How will they rule ??!

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You guys murder babies the hamburger meat line hypocrite.
release rapist and murderers to rape and kill again,
allow illegals to rape/kill women and children so... (see first statement above)
allow pedophilia,
want to defund the police
want to kill businesses
want to put unqualified people in crucial jobs
want to give money to illegals for housing while poor Americans and Vets are homeless.
want to socialize this country to give more money to the 1%
The list is endless...Hypocrite.
BS. The debate over whether life begins at conception is not biblically based and is far from a settled issue in our society.
Abortion is also a women's HEALTHCARE issue. There are many instances that an abortion is necessary for the life of the mother and many other issues that involve a fetus that will be stillborn....and even others where the pregnant person is a small child who became pregnant as a result of being raped or molested thru NO fault of their own. There is NO comparison between these two issues so just STFU about that dumbazz comparison.
President Biden and VP Harris have put forth NO defund the police measures. NONE. That is stupid.
There are more applications for small businesses now that at any time in history. That is stupid.
None of the other issues have anything to do with the life and death of innocent children in schools.
There are plenty of things we could do to make our schools a safer place for kids but Republicans are too chicken sh** to do it.
Why are many businesses, court houses, and military installations set up like Fort Knox but we can't do more to protect America's children???
No metal detectors?
No cops?
No stricter red flag laws?
No set penalties for teens gaining access to their parents weapons?
No restrictions on weapons in the homes of known violent or mentally ill people?
You are not a man if you care more about YOUR own safety than the safety of the innocent women and children of this country. You are just a man baby sitting in your basement sucking your thumb, holding your big gun and saying you are helpless to do a damn thing.
What a puss.
The debate over whether life begins at conception is not biblically based and is far from a settled issue in our society.

Society has no say in the matter. None. Zero.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).

Oh....and you can also read up on Mary and Jesus and her conception.

You clueless blithering idiot.
Really is shocking, when the Nashville shooter’s tranifesto finally leaked, its immediately followed with a school shooting perpetrated by someone who’s been on the FBI radar. What a crazy unexpected timing of events.

Only to be followed up by the democrats trotting out their tried and true “Russia collusion” bullet points they know the most retarded of NPCs like Dion will parrot.
The only thing he is "meticulous" about is twisting our words against us while creating "half-truths" trying to refute all of human history.

For some reason, a bunch of people are falling for pigeon chess today.
You're right on the money. Unfortunately, I fell for it today. I just don't understand how someone can listen to a person say something, and then entirely twist what they said into something else to make them look bad. When called on it, he just doubles down, moves goalposts, whatever it takes to 'win' the debate. All from the self-proclaimed 'smartest guy in the room'.
Mainstream Republican thought....get an education, work hard, raise a family, put a few pennies away for your golden years. Maybe get a dog and a nice lawn mower. Give thanks to the Man above for providing you the opportunities to succeed. If your neighbor gets a better job and has a nicer mower, then congratulate him and invite him for a beer. This isn't rocket science.

Liberal ideology....protest on your neighbors lawn for having a mower that uses too much gas, and demand half of their salary be used to save the spotted centipede in the Amazon rain forest. Raising a family is out because your spouse is now selling dope on the street corner to help their trans friends move in to government funded housing. Cue up another protest because your Ford Pinto needs tires and your salary at the local bird seed factory isn't enough to cover tires and your spray paint stockpile used in the protests. You end up moving to Seattle where free abortions are rampant and you pray to the Greta Thunberg golden statue.

Get the picture?
To the point, it is treasonous what the Obama/Biden/Harris regime is doing. And the pigeon will deny it, and continue to slurp at the teat of big gov.
Somethings you can't make up...Secret Service "Out and Equal" at Disney World in October.

