and a Shiite government took over. That government proceeded to marginalize the Sunnis, and now some of those disenfranchised Sunnis have gone on to form the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS.

Let's do a quick who's-who in the Middle East: Al Qaeda and ISIS are Sunni Muslim groups. Hezbollah is Shiite.

Osama bin Laden was a Sunni. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an Alawite. And the Iranian mullahs are Shiites as well, which helps explain why Iran has gotten involved in the conflict in Syria.

You following all of that? Probably not because it isn't simple. It's easier to believe that all of a sudden (as of a few years ago) all Muslims became animals and wanted to start chopping off heads. People want to see everything as black and white and not be bothered with all of the intertwined nuances because that goes over their head.

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. If they were all sympathetic and supportive of ISIS then there would be mass killings everywhere and WWIII would be under way. As it is the basis of ISIS is the old Iraqi Republican Guard. They are upset with the west because we kicked them out of power where they once ruled. But crying about lost power doesn't play well. Make it about religion and then you've got something.
And blaming it on us is the moronic battle cry of liberals. You should go a lot further back in history to understand that these people have been fighting for thousands (we have been a country for a little over 200 years and your welcome for the history lesson) of years and seem to always need an enemy to fight. But, that does not fit your narrative so, you blame it on the U.S. and our very short term (comparatively) involvement.
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If you're still parroting the "ISIS isn't Islamic or motivated by religion" line, you honestly are too uninformed to discuss the topic. Or you're just disingenuous, either way.
So you'll need to reconcile how/why after centuries of co-existence that suddenly a group of former Iraqi soldiers were able to give rise to an ideology that hadn't been practiced since the middle ages.
Religion is simply the honey to attract those who feel marginalized.

ISIS is about as Muslim as Jim Bakker was Christian. Yes, both wrapped their identities in faith and used it for money and power...but their lives were poor examples of the faith they claimed to follow.
"let the Muslims in the US know that they better get their act together"... as if all Muslims are the same. You are basically doing the same thing that Hitler did in Germany by blaming problems on "the Jews"...or how people criticize "blacks", or "Mexicans"... If they are different than you then it is "them"...however, when it's some redneck white guy like Dylann Roof then it's all about "him".

Thanks for pointing out once again how racism still lives.

Just curious if the Jews were doing the workplace violence thing?
How many of those are in the name of religion and there's a current issue of wanton to import this mentality over here?

In democratic ran cities across the country, blacks murder each other at alarming rates but this never gets a word from the politicians.
Only in democratic ran cities?
Not in republican ran cities???

Does it matter if a murder is said to be in the name of religion or over drugs?
And you failed to point out that plenty of whites kill other whites too.
So you'll need to reconcile how/why after centuries of co-existence that suddenly a group of former Iraqi soldiers were able to give rise to an ideology that hadn't been practiced since the middle ages.
Religion is simply the honey to attract those who feel marginalized.

ISIS is about as Muslim as Jim Bakker was Christian. Yes, both wrapped their identities in faith and used it for money and power...but their lives were poor examples of the faith they claimed to follow.
So you're not basing your (incorrect) opinion on any of the group's publications, any of their internal communications, any of their recruitment tactics, any of the analyses of intelligence agencies or think're just basing it on your superficial and misguided interpretation of a very selective "timeline". Got it.
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Only in democratic ran cities?
Not in republican ran cities???

Does it matter if a murder is said to be in the name of religion or over drugs?
And you failed to point out that plenty of whites kill other whites too.

Yep whites do kill plenty of whites especially when they're over 60 percent of the population but when it comes to the worst cities for crime in this country, they tend to have at least two things in common…ran by Democrats and have a black majority population.
ISIS is about as Muslim as Jim Bakker was Christian. Yes, both wrapped their identities in faith and used it for money and power...but their lives were poor examples of the faith they claimed to follow.

This is just total delusion. Have you not bothered to read at all about Islam and read their actual doctrine?
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Just curious if the Jews were doing the workplace violence thing?
Well, Hitler blamed them for Germany's defeat in WWI, and the collapse of the German yeah, I guess they were at least accused of doing so being that a collapsing economy is the ultimate workplace violence thing.
So you're not basing your (incorrect) opinion on any of the group's publications, any of their internal communications, any of their recruitment tactics, any of the analyses of intelligence agencies or think're just basing it on your superficial and misguided interpretation of a very selective "timeline". Got it.
So because a group claims to do something in the name of a religion that makes them spokesmen for that religion...I see what you did there.

Islam's timeline is a lot longer than that of ISIS...and WTF are they killing so many other Muslims?
You're incapable of logic. Love that you talk hate and bigotry while advocating for Muslims. That's a laugh.

Let's see, about every country that has imported Muslims has had a huge rise in rapes. Sweden is now the rape capital of the west because of Muslims. Second, there are still thousands of honor killings by moderate Muslims and this even occurs in western civilized countries now (Germany has the most recent one) and in Sharia Law where Muslims are the majority, they're the most oppressive people imaginable. They still have stonings for adultery/rape victims. They still execute homosexuals. They still allow for you to be murdered for leaving Islam and make sure no other religious group is treated well.

