How will they rule ??!

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This seems personal. Were you bamboozled by a Thai lady boy at the massage parlor? It make you feel things? There’s site where you can see those people in action. You don’t have to take your pent up sexual frustrations out on everyone.

Not a single trans kid plays a sport at the hs level in kentucky

Cincinnati hospitals have like 100 kids or on hormone blockers. Something that can be reversed. You have to live so many years to get the surgery

This Pittsburgh team were playing must be loaded with trans since they’re the one seed… oh, they aren’t.

Trans people make up less than 1% of the population and I bet commit way less than 1% of the crimes, molestation included.

You know who molest kids, unfortunately? Family members, church members, teachers, etc. fixated on one group is creepy and obsessive.

Ruined a beer? Hahaha Jesus.
Upwards of 28% of Gen Z identify as something in the LGBTQRS.... spectrum. Up from something like 16% of Millennials. Gen Z makes up 20% of the population. That would mean that over 5% of the population identifies as LGBTQ.... when counting Gen Z alone. That's not an organic trend. It's not natural. It's a societal evolution brought on by the normalization of mental illnesses, peer pressures, and things most definitely happening in the schools and through social media. it's not "cool" to be straight anymore.
We've posted numerous examples just in the past few days of teachers trying to indoctrinate kids. I know for a fact that crap happens in some JCPS classrooms, having teachers in the extended family.
Libs of Tiktok clearly has no agenda and would never embellish or doctor a video. We have an ethics board here in Kentucky that addresses abuses of power. Teachers every year lose license for one reason or the other. Perhaps these teachers should be reported in the state that they live in.
Upwards of 28% of Gen Z identify as something in the LGBTQRS.... spectrum. Up from something like 16% of Millennials. Gen Z makes up 20% of the population. That would mean that over 5% of the population identifies as LGBTQ.... when counting Gen Z alone. That's not an organic trend. It's not natural. It's a societal evolution brought on by the normalization of mental illnesses, peer pressures, and things most definitely happening in the schools and through social media. it's not "cool" to be straight anymore.
Numbers I used were from the Williams institute of law at UCLA
OK. This is definitely JohnKBA. This is the exact same shtick he always used. Worded the same way.
If so, he should be comforted that "Presidents don't affect the daily lives of the average American".

Still my favorite idiotic statement on this site.

I don't blame him for changing names: if I typed anything that idiotic I'd be embarrassed as well.
We've posted numerous examples just in the past few days of teachers trying to indoctrinate kids. I know for a fact that crap happens in some JCPS classrooms, having teachers in the extended family.

Considering there was only one trans kid two year, I’d say I’m correct.

No doctor is going to put a 5 year old on hormone blockers. God, use some common sense.

Considering every republican president since Reagan has accomplished 80% or more of the heritage foundations agenda, I’d say it tracks that much of Trump 47 plan will be enacted.

Most of those policies doesn’t affect me in the slightest so whatever. I’ll celebrate deportations with you guys. I just think fewer get deported than hoped. The logistics behind that is grueling. If inflation remains stagnant, I’ll consider that a victory as well.

All of this and no mention of DOGE. I hope they do what they are setup to do, but not sure they have the teeth to enact anything.
Clinton managed to deport almost 12 million did he not? It can be done.
There's no organized pedophile ring supported by either party but there are slimy politicians and their cult members who support anyone Trump tells them to.
Funny how you people refuse to connect the dots. You simply don’t care that Epstein took many of our elites in entertainment and politics to the kid-diddling island. Don’t care that they also went to the diddy parties. Don’t care who killed Seth Rich and why. Don’t care what Wikileaks found. Don’t care what was on Weiners laptop. Or hunters. You simply don’t care our society is sick and that it starts at the top. You don’t care about the children.

Guaranteed when/if they release the Epstein list you’ll be the first to defend the names on it. What a messed up world.
If so, he should be comforted that "Presidents don't affect the daily lives of the average American".

Still my favorite idiotic statement on this site.

