How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We're literrally fighting off communism that's trying to break down our front door.

US judge orders Virginia to restore voters removed from rolls, restoring access to about 1600​

The ruling allows voters removed from the rolls to be reinstated.​

Not sure a "Judge" has that power. Hope the Governor ignores it... Judges are really stepping into a zone they may not want to step into. They can be removed for miss-conduct.
I’ve never really followed any of the polls. There’s only one that matters.

For the election junkies, why does the early vote indicate so much of a red wave? I’ve seen a huge push for republicans to vote early. But if I go today to vote for Trump, rather than Election Day, I’m going to contribute to the early vote stats but it’s not like he’s more likely to win.

Obviously the voters registrations are new voters.

Is there like a 3 sentence summary why the early vote this year is indicating a red wave? And/or is there a built in assumption the democrats will cause shenanigans on Election Day limiting the ability of Republicans to vote?

It's also reflective of excitement and voters listening to the message.

Personally, I think it indirectly proves he has the votes. They won't be able to say a blue wave showed up on election day because they just finally realized Trump is a threat to democracy because Bruce Springstein and Beyonce told them so.

So is this Rogan podcast just being recorded today, or will it be live, or they're releasing it today?

Released next week is what I heard.

Incidentally, Eric Trump on PBD podcast today was excellent and well worth a listen.

Personally, I think it indirectly proves he has the votes. They won't be able to say a blue wave showed up on election day because they just finally realized Trump is a threat to democracy because Bruce Springstein and Beyonce told them so.

I feel like this Beyoncé performance has nothing to do with votes, but is just a way to get her and Jay Z laundered money now that P Diddy is out as the front for the operation.
Gaining steam. Fox reporting of NYTimes oped.

Democracies lead to the exact tyranny they are describing. They have pretty much succeeded in making everyone believe that’s what we actually are by pushing that word at every single turn. We are a got dam Constitutional Republic FOR. THIS. VERY. REASON.
They are advocating for civil war and have already authorized the US military to be used against American citizens on American soil if they protest too much.
“I've talked to a lot of people, leaders in business and technology, because I was like, guys, you really need to go out there and fight hard because if America falls, your company's going to fall with it."

"I wish more leaders in business and technology would put themselves out there. They usually agree with me, and they support Trump, but they're afraid of saying so. And I'm like, man, the stakes are super high.

Fortunately, more and more people are coming out of the closet. Saying we'll support Trump, it's probably the most rebellious thing you could do in San Francisco, by a long shot.”
Can still be to big to rig. Voter rolls are a known quantity. There’s not unlimited ballots available
Not necessarily. How many of those registrations are actual citizens, alive, not belonging to some illegal immigrant who was registered so a vote can be cast in their new “American” identity or still living in that jurisdiction? Hopefully enough roll have been cleaned to prevent that. We aren’t talking about millions of votes being needed. Biden won by 42K votes over a handful of swing states that made the difference.
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The greatest thing that could possibly happen for this country would be Trump winning the EC and also taking that popular vote democrat rats love so much.

If he could get the popular vote, it would completely undermine all the democrat bullshit about “democracy”.

If he takes the EC, but not the popular vote, lefties will use that as their cover to burn down cities across America. Hopefully one of those cities they burn down is DC.

Mark Paoletta


2/ John Kelly was not a soldier’s soldier – at least not at the White House. His most-used skill as COS was threatening to resign. These were just the most public reports - as 2018 went on, it was increasingly common to see the COS office dark and empty when Kelly had stormed off for the day.You have an assignment, do it well until you finish.When Mick Mulvaney was named his replacement on Dec 14th, it was announced Kelly would stay through rest of year to help with transition. He did no such thing. He maybe came in once more to do any meaningful work. We were getting ready for a shutdown, which happened on Dec 22nd, and Kelly was AWOL to help out during the run up to it. Just checked out.John Kelly’s nightmare scenario isn’t a “fascist” White House - it’s a White House without John Kelly in it. Why else would he think threatening to quit all the time would have any impact on the president?He was a terrible Chief of Staff who whined and sulked because he was no longer a BFD General who everyone obeyed without question. He was just a staff guy to a President, and he hated it. He did a disservice to the nation by being dishonest, insubordinate, and quitting on the job before he resigned.

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