I mean our tax dollars already pay for illegals to get 4-star treatment. Might as well give the SS’ alphabet army the same. It’s not like they could use the money to enhance their training or anything. Bang-up jobs, they do.
Eagerly awaiting this economic and government efficiency proposal from the Trump team.
I'll admit that I'm intrigued by the possibility of a "Director of Govt Auditing".

I normally hate any new govt programs, as they're typically a waste of money... but this idea, in the right hands, with a competent, honest, auditor... yeah, I'm on board.

Musk sounds like he'd be perfect for the job (if he's crazy enough to give up making billions).
I'll admit that I'm intrigued by the possibility of a "Director of Govt Auditing".

I normally hate any new govt programs, as they're typically a waste of money... but this idea, in the right hands, with a competent, honest, auditor... yeah, I'm on board.

Musk sounds like he'd be perfect for the job (if he's crazy enough to give up making billions).

Musk has built one of the largest fortunes in the history of the world riding the wave of government waste, but I’d love to see him gut the government like he did X. Contrary to some early speculation, Twitter is not in shambles.
The Deep State hypocrisy knows no bounds. These RINO's don't want their grift to end.

I really want an honest answer from any of our resident Dims as to what exactly Harris brings to the table that will benefit American Citizens and make us the free, Constitutional Republic we are supposed to be. What policies and Agenda items is she going to put forth that will benefit us all? I want this to be done without mentioning Trump. Make her merits and agenda stand on it's own.
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I've proposed we pay the stupid to get sterilized, but if the IVF increases productive citizens, then 30k is a bargain, Village Idiot.

How much does the average taxpayers contribute over life?

Notwithstanding the current spending problem, we should be at a net positive with trumps proposal.
Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a vote. Apparently he could abort a baby on Fifth. With IVF, we’re talking multiple babies.

You all just want a dictator.
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Men with vaginas? You’re the one who flatly said if you’re born with a vagina you’re a woman and should be competing against women. Are you backtracking now?
Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a vote. Apparently he could abort a baby on Fifth. With IVF, we’re talking multiple babies.

You all just want a dictator.
The problem with Trump's IVF proposal is that it would jack up health insurance costs for everyone in a big way. If insurers are required to cover IVF, who is going to pay for that?
I wouldn't put it past the Feds these days to stand down on something like this hoping the kid acts out to create another tragedy for them to politicize.
Yeah, the FBI is responsible for a 14 year old kid shooting up a school. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? I say that, but then I recall a couple of years ago that the majority of the people on this thread (at least what seemed like a majority) said they believe that most mass shootings are put in motion by the government.
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The problem with Trump's IVF proposal is that it would jack up health insurance costs for everyone in a big way. If insurers are required to cover IVF, who is going to pay for that?

And demanding insurance companies cover it will also increase demand, further increasing the costs.

Not to mention all the insane biological men that will demand the treatment, as well.
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To keep from engaging with you further on this because you get ridiculous over nonsense... I was paying him a compliment. He engaged in economics as a hobby and when he and a friend developed a math equation that they applied to several disciplines. they decided to try it on the stock market and certain aspects of the economy. they pitched it to a few hedge funds and Thiel capital ended up hiring to use the math on investments. He has around a 140 IQ and has done some insane work in math and physics. He dabbles in the stock market to fund work on the other 2.

If just having "economist" label is enough for you then I hope you get your next Dr visit with Dr Jill Biden. I'm sure she can dagnose anything wrong with you since it says Dr right beside her name.
Speaking of math Equations...Where's @HymanKaplan been?
russian interference


Putin said the following:

Expanding on his view of Harris, Putin said: "She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her."
Really is shocking, when the Nashville shooter’s tranifesto finally leaked, its immediately followed with a school shooting perpetrated by someone who’s been on the FBI radar. What a crazy unexpected timing of events.

Only to be followed up by the democrats trotting out their tried and true “Russia collusion” bullet points they know the most retarded of NPCs like Dion will parrot.

Its pretty crazy how basically every single one of these people all had concerns raised, checked out and cleared by law enforcement, then go on to do the very thing that generated the concern.