I don't blame him for changing names: if I typed anything that idiotic I'd be embarrassed as well.
He changed his name because he was banned for calling Clarence Thomas the n word.
Say, that reminds me…

Anyone else remember when the Obama administration awarded Pearson Publishing $350 million in taxpayer dollars to create the Common Core curriculum? That was a no-bid contract by the way. Meaning no other publisher even got a shot at it. That’s not the way government contracts are supposed to work.

And then a few years later, Penguin Publishing, which was a subsidiary of Pearson Publishing, gave Obama an unprecedented $65 million dollar book deal. For comparison…Bill Clinton’s sweet book deal (which is the next highest) only netted a mere $17 million.

By 2019 Pearson sold its remaining shares of Penguin Publishing.
Amazon is a shit corporation as far as morality. But they provide a service Americans cant get enough of so that 8 year stock growth has made me well over 2 million. Their real money maker is AWS so the amazon marketplace is just the way to achieve control over consumers. You can be a shit corporation and make lots of money. Bezos was smart and ruthless and understood how wal-mart took over physical retail and used that online. he's still a POS.
Wait, what?

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Funny how you people refuse to connect the dots. You simply don’t care that Epstein took many of our elites in entertainment and politics to the kid-diddling island. Don’t care that they also went to the diddy parties. Don’t care who killed Seth Rich and why. Don’t care what Wikileaks found. Don’t care what was on Weiners laptop. Or hunters. You simply don’t care our society is sick and that it starts at the top. You don’t care about the children.

Guaranteed when/if they release the Epstein list you’ll be the first to defend the names on it. What a messed up world.
I don't defend ANYONE committing crimes against children. Ever.
Do you defend Trump attending Epstein parties???? Of course you do.
One trans person has won a title at the NCAA level. 3 have won at the HS level in the country going back to 2017,
Not sure where you are getting your numbers. There were 5 state champions just this past year (spring of 2024) that were biological males competing in HS girls T&F. That’s one year in one sport.

But it’s not just state titles that matter either. There are huge national & international events that determine who gets college scholarships…both during the school season and in the summer months. Not to mention just the basic shitting all over Title 9 in this country. Not to mention the stress & embarrassment it puts on teammates who have to dress in the same locker room…or who miss opportunities to even compete in their event.

Check out this article on info from a UN report concerning the global trend…
One trans person has won a title at the NCAA level. 3 have won at the HS level in the country going back to 2017, though more have competed. 1.6 million or .6 percent of Americans 13 or older are trans, yet there's multiple post a day here vilifying them. They are definitely punching above their weight class in terms of triggering a bunch of old white dudes here on the catpaws.
There have been almost a THOUSAND trophies won by male trannies in women's sports, worldwide.

And they just kicked a guy out of the LPGA but not after he won some money.

Last edited:
Not sure where you are getting your numbers. There were 5 state champions just this past year (spring of 2024) that were biological males competing in HS girls T&F. That’s one year in one sport.

But it’s not just state titles that matter either. There are huge national & international events that determine who gets college scholarships…both during the school season and in the summer months. Not to mention just the basic shitting all over Title 9 in this country. Not to mention the stress & embarrassment it puts on teammates who have to dress in the same locker room…or who miss opportunities to even compete in their event.

Check out this article on info from a UN report concerning the global trend…
I stand corrected on the first bit.

It would be helpful if you link the actual UN report.

Here are the snippets pertaining to trans athletes...

7. Female athletes are also more vulnerable to sustaining serious physical injurieswhen female-only sports spaces are opened to males,9as documented in disciplinessuch as in volleyball,10 basketball11 and soccer.12 Instances have been reported whereadult males have been included in teams of underage girls. 13 Injuries have includedknocked-out teeth,14 concussions resulting in neural impairment,15 broken legs16 andskull fractures.17 According to scientific studies, males have certain performanceadvantages in sports. One study asserts that, even in non-elite sport, “the leastpowerful man produced more power than the most powerful woman” and states that,where men and women have roughly the same levels of fitness, males’ averagepunching power has been measured as 162 per cent greater than females. 18

