How will they rule ??!

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What does Article II say? He had the authority to do it and he did it. He did not insert troops into the area or declare war. Why weren't you such a stickler for absolute interpretation when a rogue judge overturned his EO regarding travel from certain countries? I know why.
It doesn't mean what you want it to mean. We have the actual words of the authors of the Constitution, along with what the actual document says to support that.

Who says I wasn't against the judge overturning the EO? When have I not been a stickler for Constitutional fidelity on either side? I know, never.

You seem very much more concerned about what you want the Constitution to say and winning against the opposing team than what it actually says. Ends justify the means and whatnot.
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Shew wee, an awful lot of people are going to go to jail over this. Everyone involved who followed an illegal order has broken the law.
Shew wee, an awful lot of people are going to go to jail over this. Everyone involved who followed an illegal order has broken the law.
Unconstitutional. Not illegal. The constitution is not a statutory document (save treason). Sorry you don't know the difference. And that you make the exact same arguments the left made about Obama: "If he's doing it and not being impeached, then it can't be wrong."

Congrats on being wholly ignorant of what you're talking about
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Unconstitutional. Not illegal. The constitution is not a statutory document (save treason). Sorry you don't know the difference. And that you make the exact same arguments the left made about Obama: "If he's doing it and not being impeached, then it can't be wrong."

Congrats on being wholly ignorant of what you're talking about
He followed the Constitution. Sorry you don't know that. Oh and by the way, the Earth is a sphere.

And the illegal remark I made was in reference to those under him following an unconstitutional order. Sorry I left enough room for you slither in.

I'm drinking bourbon and watching tv. You are a tertiary concern at most.
Article II says nothing about declaring war, only executing it. Sorry you're an idiot who can't read plain English.
Article II says nothing about declaring war, only executing it. Sorry you're an idiot who can't read plain English.
I never said it gave him power to declare war. Go back and read it, real slow. Maybe you should take a poll.
Ok so what was wrong with what we did last night? Not that it makes it right, but I'm almost positive every single president since 1980 has at some point order bombings.

Is it just that Donal f'n Trump did this? Be honest I really don't care either way.
Ok so what was wrong with what we did last night? Not that it makes it right, but I'm almost positive every single president since 1980 has at some point order bombings.

Is it just that Donal f'n Trump did this? Be honest I really don't care either way.
This one wasn't nearly as cool as the time Ronnie bombed Gaddafi's house. Drew a line in the sand and meant it. Didn't hear shit from that dude until a mooslum was in charge of America.

Trump has sent a message to all the pussies of the world. He's a dick.

Assholes play whichever side suits their fancy at the time in a pathetic attempt to appear above it all.
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Ya'll in Ky better watch out. If Matt Jones gets elected, Kentucky will look like Sweden. ....
doubtful, there aren't enough intelligent people in Kentucky to turn us into Sweden. It's only one of the top 3 countries in the world based on a variety of metrics that people care about. Hell, it's more democratic than the U.S. is.

And I see the 'impartial' Transy thinks Rand Paul knows the Constitution but Obama doesn't. Yeah, ok.
This one wasn't nearly as cool as the time Ronnie bombed Gaddafi's house. Drew a line in the sand and meant it. Didn't hear shit from that dude until a mooslum was in charge of America.

Trump has sent a message to all the pussies of the world. He's a dick.

Assholes play whichever side suits their fancy at the time in a pathetic attempt to appear above it all.
and this is why America is laughed at. People like you with 3rd grade mental capacities. Public schools man. And meth.
And I see the 'impartial' Transy thinks Rand Paul knows the Constitution but Obama doesn't. Yeah, ok.

I will give you this, Obama knew the constitution enough to manipulate the hell out of it to create an America he saw fit.

What I don't understand is what would that America look like in 50 years and do you really agree with that?
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I will give you this, Obama knew the constitution enough to manipulate the hell out of it to create an America he saw fit.

What I don't understand is what would that America look like in 50 years and do you really agree with that?

it would look like a Muslim invaded Europe Socialized Govt controlled everything
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Many of the most head-snapping comments I heard came from Obama’s own top advisers, who had long pushed him to confront Assad more aggressively and viewed his 2013 refusal to take military action against Syria after drawing a “red line” on chemical weapons use as a major American foreign policy debacle. There’s no love lost for Trump in this group, whose members found themselves in the uncomfortable position of cheering a leader they still both loathe and fear.

“Our administration never would have gotten this done in 48 hours,” one former senior official of the Obama administration told me. “It’s a complete indictment of Obama.”

