How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I still vividly remember the few times i returned from abroad to be pushed aside in the customs line by incoming Haitian "refugees" that went to the front of the line.

They got split into two special lines: with id and without. Without id got ids made on the spot. Noone had a clue about who they were or anything. Im sure none of them had vaccinations either. The vaccinations that actually work.
Kamala passed the bar after 7 tries. That isn't merit... that's lack of intelligence. Kamala slept her way to the top and everyone in Cali knew it. When it was time for her to step into the presidency dems didn't have the fortitude to discuss it fairly... they just ignored it. That is the difference between DEI and just failing at your job. She never should have been VP or a presidential candidate. She could sleep her way ro the rest but you would think the msm would do their job just enough to avoid "her".... Karen Bass was Bidens second choice. He litter ali said he was going to pick a black woman. Those were 2 of the 3 was offered to pick from. That is DEI son.
7 tries!! eventually guessing would get you there! LOL
"And subject to the jurisdictions thereof" are the words that matter in the 14th amendment.
The entire argument rests on this phrase, so let's get on with it.
We should be able to solve this inside of a week.
I agree. It seems pretty clear to me, but others interpret it entirely differently. It’s quite amazing we have gone all these years without such clarification being sought, but it took Trump finally forcing the issue with his EO to generate the discussion and action. I’m curious to see if SCOTUS will take up the case.
South Africa is part of BRICS and ole Cyril made a special address to the WEF yesterday where touted globalism as the only way forward. He is also the president of the G20 for 2025. Keep an eye of SA. Things are about to get interesting there.

He also plays for UGA basketball. Pretty impressive he has all the time to be President of another country too.
South Africa is part of BRICS and ole Cyril made a special address to the WEF yesterday where touted globalism as the only way forward. He is also the president of the G20 for 2025. Keep an eye of SA. Things are about to get interesting there.

Remember how the media ignores the murders of white farmers in South Africa. I still remember.
You don't use the pulpit as your soapbox towards another person. And if she truly followed the words of God, then she wouldn't be condoning the LGBTQ lifestyle.

That fact that you are oblivious to this speaks volumes.
Never said I agreed with her talking directly to him. Just wait until you see what a lot of these preachers are doing nowadays though and how they talked about Biden from the pulpit. Not going to spoil the ending for you, but spoiler alert, it’s been happening for years now.
"...and using a religion to force beliefs against people's will via codified law are two entirely different worlds."

Exactly. No one should have to kowtow to someone else's religion via codified law or govt action, whether it be transgenderism, Catholicism, Sharia Law, Judaism, medicalism, atheism, climatism, scientism, etc. The state should have no say in your personal affairs or family choices except when it comes to terminating a life, abusing a life, or other criminal activities that physically harm another life through direct action.

Saying that 8 of 10 commandments are great rules ro follow for everyone is not religion. Recognizing the 10 commandments (and others) as valid instruction upon which one or an entire society may base their life is not forcing religion. It is simply setting up boundaries guidelines.

For example-
If marriage is a govt certified institution and contract, as it is now, then the unequal breaking of that contract or nullifying it through direct action against the terms of the contract is and should be criminal, unless both parties agree to a dissolution of the contract. Adultery as such is a common sense offense against the contract and should be a criminal offense on the very face of it.
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Twitter isn't a's a platform. The "stuff" posted on here from the MAGA guys are generally factual events/stories that have happened.

You're not off to a good start today.
You couldn’t have possibly said this with a straight face when you know like I do that the top Twitter accounts parroted on this board are someone called Catturd, Insurrection Barbie, etc.
Stealing what someone else has purchased through blood, sweat, or other legal action should also be illegal, as should be expressing the desire for it when it is not yours. To covet is to threaten or ponder stealing or otherwise taking through illicit means. Makes sense that that, too, is a commandment against doing so.

Expressing a desire publicly that someone innocent of a crime or fraud be killed, dispossessed of property, or destitute should be considered a threat of harm or incitement of such a threat. This is evidence of the seeding or intention of a future action.

What the founders said about the greater truths common to some religions, the self-evident ones mentioned, is that they were foundational to this nation. ALL are CREATED equal. Each has the GOD GIVEN right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of happiness, so long as they are not depriving another of the same through immoral means.

In other words, if there is ONE apple on the tree and two men each seek to make it theirs, the one who gets to and acquires it first through lawful pursuit is the one who takes possession and has the right to it. They cannot obstruct their fellow. They cannot harm their fellow. They cannot dispossess them of the apple.

They may ask for some or all of the apple, and the possessor may choose to relinquish some portion or not, for free or in exchange/trade for something of value to them. Govt may not force them to do so.

That's how this works when the system functions properly.
In the founding documents it IS codified, however, that ALL are CREATED so that is not an optional nor religion specific, dogma enshrining possibility. CREATION is not in doubt as part of the fabric of this nation. YOU may choose to believe that a pagan god created humanity. You may choose to believe that we appeared from nothingness, evolved from soup, or were created by the same in spite of what objective, observational science tells us.

