You'll never meet better people than my buddies home schooled nephews. Got t meet two of them at a funeral last year. Both graduated college early. One is a teacher and another does accounting. Neither has had any social issues. NONE of them have social issues from my understanding. Can't say the same in any respect for plenty of public school families.
Only an ignorant bigot and/or a programmed raspberry pi would speak poorly about home schooling.
One of the biggest and best things about home schooling is you can always adapt and have the flexibility of scheduling and resources to do so. No ridiculous restrictions and frantic rush to put kids on up to an hour long bus ride, eat a less than ideal meal, and spend the day in the left's WORST fear- a giant petri dish of germs and toxins, and then more lost time with the drive home and homework.
Losing more than 3 hours per day to travel, homework, and other wasted time is tragic. Moving at the pace the child's brain and understanding allows is priceless. Watching a kid in 4th or 5th grade mastering math skills that are challenging for most 7th graders is pure joy, especially when compared to a kid getting abused by their peers for doing well in school.
Someone I know put their boy in the grave recently after a drug overdose. As a kid he was doing great in school until he moved into a school where he got the crap kicked out of him BECAUSE he was doing well AND because of his skin color. Before he left middle school he was doing drugs and missing school. Dropped out of high school altogether.
He was a bright kid and kind his entire life, but public school DESTROYED HIM.
Fkn Dims are the misery loves company people and they always will be. Putting a ball and chain on children wanting to excel is their answer for kids that don't. That's fkd up