These are "normal" Muslims. You can watch the whole thing, which is eye opening (I know you won't) but at 4:17 these moderate Muslims still advocate these views that liberals constantly try to chalk up as "extremist."
My marriage is recorded in a Muslim country. I have lived off and on in a Muslim country for about a year and will continue to do so due to my in laws.

People who support muslims haven't no effing clue what the f*** they are talking about. But go on, tell me more about your fake knowledge of muslims
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So because a group claims to do something in the name of a religion that makes them spokesmen for that religion...I see what you did there.

Islam's timeline is a lot longer than that of ISIS...and WTF are they killing so many other Muslims?
You weren't calling them "spokesmen" nor was my original post about them being "spokesmen". I was ridiculing anybody who said the group isn't Islamic. You can be Islamic without being a spokesman for all of Islam.

Is the Pope a Christian despite not being a spokesman for *all* Christians?

This current nonsense from the liberal left is similar to all of the dumb pontifications about "WHY DOES AL QAEDA HATE US??" in the late 90s/early 2000s. If people took the time to *read* al Qaeda's literature and the fatwas that were issued, there wouldn't be any pontificating to do.

"Do they hate us because of our freedom????" ("No, we hate you because you didn't give us East Timor, you supported Kuwait, you have troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and you prop up Israel")
"Do they hate us because we're Christian????" ("No, we hate you because you didn't give us East Timor, you supported Kuwait, you have troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and you prop up Israel")
"Do they hate us because of abortion/gays/fornication/etc????" ("No, we hate you because you didn't give us East Timor, you supported Kuwait, you have troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and you prop up Israel")
"Do they hate us because of our lewd mass media and cultural projection????" ("No, we hate you because you didn't give us East Timor, you supported Kuwait, you have troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and you prop up Israel")
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Muslims need to get their act together? You're more like to be struck by lightning than to be killed by a Muslim in a terrorist attack in this country. You puddy cats are so fearful im not sure how you leave your homes every day. Sack up.
I did sack up; that's what my concealed carry is for.
[QUOTit ="fuzz77, post: 2962199, member: 11064"]Only in democratic ran cities?
Not in republican ran cities???

Does it matter if a murder is said to be in the name of religion or over drugs?
And you failed to point out that plenty of whites kill other whites too.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it does matter. There are more slaughters in the name of religion.
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Well, Hitler blamed them for Germany's defeat in WWI, and the collapse of the German yeah, I guess they were at least accused of doing so being that a collapsing economy is the ultimate workplace violence thing.
Wow, this tells you all you need to know about FUZZ, all lemming and no brains.

Fast forward to 3:42. I feel like this bucket of nuts would totally have a few on here completely excusing this delusion and celebrating this lunatic.
Trump, crazy or not, is doing us all a great service.

He is forcing this conversation to advance, quickly, in plenty of time to disqualify himself but also to let the Muslims in the US know that they better get their act together, start assimilating and acting like decent human beings, or else their comfortable life in the US will come to an end.

One or two more terrorist attacks in the US and all bets are off. You'll then start seeing reports of "accidental" shootings of Muslims.

It's internet tough guys like this that are always fun to read about. Accidental shotings. Give is a rest and get out of your parent's basement.
i still think Trump runs third party and gives us President Hillary.

I only come on here once in a while to see what kind of crazy talk still exists...Hillary is going to be the next President. She will wipe the mat regardless of who runs. Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Trump, etc... This is essentially what your wet dream Romney had to do to win the nomination, but didn't have to make himself look like such a racist/bigot in the process.

There's a reason why Trump leads in the polls...the Republican party is filled with racists and bigots. Yet, you ****** keep telling me it doesn't exist. LOL. You know Hillary and her team are just watching this train reck and laughing all night long.

Keep dreaming ******...and you know I'm right.

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[QUOTit ="fuzz77, post: 2962199, member: 11064"]Only in democratic ran cities?
Not in republican ran cities???

Does it matter if a murder is said to be in the name of religion or over drugs?
And you failed to point out that plenty of whites kill other whites too.

Yes, it does matter. There are more slaughters in the name of religion.[/QUOTE]
There are more slaughters over drugs, money and sex than religion...but feel free to think what you may.
I only come on here once in a while to see what kind of crazy talk still exists...Hillary is going to be the next President. She will wipe the mat regardless of who runs. Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Trump, etc... This is essentially what your wet dream Romney had to do to win the nomination, but didn't have to make himself look like such a racist/bigot in the process.

There's a reason why Trump leads in the polls...the Republican party is filled with racists and bigots. Yet, you ***** keep telling me it doesn't exist. LOL. You know Hillary and her team are just watching this train reck and laughing all night long.

Keep dreaming ******...and you know I'm right.

