She needs to go find out where her husband is. He was last seen at the castle with Victor and the towns people with burning torches coming for him.
Good news, for sure. Hope to visit Salzburg, Austria in about 7 months. 11 breweries located in and around the city.
They are considered far right because they want to bring nuclear power plants back online, lower taxes and deport illegals who commit crime..... Far Right. LOL.
Imagine having over 250k rapes in a little over 3 decade and it not being the biggest story in the UK...
She needs to go find out where her husband is. He was last seen at the castle with Victor and the towns people with burning torches coming for him.
I wish every Biden voter were forced at gunpoint to house one of these animals.
They grade themselves on a massive curve. Their curve originates from the gates of Hell.Keep in mind, this is the group who brags about their education and claims to be intellectually superior to everyone. 😂
I’m not sure she has enough piercings.
He did do that last year. I forget what game it was but we lost and Cal said they didn't have a shoot around pre game.Rafters would be in full meltdown mode if Cal pulled this stunt after an embarrassing loss to the Vols.
What a flaming dumbass.
My wife just said it looks like 5.As of now we officially have ten inches of snow, I personally measured it..
Makes you wonder why they keep doing it. I mean being arrested is deterrent enough and harsh.
Hmmm... catching violent criminals and letting them back on the street to keep repeating... Where have we seen that?
My wife just said it looks like 5.
I still don't understand how it can be permanent. And if it one Trump should then permanently close the border.i hope trump can overcome this. gonna be a battle i’m afraid
It's why birth rates are dropping so much: women are libs & men rightfully say bs.There's no fvcking way I'd date a liberal woman.
That's has to be one of Dante's Rings of Hell.
Let's check in how vulnerable the U.S. is right now at the end of Biden's presidency.
"Jake Sullivan reportedly secretly revealed at the White House in 2023 that “Chinese hackers had gained the ability to shut down dozens of U.S. ports, power grids, and other infrastructure targets at will.
”CCP-linked hackers were *already* burrowing their way into U.S. telecoms.
With regards to Islamic terrorists:
Yes. Many commentator on MSNBC and CNN feel that Kameltoe has a shot at Florida and will win all the Battleground states easily. I am getting skeered.I have almost all ice but it's raining very hard.
We had thunder earlier and lightning.
I haven't posted in the political thread for a while about anything political, but I just want to say that I saw that Trump was down in Iowa by 10 points.
Where are you at? Not seeing anything in VA yet but am told it is coming. Going to Walmart in a couple minutes.
Yeah, I fail to see how it is legal for any one person, even the President, to make a decision that is “permanent.”i hope trump can overcome this. gonna be a battle i’m afraid
I have always had four-wheel drive trucks so I never really worried about snow and ice. It kind of cost me in 2009. With that said, one time they predicted like 1/4 in to a half inch of snow on a Monday night, which is my usual night for going to the store at that time, and I got there and there wasn't any bread, eggs or milk to be found. For a quarter inch of snow.It always happens. Got to Walmart, it was flooded with people taking three times what they need. Saw carts with five or six gallons of milk and not a couple carts.
Had no milk but we still have some milk for my Grandson, no eggs but we have plenty, I was just going to get another dozen, barely any orange juice but I did get my grandson a jug of that. (We were out of that and he likes it.)
You'd think people would have at least some things they need anyway. Amazes me every time I go out. I had four things in the cart. I was totally an alien to people around me. One guy let me in front of him and his full cart. (Still plenty of good people around.)
I just hope it was people not putting things on their cards and out buying over what they can afford in case the weather turned really bad.
That thought crossed my mind. Saddened me...
I told my wife, I'd go to Walmart tomorrow and get a fresh gallon of milk.
This prediction will probably age as well as when in the 1980s some said half of Florida would be under water in 50 years. Also funny to publish the article two days before this winter weather storm...
Remember the very first executive order Biden did? It was to undo protection over the power grids. I remember posting it in here when it happened. Shits ridiculous.
What’s comical is he thinks this is some sort of badge of honor, yet in reality it only highlights how terrible his presidency has been DESPITE all of his experience in Washington.