11. Policies implemented by international federations and national governingbodies, along with national legislation in some countries, allow males who identifyas women to compete in female sports categories. 28 In other cases, this practice is notexplicitly prohibited and is thus tolerated in practice. The replacement of the femalesports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number offemale athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing againstmales. According to information received, by 30 March 2024, over 600 femaleathletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 differentsports.2912. Male athletes have specific attributes considered advantageous in certain sports,such as strength and testosterone levels that are higher than those of the average rangefor females, even before puberty,30 thereby resulting in the loss of fair opportunity.Some sports federations mandate testosterone suppression for athletes in order toqualify for female categories in elite sports. However, pharmaceutical testosteronesuppression for genetically male athletes – irrespective of how they identify – willnot eliminate the set of comparative performance advantages they have alreadyacquired.31 This approach may not only harm the health of the athlete concerned, butit also fails to achieve its stated objective. Therefore, the testosterone levels deemedacceptable by any sporting body are, at best, not evidence-based, arbitrary32 andasymmetrically favour males.33 Females are usually tested randomly to ensure thatthey are not using performance-enhancing drugs, while males are often not monitoredto ensure that they are taking testosterone suppression drugs. 34 To avoid the loss of afair opportunity, males must not compete in the female categories of sport. 35

31. Female athletes and coaches who object to the inclusion of men in their spacesdue to concerns about safety, privacy and fairness are silenced or forced to selfcensor; otherwise, they risk losing sporting opportunities, scholarships 78 andsponsorships.79 Many are also accused of bigotry, suspended from sports teams 80 andsubjected to restraining orders, expulsion, defamation and unfair disciplinaryproceedings. In at least one case, a female athlete did not receive a fair hearing.81Other females have quit sport owing to pressure, threats (including death threats 82)and verbal abuse. Such consequences have been reported in, inter alia, the Kingdomof the Netherlands83 and the United States,84 violating the fundamental human rightsof female athletes to freedom of belief, opinion and expression. 85 Women faceaggression when they assemble with respect to these issues. 86

puberty.88 Historically, the sex difference in performance is larger than that explainedby physiological and anatomical differences between males and females, in particularamong lower-ranked athletes. These physiological advantages are not undone bytestosterone suppression.89 Undermining the eligibility criteria for single-sex sportsresults in unfair, unlawful and extreme forms of discrimination against female athleteson the basis of sex. Given this reality, several international and national federations,such as World Aquatics, World Athletics, World Rugby, the International CyclingUnion and others,90 have reinforced female-only categories while ensuring that allathletes can participate, including those with differences of sex development orgender identities other than the sex they were observed to have at birth.

84. All persons, irrespective of their gender identity, are entitled to live a life freefrom discrimination and to have their human rights safeguarded. The Committee onthe Elimination of Discrimination against Women, in its general recommendationNo. 35 (2017) on gender-based violence against women, highlighted thatdiscrimination against women is inextricably linked to other factors that affect theirlives, including ethnicity, race, colour, political opinion, disability, migratory statusand gender identity and sexual orientation. It is therefore important that any sportsrelated policy ensure that transgender persons can participate fully in sports. SomeStates have taken special measures to strengthen inclusion, such as Ireland, which, inits national inclusion strategy for the period 2019–2021, highlighted the positivecontributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons to Irishsport.16985. According to international human rights law, differential treatment onprohibited grounds may not be discriminatory if it is based on reasonable andobjective criteria, it pursues a legitimate aim its effects are appropriate andproportional to the legitimate aim pursued and it is the least intrusive option toachieve the intended result. Maintaining separate-sex sports is a proportional actionthat corresponds to legitimate aims within the meaning of article 26 of theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and does not automatically resultin the exclusion of transgender persons from sports, nor does it require invasive sexscreenings. When combined with other measures, such as open categories, fairness insports can be maintained while ensuring the ability of all to participate – a course ofaction followed by several professional sports associations.

