I rely on policies and actions to judge a President. All I know is Trumps policies were ALL what was best for the country and people. Did more for Blacks than any other Prez and did not discriminate on race, gender or party. We had lower prices, the border was closed, we was receiving more money from other countries than ever, violence was under control because he supported the police is just a small handful of things for example. Biden/Harris has allowed all the you know who in, prices are where it is hard to buy groceries, eat out, illegals killing and raping Americans, gangs making school more unsafe, drugs killing more Americans than ever, wars and the list goes on and on.
I go by policies and common sense. Not by an R or D by their name. Am not programmed to go along regardless if I believe in a policy or not. Do what is BEST for the country and people. So simple but power is more important to your people than doing that. If the Dems was allowed to think for themselves there is no way they would be for all those bad things.