In your own home or place of worship, you may do so. You may not publicly force that belief on others. You may not threaten or harm someone in order to coerce such a belief. You have the freedom to express that belief to others publicly or privately, as long as you don't hinder them doing the same.

BUT... trying to pass laws that infringe on the rights of others OR infringe on the very foundation of this republic, are expressly forbidden by its charter. And for good reason.

THIS is why Islam was not allowed as a practiced religion/political belief by anyone holding office, elected or otherwise. In some places in this country it was the same for Catholic or Jewish beliefs as well because of well-documented dogma/beliefs expressed by these faiths AGAINST what individual states and the US Constitution and Declaration, etc., established as intrinsic to this nation.

Islam allows for abuse, enslavement, and forced conversion under threat of death of anyone not a follower of its tennets.

Catholicism at various times and through unredacted/unexpunged dogmas, canons, or decrees issued by its leaders has expressed similar tenets. Judaism has expressed similar bias against those who aren't Jewish.

Communism/socialism likewise has expressed similar untenable dogmas that make it an enemy of the constitution a d the foundation of this republic.

The end result is that these beliefs and any such as are contrary to the fundamental rights expressed in the documents establishing this country cannot be allowed to be brought to the table in legal form for consideration before congress. That they HAVE been brought and some passed is treasonous just in putting them to a vote.
This is why the argument "why do you care, it doesn't impact YOU personally..." is such a simple-minded retort possessed by those with no serious ability for deep thought.

If they realised what such "argument" said about them, they wouldn't make it.

I agree. It seems pretty clear to me, but others interpret it entirely differently. It’s quite amazing we have gone all these years without such clarification being sought, but it took Trump finally forcing the issue with his EO to generate the discussion and action. I’m curious to see if SCOTUS will take up the case.

For me it's a stunning lack of integrity and clarity, that is to say clear-thinking. There was an unambiguous intent of a law created which was later interpreted to mean something entirely else, and we've been living undre such "law" ever sicne with potentially disastrous consequence. Never mind illegals and all that, there's been estimated some 50-100k annual Chinese birth right tourism babies born. They come here just so the child becomes a citizen then by and large go home. THat means in the last few decades alone, there are over a million "American" children with potential allegiance and subservience to an adversary which seeks to supplant us.

That lakc of foresight is not just shockingly obtuse, but treasonous.
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No one in congress should have or be given an advantage over any one of us when it comes to purchasing ANYTHING. Stocks, vehicles, real property (foreign or domestic), etc. should be gained through the same means and without inside information. The entire savings and loan scandal was an example of the illegal advantages of public officials akin to insider trading. Some took out loans knowing they wouldn't have to pay them back.
What an idiot. There are a lot more things that need to be done in this country and this isn’t one.
This will be going up to the Supreme Court in a hurry. I have read that there is precedent in this. Late 19th century a Chinese family had a boy and they tried denying him citizenship on the grounds that we were not accepting Chinese immigrants at the time. Supreme Court ruled that the boy had citizenship.
Whether it's overturned or not, the whole point, just like Roe v. Wade was for it to be challenged at the SCOTUS level and for them to form a definitive opinion.
I believe it was Russell Kirk was arguing in the 1970s that most environmentalism was nothing more that wealth redistribution from rich countries to poor countries. Been that way for decades. Also, the environmental agreements have always been so ridiculous cause they are non-binding.

Billions are given to third world countries who have no obligation to achieve anything (the bottom is from the library of International Law). Not to mention the money laundering component. I believe the US and Europe had to agree to give India like a $150-200 billion over the course of a few years just to get them to agree to a stupid non-binding agreement.

The Trump Doctrine is the revolution of common sense, thus f-ck the Paris Agreement.

"This might imply that every country is signing up to the same thing, but they aren’t. A developed western country like the U.S. might be asked to stop driving cars or heating our homes in the winter while a country like Liberia is asked to not dump quite so much trash into their water ways.

There’s also a foreign aid component, where the U.S. would be required to funnels billions to countries like Liberia to help their efforts in not dumping raw sewage into their rivers. So of course every third world country signed up for the free money accord, why wouldn’t they?"

Legal form – Like the Kyoto Protocol and unlike the Copenhagen Accord, the Paris Agreement is a treaty within the meaning of international law, but not all its provisions establish legal obligations. Most importantly, parties do not have an obligation to achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to address climate change – thus, in that respect, NDCs are not legally binding.
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Never said I agreed with her talking directly to him. Just wait until you see what a lot of these preachers are doing nowadays though and how they talked about Biden from the pulpit. Not going to spoil the ending for you, but spoiler alert, it’s been happening for years now.

Actually, it hasn't, but you keep being you. ever stop and think about why your opinion on here is different from 99.9% of others? You ever stop and think about why the failed policies and cultural ignorance of the left led to Trump's landslide win?

^^^obviously, you don't.