“I feel like finally we have done the right thing,” Anne-Marie Slaughter, who served as Obama’s first-term chief of policy planning at the State Department and long publicly urged a more forceful response to Assad’s horrific attacks on civilians during the six years of war that have wracked Syria, told me. “The years of hypocrisy just hurt us all. It undermined the U.S., it undermined the world order.”

Slaughter, now the head of the New America Foundation and a major backer of Trump’s defeated opponent Hillary Clinton last November, tweeted, “Donald Trump has done the right thing on Syria. Finally!! After years of useless handwringing in the face of atrocities.” I later asked her if it was awkward to be cheering for Trump now. “I’m just glad to see it,” she said. “It was the right thing.”

and this is why America is laughed at. People like you with 3rd grade mental capacities. Public schools man. And meth.
Yeah, that's the reason.[laughing] 8 years of a semi-literate semi-African 100% Mooslum didn't have anything to do with it.

Do you want to say anything about the Russian connection to the election? Did you get tired of that angle, or did something change? Why exactly did Bill Clinton bomb Kosovo without the permission of congress? In all the confusion I seem to have forgotten.
What it shows is how little understanding most of these bastards have of the constitution we elect them to protect. The Constitution has been shit on so much for the last 24 years that even its larger components have been obscured.

oh these bastards know exactly what the constitution says and stands for, they just count on the fact the population now is so overwhelmingly uneducated on what the constitution says and means. we the people have become misinformed by an education system that doesn't teach American values and American History anymore. and these bastards in Washington use this to their advantage

Exactly. Regardless of what @TransyCat09 says or thinks, a military strike is not a declaration of war and does not need congressional approval.

I still don't agree with it. But not on constitutional grounds.

Now, if you want to argue the law should be different, that's one thing. But don't say the law as stated is incorrect just because you disagree with it.

doubtful, there aren't enough intelligent people in Kentucky to turn us into Sweden. It's only one of the top 3 countries in the world based on a variety of metrics that people care about. Hell, it's more democratic than the U.S. is.

And I see the 'impartial' Transy thinks Rand Paul knows the Constitution but Obama doesn't. Yeah, ok.

Too bad we can't turn into a country where we're constantly mowed down by terrorist driving trucks. What a shame.
I will give you this, Obama knew the constitution enough to manipulate the hell out of it to create an America he saw fit.

LOL Obama didn't "manipulate the hell" out of the Constitution. He shit all over it and benefited from activist judges and chicken shit Republicans who wouldn't do a goddam thing about it.

There was no calculated attempt to "manipulate" anything. There was a complete and total disregard.
I think what Trump did with Syria is bad ass. He sent a message to the world that we don't have a pussy running the show anymore. This was not only a message to Assad, this was a message to Isis, North Korea and Iran.

This was similar to what Reagan did to Libya. A message that we are back.

Excellent point. Obama and libs have a troubling ability to lie to themselves when it came to dealing with evil.

Since Obama loved the limelight so much, maybe some late night talk show will have him on so he can discuss how he rid Assad of all the chemical weapons. No?

Obama fecklessness toward Syria was mostly due to appeasing Iran. Think about that.


His continual appeasement of Iran was just so bizarre and concerning. I've never seen a us president have anywhere near that level of appeasement for a hostile terrorist nation.
His continual appeasement of Iran was just so bizarre and concerning. I've never seen a us president have anywhere near that level of appeasement for a hostile terrorist nation.


Who is Valerie Jarrett? Top Obama aide is daughter, daughter-in-law of communists
Dr. James Bowman “was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students,” reported Judicial Watch. “After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work.” Valerie Jarret was born in Iran on Nov. 14, 1956.
Pretty dangerous thing the media has done with the Trump/Russia/"hack" stuff...and I'm being serious. Obviously it's completely fabricated to hide the Clinton stunning loss and the regionalization of the Democrat party....

...*some* people out there that have bought it don't understand that we are much more at odds with Putin than siding with him. But hey, the media and Ds are petulant, small minded, little children. Just wish the general public had a better idea of the complexities of the geopolitical landscape but it's just easier to yell RUSSAI! Romney was in fact right the entire time.

Who is Valerie Jarrett? Top Obama aide is daughter, daughter-in-law of communists
Dr. James Bowman “was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students,” reported Judicial Watch. “After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work.” Valerie Jarret was born in Iran on Nov. 14, 1956.
I appreciate that you found ties from the Obes admin to Iran but it really doesn't matter and you can find ties between them and almost any bad actor.

Truth (as always) is much much simpler. The Obama administration was eager to weaken our position globally with regards to EVERYONE. Even without a Jarrett tie in this case they still would've bent over in front of them and said "have at it".

It wasn't a matter of ties, it was a matter of policy.