How will they rule ??!

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Business group I belonged to at one time was discussing advertising/subscription rates for local Lexington magazines and media. When we checked the figures given out by the sales people, they didn't match the official viewership figures online or published. Not by a LONG shot. One popular magazine was giving readership and subscription rate as about double what thry quoted were their printed magazine totals.

The printer said they printed even less than their sales people stated.

Their web statistics monitored by several companies were likewise WAY under the totals they bragged about (as much as 150% higher reported views than actual (and monthly unique viewer totals were laughable). Had a friend who advertised with them confirm it based on their monitoring, sales, and traffic. Most media is a scam.

Since papers went mostly defunct, there isn't a great marketing vehicle in print or recorded media so much as online presence and WOM/direct sales.

Yall had to guess this was true if you followed the fake follows from fake accounts on Twitter and Fb for 12 years. When both spouses are working one or more jobs, and streaming services are going from boom-to-bust, theaters are closing, and print and TV media are laying off workers, that should tell you plenty.

Add in that ALL you've seen advertised for years are drugs, insurance, alcohol, fast food, attys, and now gambling, you'd be pretty narrow in your focus (not that there's anything wrong with that) to think media wasn't being propped up by govt. The propaganda bill was basically the media bailout. I'd not be surprised if the insurance companies are found to be propped up somehow as well, or given a free pass to drop people in certain areas at opportune times.

I'm a little cynical/realistic about their involvement at this point
So if you’re keeping track at home

Democrats have used our taxes to push their propaganda via public education, universities, Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, Politico, NYT, AP (and more) and use our money to bring in migrants and house them too. They also used our money to fund COVID.

In addition to imprisoning and silencing political opposition and trying to kill a candidate.
They are stealing from us to find our demise. If this isn’t worthy of war then WTF is?
Sadly, it is. It is worth a firing squad.

An elected govt IN THE FULL LIGHT OF DAY using a watchdog administrative agency has PUBLISHED governmental fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE so that the people might be INFORMED and understand why these fraudulent programs were being halted. Hate that for COUNT Chuckula, but his time starring on Sesame Street needs to be over.
Business group I belonged to at one time was discussing advertising/subscription rates for local Lexington magazines and media. When we checked the figures given out by the sales people, they didn't match the official viewership figures online or published. Not by a LONG shot. One popular magazine was giving readership and subscription rate as about double what thry quoted were their printed magazine totals.

The printer said they printed even less than their sales people stated.

Their web statistics monitored by several companies were likewise WAY under the totals they bragged about (as much as 150% higher reported views than actual (and monthly unique viewer totals were laughable). Had a friend who advertised with them confirm it based on their monitoring, sales, and traffic. Most media is a scam.

Since papers went mostly defunct, there isn't a great marketing vehicle in print or recorded media so much as online presence and WOM/direct sales.

Yall had to guess this was true if you followed the fake follows from fake accounts on Twitter and Fb for 12 years. When both spouses are working one or more jobs, and streaming services are going from boom-to-bust, theaters are closing, and print and TV media are laying off workers, that should tell you plenty.

Add in that ALL you've seen advertised for years are drugs, insurance, alcohol, fast food, attys, and now gambling, you'd be pretty narrow in your focus (not that there's anything wrong with that) to think media wasn't being propped up by govt. The propaganda bill was basically the media bailout. I'd not be surprised if the insurance companies are found to be propped up somehow as well, or given a free pass to drop people in certain areas at opportune times.

I'm a little cynical/realistic about their involvement at this point
Given my background and work in media, I am interested in which magazine this is. I agree that print is dead. It still doesn’t stop them from their ridiculous requests.

Tops wanted $2,800 for a page.
So far with The Donald and what he is doing, we are witnessing one of those home makeover shows that is done in an hour. Good grief....go get a McRib and take a breath.

Do we have any recall of what Biden did in his first month? 100 days?

Easy one, shut down pipelines and drilling, stopped wall construction, flung open the border, shall I go on?
I don’t think tax money should go to a political party to push their agenda which is what the left has been doing forever. Political ideology and religion are value systems. Why should my money be used to push your politics that I don’t agree with?
I highly doubt the Dems are the only party to use tax $$ to push an agenda. Many politicians on both sides of the aisle are sh!tbags who don't have the interest of the country in mind. They are greedy and power hungry. It is a problem in American politics
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Musk should just go talk to them. I don’t get the “he wasn’t elected”. No one in the admin were elected except trump/Vance.

Empty sound bites that their base is conditioned to respond to...

He's working. No need to be misquoted and harassed publicly right now. If the whole "high heetler" hoax wasn't a big enough clue they knew what was coming and how far they'd go then, imagine what they'd do to him now. No reason to kill momentum to calm the raging programmed.
So much for not deploying troops anywhere and keeping us out of conflicts.
You clowns raised hell about no troops in Ukraine but AOK with placing US soldiers in the hottest conflict zone in the Middle East???
Someone needs to teach the orange dumbass some history about the marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon.