You libs are just so ****** and typical with your garbage rhetoric. Anyone who opposes you is automatically "racist", "sexist", "bigot", "Islamophobe", "ageist", basically any ism, phone, ist that exist. It's what you do yet ignore the fact that your party has always been the oppressive party, You ignore the black eyes in your history and like to pretend the parties switched. They never switched. They just became better at marketing their garbage and with the media and the public school education to do it, it was easy.

Dems especially northeastern Dems are by far the most racist people I have ever met. You all see everything through a racial lens and you bring up race in every facet. You're like the gossipy high school girl who tries to stir the pot and pit people against each other because Dem policies are a total failure. Just look at Baltimore and Detroit to see what life has been like for blacks under the Democratic party.

You see, your party's media will run stories that portray every non-white male out there as a victim. They will omit anything that doesn't fit this narrative or spin it. This is why stories about race only ever get mainstream attention if they can portray a person of color as the victim. This is deliberately done so liberals/liberal politicians can present themselves as the "saviors" for minorities. These groups get exploited and fail to see that Dems think so little of them that they're incapable of making anything of themselves without the government being their daddy.

LBJ's famous quote about blacks after creating the "war on poverty" sums up the mindset of Dems today.

Also, the only reason Trump has any type of lead is because 1) People are sick to death of the PC nonsense that's a total cancer to this country and continues to instill a victim mentality into every puss out there and he's the only one that said anything about it or called Dems out on their corrupt pro stance on immigration. 2) He's constantly covered by the liberal media more than anyone, which makes those in support of him think that he's the enemy of the left, which is what they're totally against.

Oh, and I get a kick out of how pathetic your party is right now. You totally back Hillary, warts and all, corruption and scandals and lies, it doesn't matter to you all and that speaks volumes of the people who vote for her.

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Yes, it does matter. There are more slaughters in the name of religion.
There are more slaughters over drugs, money and sex than religion...but feel free to think what you may.[/QUOTE]

I guess those occur in the evil white suburbs, right? Probably those damn Christians and Republicans doing all of that crime.
As much as I hate his ******, Albany is correct.

Hillary will destroy Cruz or Rubio and it's not going to be close.
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You libs are just so obnoxious and typical with your garbage rhetoric. Anyone who opposes you is automatically "racist", "sexist", "bigot", "Islamophobe", "ageist", basically any ism, phone, ist that exist. It's what you do yet ignore the fact that your party has always been the oppressive party, You ignore the black eyes in your history and like to pretend the parties switched. They never switched. They just became better at marketing their garbage and with the media and the public school education to do it, it was easy.

Dems especially northeastern Dems are by far the most racist people I have ever met. You all see everything through a racial lens and you bring up race in every facet. You're like the gossipy high school girl who tries to stir the pot and pit people against each other because Dem policies are a total failure. Just look at Baltimore and Detroit to see what life has been like for blacks under the Democratic party.

You see, your party's media will run stories that portray every non-white male out there as a victim. They will omit anything that doesn't fit this narrative or spin it. This is why stories about race only ever get mainstream attention if they can portray a person of color as the victim. This is deliberately done so liberals/liberal politicians can present themselves as the "saviors" for minorities. These groups get exploited and fail to see that Dems think so little of them that they're incapable of making anything of themselves without the government being their daddy.

LBJ's famous quote about blacks after creating the "war on poverty" sums up the mindset of Dems today.

Also, the only reason Trump has any type of lead is because 1) People are sick to death of the PC nonsense that's a total cancer to this country and continues to instill a victim mentality into every puss out there and he's the only one that said anything about it or called Dems out on their corrupt pro stance on immigration. 2) He's constantly covered by the liberal media more than anyone, which makes those in support of him think that he's the enemy of the left, which is what they're totally against.

Oh, and I get a kick out of how pathetic your party is right now. You totally back Hillary, warts and all, corruption and scandals and lies, it doesn't matter to you all and that speaks volumes of the people who vote for her.

Oh, and let's see if Dee bans or suspends Albany here for the "microaggression" he used by calling people "retards." [laughing]

So I guess you are in agreement that Hillary wins it in 2016...thanks for the confirmation.
As much as I hate his stupid ass, Albany is correct.

Hillary will destroy Cruz or Rubio and it's not going to be close.

Just think of me as the saniity check for the circle-jerk that goes on here about how the Republicans are going to do this and accomplish that.

How many down ticket races are going to decided by all this racist/biggoted stance of the Republican Party?
As much as I hate his stupid ass, Albany is correct.

Hillary will destroy Cruz or Rubio and it's not going to be close.

Sadly I agree. The only winning ticket is some combination of Rubio/Kasich. Pretty much anything else is guaranteed defeat.
Sanity check, lol. Dude said in 2008 the GOP would never have a majority again in either half of congress again and said Grimes would trounce MM. At least he admits he doesn't know much about issues and that he only cheers.

That said Trump would get trounced. Rubio would be a tight race. HRCs neg numbers are very high, near those of trump.

Anyone surprised that post did not get zapped tho? Me neither.
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