I honestly don't expect you to read this, but of the 24 pages, about 2 or 3 pages pertain to trans athlete. I had no intention in getting in a pissing match over trans. But getting your panties wadded up over 600 females losing in 890 events in 29 sports is laughably small. The other 20 pages talks in details of abuse of women by coaches, athletes of other sports, and some trivial nonsense. These should be the issues we are tackling.
I stand corrected on the first bit.

It would be helpful if you link the actual UN report.

Here are the snippets pertaining to trans athletes...

7. Female athletes are also more vulnerable to sustaining serious physical injurieswhen female-only sports spaces are opened to males,9as documented in disciplinessuch as in volleyball,10 basketball11 and soccer.12 Instances have been reported whereadult males have been included in teams of underage girls. 13 Injuries have includedknocked-out teeth,14 concussions resulting in neural impairment,15 broken legs16 andskull fractures.17 According to scientific studies, males have certain performanceadvantages in sports. One study asserts that, even in non-elite sport, “the leastpowerful man produced more power than the most powerful woman” and states that,where men and women have roughly the same levels of fitness, males’ averagepunching power has been measured as 162 per cent greater than females. 18

11. Policies implemented by international federations and national governingbodies, along with national legislation in some countries, allow males who identifyas women to compete in female sports categories. 28 In other cases, this practice is notexplicitly prohibited and is thus tolerated in practice. The replacement of the femalesports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number offemale athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing againstmales. According to information received, by 30 March 2024, over 600 femaleathletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 differentsports.2912. Male athletes have specific attributes considered advantageous in certain sports,such as strength and testosterone levels that are higher than those of the average rangefor females, even before puberty,30 thereby resulting in the loss of fair opportunity.Some sports federations mandate testosterone suppression for athletes in order toqualify for female categories in elite sports. However, pharmaceutical testosteronesuppression for genetically male athletes – irrespective of how they identify – willnot eliminate the set of comparative performance advantages they have alreadyacquired.31 This approach may not only harm the health of the athlete concerned, butit also fails to achieve its stated objective. Therefore, the testosterone levels deemedacceptable by any sporting body are, at best, not evidence-based, arbitrary32 andasymmetrically favour males.33 Females are usually tested randomly to ensure thatthey are not using performance-enhancing drugs, while males are often not monitoredto ensure that they are taking testosterone suppression drugs. 34 To avoid the loss of afair opportunity, males must not compete in the female categories of sport. 35

31. Female athletes and coaches who object to the inclusion of men in their spacesdue to concerns about safety, privacy and fairness are silenced or forced to selfcensor; otherwise, they risk losing sporting opportunities, scholarships 78 andsponsorships.79 Many are also accused of bigotry, suspended from sports teams 80 andsubjected to restraining orders, expulsion, defamation and unfair disciplinaryproceedings. In at least one case, a female athlete did not receive a fair hearing.81Other females have quit sport owing to pressure, threats (including death threats 82)and verbal abuse. Such consequences have been reported in, inter alia, the Kingdomof the Netherlands83 and the United States,84 violating the fundamental human rightsof female athletes to freedom of belief, opinion and expression. 85 Women faceaggression when they assemble with respect to these issues. 86

puberty.88 Historically, the sex difference in performance is larger than that explainedby physiological and anatomical differences between males and females, in particularamong lower-ranked athletes. These physiological advantages are not undone bytestosterone suppression.89 Undermining the eligibility criteria for single-sex sportsresults in unfair, unlawful and extreme forms of discrimination against female athleteson the basis of sex. Given this reality, several international and national federations,such as World Aquatics, World Athletics, World Rugby, the International CyclingUnion and others,90 have reinforced female-only categories while ensuring that allathletes can participate, including those with differences of sex development orgender identities other than the sex they were observed to have at birth.