People will cry about guns and the stories mention "assault style" (which style in and of itself admits it isnt an assault weapon, but is used in an intentionally deceptive way by msm) but the current system in place would stop most if not all these if the system would just get followed.

All that said, i see neither the usual gun control cries on social media nor a picture of the shooter nor mention of race. I can't tell if that means the online trolls/NPCs are too busy pimping kamala and cant multitask or if its a minority shooter so it will just be swept under the rug. Maybe both?
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I think we will probably have far more illegals vote this year than ever before because of Biden/Dem's efforts to register them to vote. The point was we have no idea what that number is nationally. We don't have much of clue how many illegals may have voted in 2020.

Will it be half million illegals voting nationally this time? 3.5 million? More...less? We have very little chance of getting an accurate picture of how many illegals end up voting cause there will be a tremendous effort by the Dems both at the federal level and the states they control to make sure we don't find out. The media certainly won't investigate. They will just keep saying 'there is no evidence.'

I do know while talking to Steve Bannon last year the Texas AG claimed they threw out 2.5 million mail in ballots that were fraudulent and had they not Biden would have won Texas. The registering illegals and mail in balloting has created such a mess and an unbelievable opportunity for fraud. I doubt very many illegals were voting 20-25 years ago, probably a very minor issue then. It's a big problem now.
I would hope the American people, at least the vast majority, can see this and what the dims are doing and vote them out. I hope but have little faith. smh
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The problem with Trump's IVF proposal is that it would jack up health insurance costs for everyone in a big way. If insurers are required to cover IVF, who is going to pay for that?

You're worried about that cost? What about the government funding for abortions to the tune of approx $600M per year? What about the billions spent on health care for illegals?
The problem with Trump's IVF proposal is that it would jack up health insurance costs for everyone in a big way. If insurers are required to cover IVF, who is going to pay for that?

Unless there are government subsidies to cover that cost, which in turn will continue to drive spending and inflation.

I posted about it before but i am still curious why and how ivf became some hot button issue. All i can figure is some internal polling shows a chunk of America is looking at ivf. Why else would both sides spend so much time focusing on what i assumed was a low impact issue?
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This is the shit you get when a f**king pos demo☭rat is installed via a stolen election.

At least theyre suing now rather than after the election where the certification will happen at light speed if dems win.

If the pubs ever win again, they absolutely must hit the ground hard and throw out every single illegal tey can find and threaten sanctions and/or literal war with countries that continue to allow their people to assault our borders.

Simultaneously remove every single benefit they get from coming here including getting an ag opinion stating birthright citizenship can only flow if at least one identifiable parent is here legally. I say identifiable because suddenly there will be tons of mystery dads out there to get around this. Still a bunch of cucks will step up to say theyre the dad but then hit them with child support orders.

All this must be done. We simply cannot allow an invasion of the country by illegal means.
Unless there are government subsidies to cover that cost, which in turn will continue to drive spending and inflation.

I posted about it before but i am still curious why and how ivf became some hot button issue. All i can figure is some internal polling shows a chunk of America is looking at ivf. Why else would both sides spend so much time focusing on what i assumed was a low impact issue?

Hot issue becoming bigger for families...and if we're going to allow the left to have $$$ to kill babies, then we need to do all we can to allow $$$$$$$$$ for new babies.

In 2022, there were 389,993 in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles performed in the United States, which is an increase of over 6% from 2021. This resulted in 91,771 babies born from IVF, which is an increase from 89,208 in 2021.
You're worried about that cost? What about the government funding for abortions to the tune of approx $600M per year? What about the billions spent on health care for illegals?
That doesn't have anything to do with the cost of health insurance. Stay on topic. Trump was in favor of getting rid of Obamacare (and I supported his efforts) but he now wants to expand Obamacare by forcing insurers to provide greater and very costly coverage?
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