How will they rule ??!

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Weird given Biden said he was a college football star.

There was no money in it, just like there was no money in him going on the road campaigning in 2020. All he would do if he left the basement and appeared before 1000 people was make himself look worse. "Better to remain quiet... than remove all doubt."

He never cared about the American people, just like his party. They've done nothing but steal from the people and make even what their supporters earn worth less and less each year. Somehow they love them for the abuse.

I know I'm preachin to the choir, but it really is lunacy that they vote to be closer to being shackled every 2-4 years.
Problem right now is that many of those immigrants you want imprisoned are here legally because as soon as they cross the border they claim asylum.
Claiming asylum automatically allows you to enter the US until your case is heard by a judge.
They are released until that trial date.
How bout pass a law that stops that process like the Dems tried but Pubs stopped??
Pass a GD ASYLUM law.
How about don’t let them cross the GD border to begin with?


They are already inciting violence and conspiring to commit murder. Shoot them on sight regardless of whether they are armed. They want to FA&FO, then give it to them. Have to assume they are armed and dangerous.

If you want justice, demand justice for ALL, and not just people like you or it isnt justice at all.
Hey, Village Idiot, did you see that ABC has to pay Trump 15 million for slandering him as a rapist? And slopadopalous has to publicly apologize?

Now, I know you're a complete idiot, and of a retard level intellectually, but you should take heed, and hope that someone doesn't alert his legal team the instances of you on here saying the exact same phrasing.

You really should be careful popping off, stupidly, as your little liberal ass should be aware that the courts are not taking it lightly.

But, in that vein, what's your opinion of Trump and the E. Jean Carroll case?

I would love to hear your opinion today.

Please, do tell us, Village Idiot.

I really just wish you would type what you mean. Just once.....Darn...😂
There was no money in it, just like there was no money in him going on the road campaigning in 2020. All he would do if he left the basement and appeared before 1000 people was make himself look worse. "Better to remain quiet... than remove all doubt."

He never cared about the American people, just like his party. They've done nothing but steal from the people and make even what their supporters earn worth less and less each year. Somehow they love them for the abuse.

I know I'm preachin to the choir, but it really is lunacy that they vote to be closer to being shackled every 2-4 years.

Biden was a horrible, despicable excuse for a human being when he was sane... No pity for that... (Biden hasn't made a decision himself in several years but he really probably would have.) His signature must be just a rubber stamp...
LOL! I've watched you melt down to unthinkable levels. It will ony get worse when you wake up under Trump rule for four years.

Like you said before Nov 5th, this is a GREAT country !! Why why would ANYONE hate it??? 🤣
I don't hate it and neither do the aliens who will be controlling things soon. Trump sure is quiet as F*** on the "Drones" isn't he?? 🤣🤣🤣
He knows who's boss.
If aliens came here it's not bc of fossil fuels, it's bc one species of monkey thinks you should encourage another species of monkey to use massive nuclear bombs

But yes, they are probably very curious about how some of the species has turned climate into a religion when they could use the very thing they could blow the planet up with, nuclear, to power everything. But instead they throw paint on fine art, tell cows not to fart and think that weather, like hurricanes, is some sort of prophet that affirms their religion.
Your assertion shows just how little you know about the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.
You are the primate they are trying to slowly appeal to.
How bout change the law that allows them to cross the border and then claim ASYLUM legally????
Yeah, I’m more interested in physically not allowing foreign nationals to literally invade the country at will. If we can’t secure our border in that fashion, it will… oh hell, it already HAS lead to catastrophic problems. Only more will follow.
Yeah, I’m more interested in physically not allowing foreign nationals to literally invade the country at will. If we can’t secure our border in that fashion, it will… oh hell, it already HAS lead to catastrophic problems. Only more will follow.
Your choice is to pass a F'ing law or shoot people. That's the choice. 🤣
$15 million tells you abc was doing a lot lot worse too, and they wanted to avoid discovery. Glad this happened bc @sambowieshin would've believed it and ran with the talking point (still will)

Side note: the guy that's supposedly about personal enrichment in office isn't taking any of the money
Trump just continually makes these people looks like complete fools. You’d think they’d finally learn something and reflect on how they conduct themselves, yet they’ll just keep right on with their TDS.

Trump is quiet on the drones.

The "drones" LOL

What is there to say? It started as stupid people incorrectly identifying commercial/private aircraft as drones, and NOW skilled drone operators/groups are in on the act, by stirring the pot. 🤣 🤣 🤣

Note when the "drone" sightings started; when people were out looking for the comet (turns out, most of them were looking at Venus LOL) More stupid eyes on the night sky = more stupidity. And before too long , it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Trump is quiet on the drones.

The "drones" LOL

What is there to say? It started as stupid people incorrectly identifying commercial/private aircraft as drones, and NOW skilled drone operators/groups are in on the act, by stirring the pot. 🤣 🤣 🤣

Note when the "drone" sightings started; when people were out looking for the comet (turns out, most of them were looking at Venus LOL) More stupid eyes on the night sky = more stupidity. And before too long , it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Is that how it all started? That's hilarious, if it is. Makes the govt response to it pretty fkd up though. Lmao
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Is that how it all started? That's hilarious, if it is. Makes the govt response to it pretty fkd up though. Lmao
The timeline matches up. And so that's what I think contributed to it. A bunch of people, out with binoculars, that have never even looked at the night sky before, and don't know the difference between a planet and a comet, or an airplane and a drone.

Reports and hysteria start, and now you've got jokers out there, flying drones in DROVES (and the number of drones and drone clubs out there are legion) and you end up with this sort of nonsense.
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