84. All persons, irrespective of their gender identity, are entitled to live a life freefrom discrimination and to have their human rights safeguarded. The Committee onthe Elimination of Discrimination against Women, in its general recommendationNo. 35 (2017) on gender-based violence against women, highlighted thatdiscrimination against women is inextricably linked to other factors that affect theirlives, including ethnicity, race, colour, political opinion, disability, migratory statusand gender identity and sexual orientation. It is therefore important that any sportsrelated policy ensure that transgender persons can participate fully in sports. SomeStates have taken special measures to strengthen inclusion, such as Ireland, which, inits national inclusion strategy for the period 2019–2021, highlighted the positivecontributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons to Irishsport.16985. According to international human rights law, differential treatment onprohibited grounds may not be discriminatory if it is based on reasonable andobjective criteria, it pursues a legitimate aim its effects are appropriate andproportional to the legitimate aim pursued and it is the least intrusive option toachieve the intended result. Maintaining separate-sex sports is a proportional actionthat corresponds to legitimate aims within the meaning of article 26 of theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and does not automatically resultin the exclusion of transgender persons from sports, nor does it require invasive sexscreenings. When combined with other measures, such as open categories, fairness insports can be maintained while ensuring the ability of all to participate – a course ofaction followed by several professional sports associations.

I honestly don't expect you to read this, but of the 24 pages, about 2 or 3 pages pertain to trans athlete. I had no intention in getting in a pissing match over trans. But getting your panties wadded up over 600 females losing in 890 events in 29 sports is laughably small. The other 20 pages talks in details of abuse of women by coaches, athletes of other sports, and some trivial nonsense. These should be the issues we are tackling.
I stopped reading your WOT after "I stand corrected."

You're not even right about that.

You actually stand humiliated and if you had a conscience you'd be embarrassed.
I stand corrected on the first bit.

It would be helpful if you link the actual UN report.

Here are the snippets pertaining to trans athletes...

7. Female athletes are also more vulnerable to sustaining serious physical injurieswhen female-only sports spaces are opened to males,9as documented in disciplinessuch as in volleyball,10 basketball11 and soccer.12 Instances have been reported whereadult males have been included in teams of underage girls. 13 Injuries have includedknocked-out teeth,14 concussions resulting in neural impairment,15 broken legs16 andskull fractures.17 According to scientific studies, males have certain performanceadvantages in sports. One study asserts that, even in non-elite sport, “the leastpowerful man produced more power than the most powerful woman” and states that,where men and women have roughly the same levels of fitness, males’ averagepunching power has been measured as 162 per cent greater than females. 18

11. Policies implemented by international federations and national governingbodies, along with national legislation in some countries, allow males who identifyas women to compete in female sports categories. 28 In other cases, this practice is notexplicitly prohibited and is thus tolerated in practice. The replacement of the femalesports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number offemale athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing againstmales. According to information received, by 30 March 2024, over 600 femaleathletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 differentsports.2912. Male athletes have specific attributes considered advantageous in certain sports,such as strength and testosterone levels that are higher than those of the average rangefor females, even before puberty,30 thereby resulting in the loss of fair opportunity.Some sports federations mandate testosterone suppression for athletes in order toqualify for female categories in elite sports. However, pharmaceutical testosteronesuppression for genetically male athletes – irrespective of how they identify – willnot eliminate the set of comparative performance advantages they have alreadyacquired.31 This approach may not only harm the health of the athlete concerned, butit also fails to achieve its stated objective. Therefore, the testosterone levels deemedacceptable by any sporting body are, at best, not evidence-based, arbitrary32 andasymmetrically favour males.33 Females are usually tested randomly to ensure thatthey are not using performance-enhancing drugs, while males are often not monitoredto ensure that they are taking testosterone suppression drugs. 34 To avoid the loss of afair opportunity, males must not compete in the female categories of sport. 35

