How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Lol, because secretary of the interior isn't a political talking point. No one campaigns on anything related to it or how it's a "threat to democracy"


Or of course
SCOTUS (bc dems have put a lot of effort into misleading the public what the role of scotus actually is)

They can politicize with insanity, worry about the $$$ they're getting (in the case of HHS)
Give me a break; Rubio is the SOS and passed 99-1

Interesting that someone is afraid to compete in a meritocracy without a built-in privilege meant to discriminate based on race and gender. God forbid we have a metric that everyone is expected to be held to.
So in other words, DEI gives you less intelligent and less qualified. Thank you for your honesty Smitty.
Shoulda been more imo. It was a direct attack on our democracy and peaceful transfer of power. A clear and present danger to America.
Trump left office. It's weird, that while anyone can rightly be opposed to ppl causing a riot, you refuse to have any questions of what else happened that day


This is fine too

Obama always used to scream hope and change, he changed nothing. He was just a good speaker who made you feel good. Everyone used to see how broken the fed govt, fundamental change is happening, and you're made about it. Weird

Also, you don't care
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Explains why so many terrorists like the NOLA guy flew under the radar. They were fixated on dealing out retribution to anyone who dared protest any of their sacraments. Abortion facilities quiet prayer and Catholic Latin Mass....that is where the rest of the FBI was directed to pounce. Burn them down and rebuild it.
Here's another fun one tho

Let me guess, Trump is super hitler, but at the sake time he's letting someone else fun the country?

Or it's very scary that an unelected person is cleaning govt waste up, bc theyre unelected, but a staff of 20 year old staffers running the country bc the last guy was a vegetable..THOSE ppl were great. Lol!
Geek Power!
Bush compounded his lying mistake by not following through with the plan. We didn't go to Iraq of the Stan as liberators. We took those countries so that we could invade Iran in a pincer attack. The left started their usual whinny BS and Bush caved. Had he followed through Iran wouldn't be an issue right now, the ME would be a better place, and his lies would be forgotten.
This is how I defended the war in HS. Our presence created a bottleneck for Iran and its proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah. But at the end of the day, it is really hard to defend this war given the money and lost of life pumped into the area.

Considering how easy it was for Israel to incapacitate both, we could have used that money wiser.
Per capita is their kryptonite.

Are they going to reboot weekend at Bernie's?

Wonder what else is waiting to be discovered about Barack Obama?

I wonder if we're just a few strings away from getting proof obama was a cia plant. Imo we're very close to confirmation his birth certificate was fake. This coincidence all but confirms it. Now just need more definitive proof.
Trump left office. It's weird, that while anyone can rightly be opposed to ppl causing a riot, you refuse to have any questions of what else happened that day


This is fine too

Obama always used to scream hope and change, he changed nothing. He was just a good speaker who made you feel good. Everyone used to see how broken the fed govt, fundamental change is happening, and you're made about it. Weird

Also, you don't care
Insanity. I watched the J6th riots live on TV. You can fool the fools but not anyone with half a brain.
Canadians probably feel swine matches MAGA better. Trump is turning America into a bully and a joke. Embarrassing

Can you imagine being a lefty now, and all you can do is mumble retarded shit that doesn’t make sense while Trump unravels decades of your hard work destroying America?

Derp derp Trump is a joke, we were much better with the mentally incompetent old man pretending to be president while everyone walked all over him derp derp

I mean, you voted for Kamala Harris lol. You have no room to talk about embarrassment unless you’re looking in the mirror.
Can you imagine being a lefty now, and all you can do is mumble retarded shit that doesn’t make sense while Trump unravels decades of your hard work destroying America?

Derp derp Trump is a joke, we were much better with the mentally incompetent old man pretending to be president while everyone walked all over him derp derp

I mean, you voted for Kamala Harris lol. You have no room to talk about embarrassment unless you’re looking in the mirror.
Give it time. Unchecked Trump is like a big fat toddler in a candy shop. This ends in nausea and disaster.
Never forget. @sambowieshin was all tore up about some pork filled bill he said would fix things bc biden said best couldn't do anything without congress. Lololololol lolololol

Did climate change get better too? Libs used to say that's why they were coming. Lolololololol

Watching him carry on for weeks and weeks that the only way to fix the border was to pass that bill was quite a sight. And now, he's been shown to be comically wrong.

I don’t get how these people function when everything they believe is proven wrong, all the time, again and again. How many times will people piss on an electric fence before learning they’re doing something stupid?
Promise made, promises kept...'drill baby drill' edition (environmental groups say Burgum first day couldn't have been much worse than this haha):

From the article:

"In a series of orders Monday evening, Interior Secretary Doug Burgum revoked Biden-era actions that blocked drilling across 625 million acres of federal waters nationwide—an area that is equivalent in size to a third of the continental United States—in the 19-million-acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and in the state's 23-million-acre National Petroleum Reserve."

Environmental groups, though, sounded the alarm on Tuesday—the Wilderness Society said Burgum's first day as interior secretary couldn't have been "much worse than this."

"The new secretary hasn’t even had time to break in his chair at the Department of the Interior, and yet the Trump administration is already driving day-one actions to implement a drill-first agenda," Wilderness Society senior director Dan Hartinger said.