How will they rule ??!

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Trump during the campaign “I’ll lower grocery prices.. it’ll be easy”. Trump today in time magazine “it’s hard to bring them down once they’re up. It’s very hard”.

Translation: all the morons that voted for him because bacon costs more were duped. Also like I’ve said for months now, groceries just cost what they cost now. This is the new normal. Companies aren’t going to give up record profits.
Translation: Trump knows the dims and rinos are going to fight him every inch of the way. And dumbasses like Sammy will cheer them on.
What makes the left so ineffective are all the voices that they give to groups. It is certainly no echo chamber. As KAB said earlier, the right are the ones who perpetuate the social strifes. I don't think most lefties care at all about all the culture war nonsense. Reforms to help lower and middle class or bust, baby.
To add to this, a huge contingent of republicans are single issue voters. Many vote red because of guns or abortions. I’m spitballing numbers, but I bet 40% of the base accounts for these groups. (Though many are now firmly MAGA). MAGA republicans is another 30-40 percent? This group can find no fault in the movement and really do some mental gymnastics to connect dots. (I think a large chunk of these folk were also the tea party). The remaining 20% of republicans are traditional republicans. Small government, lower taxes, yada yada. However minute the details are, they vote lockstep with one another. The unison is impressive and has a oversized impact because of all the DEI republican states in the Midwest that all get 2 senators.

Democrats are loosely bound by governments ability to help the marginalized, but there’s just way too many more nuances to go into. They are also much quicker to protest and not vote.

I think republicans are going to be in power for the foreseeable future and for the reasons I listed above.
Yeah that’s not what happened. He sexually assaulted her. I think her testimony even included him sticking fingers inside her if memory serves.

It's exactly what happened, you just don't care... prefer perpetuating the lie.

All of it.

The only real news is that you WEF stooges intentionally destroyed the U.S economy.

It's all one doom loop of stupidity and dishonesty for them and their "arguments."

Just shockingly obtuse.
Almost half a decade later and @sambowieshin is still grasping to whatever he can to deflect from the insanity and hatefulness of democrats.

They are openly cheering on the murder of a company head and he wants to pretend they aren't giddy and hopeful every time someone tries to kill Trump. It's who they all are.

Reminder, no one tried to kill Biden or Harris
Who is they? I never cheer on the killing of anyone. Never have. Never will.

Just look at Mace rhetoric before and after her district changed. Had she always been bombastic ala MTG, I’d think this was unfortunate, but I have reason to question Mace. What did the other ladies do to second guess them?
You mean something like Carroll writing she thought rape was sexy? Or about screwing Trump? Naw. She’s completely credible.
Are you trying to have a conversation or be cute? Please note that I am not the one who indicated it mattered. A certain poster believed that it mattered.

Furthermore, when you say the shooter is "one of mine", are you just trying to be a douche? Again, this is why sane people avoid this thread.
I know better than to attempt a conversation with the likes of you, and I regret even attempting any engagement .

Have a good night,
I didn’t mention either of these people and honestly don’t care if their testimony or the outcome. I personally think all the identity politics is exhausting. I’ll judge Trump on how he improves the lives of lower and middle class. I fear his victories this tenure will be solely based on identity and owning the libs. Will love to eat crow on this.
I listened to this on the way to work the other day. My stance on Trump is let him and his administration do what they feel is appropriate and we can judge him at midterms. I don't want him impeded so that we can fairly assess him without people crying foul or using scapegoats in the event he fails.

I hope that I eat a lot of crow over the next few years.

There you go name calling again. I care deeply about the poor. That’s why I am concerned with another administration with tax cuts and trickle down policies. I’d love to eat crow on this. If Elon and Vivek are able to ramp down spending without enriching themselves with government contracts, I’ll sing their praises. I’ll remain skeptical until then.
Interesting pattern.
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Straight up treason. And further proof the dims don't give two shits about protecting the border.

One of many reasons the treasonous rinos should've impeached him way before the election. Should've also gotten a cease and desist on the sale of items funded by a bill and outside of his authority to sell. But they sold us out on that, too.
Maybe one of the resident commies cam answer on this. Also she claims she didn't have insurance until 2018, obamacare was mandated way before this, why didn't she sign up for it?

@Nightwish84 or @sammysdad05 would be a good one to answer why the press didn't bother asking that since they usually believes one sided stories

The Right has a BUNCH of guns.

When are we going to start using them?

How many are we going to allow the Left to murder?
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Meh, I like KAB. He's seems to be pretty intelligent, and he knows where to stick the needles. It's a helluva lot better than folks like sam, the broken record.
Interesting pattern.
Probably overused it. I’m confident 6 months from now you guys will be celebrating:

Pardoning of J6
2nd amendment sanctuaries
Harassment of trans folk. (Been teaching for 12 years and have yet to have one)
500k or so immigrants deported (million scheduled for deportation already)

And inflation will be the same and so will gas prices. This will not stop any of you from doing countless victory laps.
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Wouldn't it be amazing if the pieces of sht in the media did ANYTHING of this sort with the Dem candidate for president in 2020 that LIED HIS ENTIRE FKN CAREER and they refused to publish FACTUAL INFORMATION for over 5+ years about the NUMEROUS lies and crimes he committed to get a hold of nuclear codes and the country's checkbook?!

But now the zombies have FINALLY come to life because someone WITH BRAINS is finally coming to DC....
Are you trying to have a conversation or be cute? Please note that I am not the one who indicated it mattered. A certain poster believed that it mattered.

Furthermore, when you say the shooter is "one of mine", are you just trying to be a douche? Again, this is why sane people avoid this thread.
I only mentioned it because you busted up in here talking about mental illness. It takes a true kind of mental illness to strut around in this thread after a presidential candidate was shot, yet alone claiming it was shrapnel. Even worse, your excuse for saying such is because who, TMZ (??lol) was “reporting” it?

Go back and read this thread the day (and days after ) it happened and get back with me about which side is full of mental illness.

I also mentioned about a dozen other things that show how crazy stupid and wrong you are. At best you are a narcissist. At worst you are a delusional schizophrenic.

Provably wrong all the time while pretending to be the smartest person in the thread. Get bent.