31. Female athletes and coaches who object to the inclusion of men in their spacesdue to concerns about safety, privacy and fairness are silenced or forced to selfcensor; otherwise, they risk losing sporting opportunities, scholarships 78 andsponsorships.79 Many are also accused of bigotry, suspended from sports teams 80 andsubjected to restraining orders, expulsion, defamation and unfair disciplinaryproceedings. In at least one case, a female athlete did not receive a fair hearing.81Other females have quit sport owing to pressure, threats (including death threats 82)and verbal abuse. Such consequences have been reported in, inter alia, the Kingdomof the Netherlands83 and the United States,84 violating the fundamental human rightsof female athletes to freedom of belief, opinion and expression. 85 Women faceaggression when they assemble with respect to these issues. 86

puberty.88 Historically, the sex difference in performance is larger than that explainedby physiological and anatomical differences between males and females, in particularamong lower-ranked athletes. These physiological advantages are not undone bytestosterone suppression.89 Undermining the eligibility criteria for single-sex sportsresults in unfair, unlawful and extreme forms of discrimination against female athleteson the basis of sex. Given this reality, several international and national federations,such as World Aquatics, World Athletics, World Rugby, the International CyclingUnion and others,90 have reinforced female-only categories while ensuring that allathletes can participate, including those with differences of sex development orgender identities other than the sex they were observed to have at birth.

84. All persons, irrespective of their gender identity, are entitled to live a life freefrom discrimination and to have their human rights safeguarded. The Committee onthe Elimination of Discrimination against Women, in its general recommendationNo. 35 (2017) on gender-based violence against women, highlighted thatdiscrimination against women is inextricably linked to other factors that affect theirlives, including ethnicity, race, colour, political opinion, disability, migratory statusand gender identity and sexual orientation. It is therefore important that any sportsrelated policy ensure that transgender persons can participate fully in sports. SomeStates have taken special measures to strengthen inclusion, such as Ireland, which, inits national inclusion strategy for the period 2019–2021, highlighted the positivecontributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons to Irishsport.16985. According to international human rights law, differential treatment onprohibited grounds may not be discriminatory if it is based on reasonable andobjective criteria, it pursues a legitimate aim its effects are appropriate andproportional to the legitimate aim pursued and it is the least intrusive option toachieve the intended result. Maintaining separate-sex sports is a proportional actionthat corresponds to legitimate aims within the meaning of article 26 of theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and does not automatically resultin the exclusion of transgender persons from sports, nor does it require invasive sexscreenings. When combined with other measures, such as open categories, fairness insports can be maintained while ensuring the ability of all to participate – a course ofaction followed by several professional sports associations.

I honestly don't expect you to read this, but of the 24 pages, about 2 or 3 pages pertain to trans athlete. I had no intention in getting in a pissing match over trans. But getting your panties wadded up over 600 females losing in 890 events in 29 sports is laughably small. The other 20 pages talks in details of abuse of women by coaches, athletes of other sports, and some trivial nonsense. These should be the issues we are tackling.
One is one too many. I'm assuming you are a young kid and have no logical understanding of what it would mean for a father to have a man line up against his daughter and take something from her that she worked hard for all because they have a mental illness and want to pretend to be something they are not. Treat them for what they are....sick. There is a reason it is 99.9% of these events being males wanting to compete against females and not the other way around. All of these MEN sucked compared to their biological equals, so they want to switch it up to give themselves the only chance they could ever have of winning anything. Sounds very very democratic lol.
One is one too many. I'm assuming you are a young kid and have no logical understanding of what it would mean for a father to have a man line up against his daughter and take something from her that she worked hard for all because they have a mental illness and want to pretend to be something they are not. Treat them for what they are....sick. There is a reason it is 99.9% of these events being males wanting to compete against females and not the other way around. All of these MEN sucked compared to their biological equals, so they want to switch it up to give themselves the only chance they could ever have of winning anything. Sounds very very democratic lol.
Even Bill Maher thinks idiots like BMD/Dion are part of the problem.
** Wise Words Department **

"Go f**k yourself."

—Vice President Dick Cheney to Sen. Patrick Leahy, during an angry exchange on the Senate floor about profiteering by Halliburton, June 22, 2004
I think congressional reps should have to fight each other in a duel or something. We should have more of this.

I’m only half kidding.

Like legitimately divorce as a country or fight each other and be done with it cause it’s better than the current system of being trapped in this shit marriage.

More guys should be able to say GFY and challenge each other right there.