How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I wonder if resident liberals woke up today and honestly thought "Wow, we must have truly gotten in some legitimate late votes to flip a house seat in California, a month after the election!"

I don't know how anyone can objectively look at this and think there wasn't cheating. If you told me during last nights game that Kentucky was all the sudden given 20 seconds back on the game clock in attempt to tie the game, I'd say that was some bullshit.
Hoping the aliens beam me outta here before Trump takes office. šŸ¤£

You already missed your chance. SOrry.

How can supposedly intelligent and well-educated people see the result of the House seat in CA (and other very sketchy happenings in Deep Blue areas only) and deny that there is some fraud occurring? Or, at the very least, honestly question whether there is fraud occurring and request a non-partisan investigation? I mean, it took a month to count all the votes in only this one district and, miraculously, just enough Dem votes were found to overturn a Pub seat in the House. And those on the Left are willfully blind to this? You can bet your a$$ if Florida did this and, miraculously, a Dem seat was flipped to Pub, there would be nonstop MSM outrage at this 'threat to democracy'. When it's for the Left, crickets. What logic do these people delude themselves with to somehow make this seem all above board? Or, do they just not care as long as their side wins?
Putin is the decider in this whole F'ing fiasco. Not Biden. Not Zelinsky. Not TruTrump
Boris Johnson straight up admitted a month ago, they refused to met them have peace talks. It's wild, Putin has been in power since Clinton and every president has said he's shrewd, calculated, etc...but now when it was politically convenient he's a reckless maniac. None of your guys claims add up in a timeline. If he was trying to reform the Russian empire, whyd he take a break for 8 years after taking crimea considering Obama openly said ukranian interests aren't American ones? Why would he spend resources and lives when the Donbas region could be acquired through pressured democratic means considering those ppl identify as Russian.

Questioning ones own govt doesn't make you a putin fan. Let me guess, you think 9/11 happened bc they hate our freedom...remember when the govt censored Bin Ladens letter of why he orchestrated it from the media. Totally different behavior now I guess from our military industrial complex

Insurance companies have been stealing from people for years and getting away with it. I guess someone finally got tired of being denied what they are owed.

These days people are tired, or just plain unhinged, and emboldened. Expect to see much more of this kind of thing across multiple commercial sectors including medical and finance. Gonna be wild the next couple of years.