No income tax, no property tax, no self-employment tax, no UI, no luxury tax, no inheritance tax, little to no health insurance, and they can get supplemental good and housing assistance.
What people choose to ignore is that yout tax burden INCREASES proportionally as you make more money. The better your neighborhood is taken care of and the bigger the houses are, the higher your tax rates increase, and the higher your taxes and services usually are (per sq ft even).
While living in a 1000 sq ft home or a 4000 sq ft home- which costs more to heat and cool, which consumes more fuel and electricity? Who pays more in property tax and insurance if they even own the property? Which has to invest more of their income as down payment on a property? Which pays higher interest rates?
Someone buying a > $600k home has a higher interest rate, insurance rate, tax rate, and down payment on their Jumbo loan than the person buying a 1000 sq ft home at 150-200k with no down payment and closing costs assistance.
It's time for the virtue signalers to STFU or stop lying to themselves and others.
EVERYTHING IS HARDER to do when you first start doing it, but that doesn't mean you need to make it EASIER to make it better. In fact, the harder you work when you are younger and the more you save along the way, ALL TOUGH AND DISCIPLINED DECISIONS, the better your life will be long term, as long as you don't live in nor allow a socialist and/or communist system.
Life HAS it's hard times EVEN IF you do it RIGHT. IF you do it wrong, YOU make it harder on YOURSELF by choice.