Here we go again.

Consider, Village Idiot, this may just be a negotiating tactic for leverage?

Your Idiot ass probably thinks he's loading planes with soldiers today, don't you?
I know what the debt snowball is but cutting pennies or dollars isn't going to do squat. People usually owe dollar amounts much larger than that and DR would advocate cutting those $100 debts before your 4 figure and 5 figure debts.

The debts that Elon is cutting currently, the ones I pointed out are akin to us cutting a few dollars or even a few quarters, it's essentially nothing.

Ya'll take about being efficient but cutting such small amounts first and acting like that's a win is the definition of being gaslit. It's gaslighting because in the big picture cutting such a minimal amount, say $100k or $1million when your debt is 36T is nothing.

Or start small and grow as the DOGE team gains more savvy and experience.

Also preps the populace for slashing waste from the big ones later.

If you start by chopping the DOE, DOD, and medicaid, people will lose it.

But once they've seen the waste eliminated of USAID, they're much more on board.

Cry more, leftist.
Yeah he looks cool. Really cool having a bunch of hackers given access to every system

Well, the irs or treasury employees have all that info, and if you think for one second those 'hackers' couldn't hack right past government IT security and get that info, you might be dumb enough to think J. EDGAR was a bad president.

The GOP is complicit in all this. There’s no point in pretending otherwise. No way that this wasn’t known in official DC. We can see now why they had such disdain for the TEA Party, for MAGA, for anybody else from the right who originated from the bottom up.

That’s why they’re so hostile toward third parties like Tea Party and MAGA (which it is unofficially). These parasites have been controlled opposition for decades upon decades. It’s a big club.

At any point, Republicans could’ve looked at this stuff and didn’t. GOP establishment plays the part of the loser. That’s what they are. Do nothing, put on a performance during congressional hearings, fundraise, take bribes, want wars, and suck Israel’s D.
What yall need to understand is that, while you KNEW the left was going to take this all really bad, most on here are not prepared for how much sht is going to be revealed and how it will affect them. You may want the govt to be run better in principle, but it will also come with some potholes for those who get what they wanted.

It's hard to hear how much you've been betrayed even if it is well after the fact. Prepare yourself for that mentally and spiritually now if you can.
Looks more and more like usaid was our own wef or at least our shadow government tie in. Here is another benz clip talking more about it. No telling how deep this all goes. Liz Cheney and Obama's mother both worked for them. Usaid funded burisma, so thats how biden was in.

Also an aside portion of this clip, benz talks about how usaid overthrew the government of Bangladesh four months ago by radicalizing young members of the trans and gay communities. That jumped out to me because they did the same thing here. How many mass shooters were gay or trans? Several.

They were evil enough, then in 2016 when they felt threatened they turned their resources state side. There very well might end up proof showing our own government intentionally released covid to steal the election and stop trump. There is no doubt they created it and no doubt they ran a psyop with it once it was out.

That is why I laughed out loud when the other poster posted about USAAID being some sort of paragon of virtue or doing the right thing with taxpayer dollars. Just laughable and angering how corrupt...
I highly doubt the Dems are the only party to use tax $$ to push an agenda. Many politicians on both sides of the aisle are sh!tbags who don't have the interest of the country in mind. They are greedy and power hungry. It is a problem in American politics
You think there’s an equivalency for all of this from the right? After learning that 97% of political donations from USAID employees went to democrats?

Time for some soul-searching, friend.
Lol because of Trump? Please. True that someone has to step up in the party but Trump does not have a great approval with all the nonsense he’s doing right now. He has 99% approval on this board of course but when you get out of your bubble you realize the damage he’s doing to your own party. 4 more years of this isn’t going to help when he’s run all this into the ground. There’s a MASSIVE gap in politics for someone with common sense right down the middle in most issues that can easily win. The crazies on both sides have got to go.
Well, show yourself the door.
Interesting also that Elon’s team must have been prepping for this since maybe even before the election. No way they walked in on Inauguration Day and made this much progress in unraveling all that shit. Would love to hear the details.

Imo looks like they either worked with mike benz or at least closely studied his work. He had all this stuff out there a few months prior to the election. His appearance on rogan a while back was truly mind-blowing.
Your Party is currently hated by half of America and most of the world today just 2 weeks in.... including our allies. Good luck at the midterms with your Israeli Riviera, ethnic cleansing, gulags, food removal from the poor, troops in Greenland, 51 state of Canada and Unconstitutional BS.
It will be a political bloodbath for your fascist party. Guaranteed.
Unless you've taken over completely and turned us into a dictatorship.

Check some approval ratings polls, Village Idiot.
You think there’s an equivalency for all of this from the right? After learning that 97% of political donations from USAID employees went to democrats?

Time for some soul-searching, friend.
No soul searching needed friend. I will stand by my statement that many politicians are sh!tbags who overwhelmingly look out for their interests over the country. It's not a controversial statement
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