Imagine how he treats him in private. Dims are just that bad. They will tell you how empathetic and caring they are until they show you otherwise which, is generally in the same instance if things don't go their way.
Imagine how he treats him in private. Dims are just that bad. They will tell you how empathetic and caring they are until they show you otherwise which, is generally in the same instance if things don't go their way.
With how easily and quickly he did that, and how little the son reacted, you know it’s not the first time that’s happened.Imagine how he treats him in private. Dims are just that bad. They will tell you how empathetic and caring they are until they show you otherwise which, is generally in the same instance if things don't go their way.
Imagine how he treats him in private. Dims are just that bad. They will tell you how empathetic and caring they are until they show you otherwise which, is generally in the same instance if things don't go their way.
Not the same law since one is a New York State law.How odd that you mention this without realizing what you just did. Hillary was fined $2000 under the same law you brag Trump was convicted of 34 felonies on. She paid a law firm to hire Steele to make up a fake dossier. That is the same exact code of law they charge Trump with. She got a $2000 fine for trying to frame a president of treason and Trump got 34 felonies for paying his lawyer what the lawyer said he owed him. LOL. Cohen even admitted to stealing $40,000 from Trump and they didn't charge Cohen for the theft.
Just admit that you don't care about anything but getting Trump and electing someone with a D by their name. LOL
Sure. Just as there is a difference between committing a crime and not.But you do realize there is a difference between just rhetoric and using the doj, fbi, state AG's and even the cia to go after a political rival right?
Well…great.Lots of ways to do that other than by giving low population states control of the country.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a longtrain of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security
Something wrong with that waltz guy. He acts so odd. Always bowing down and putting his hands together. Something just isn’t right with him.
He should lead with that.
"I'm shambowiestain, and I'm THE big idiot." Might take him off ignore if he led off every post with that acknowledgement.
KAB started bowing up like a drunk frat boy (he probably turned his cap around and took off his shirt) and started rambling incoherently about a fictional and undefined wager.
Kamala in charge of the Armed Forces: 😄😄😄
Okay, the Air Force they' are, don't tell me! don't tell me!!! They are the Blue ones? Is that right? Did I get it right?
Hey Tim, I got it right! Remind me again, which color were you? I know it was either tenne' or olive drab, because you weren't on a boat, and those guys wear white cuz white is the color of water.
Why cant dims be that honest IRL...
Was he doing a warchant?
Are they actually cheering prosecutors going after their political enemies?
He has ADHD and something called Non-Verbal Learning Disorder. Doesn't mean he can't talk. not exactly sure what that is, but it's definitely a testament to the fact we need to reign in the collusion between Big Pharma and the food (poisoning) industry.Okay, it turns out Walz' son DOES have issues. I didn't know that, stain on me. I apologize. Not knowing is not an excuse.
So, I'm open to suggestions as to what my punishment should be.
We need an Emoji for "Cringe"Can you imagine if Kamala Word Salad Harris becomes the Commander in Chief?
Did Commiela really say the government could steal intellectual property and inventions from people? Is there anything more Commie than that?Not watching or reading news again I see. the labor dept just admitted that jobs added were "accidentally" overstated by 800,000 last year. They also overstate 2022 by 400,000. Given that, most people are predicting a recession. Warren Buffet sold his entire stock portfolio and is sitting entirely on cash.
Kamal said that she was willing to take patents from people, force price controls, give out free money for housing. She has been the border czar and we've had the highest rate of illegal immigration in the nations history.
I know you think you come in here and crop dust us with truth bombs but we all just laff at you for being as low information of voter as is possible while still having internet.
Quick question.... What are the 3 best policy positions you think Kamala has?
Tell that to women and girls suffering thru state mandated rape pregnancies and DOA babies.
Telling us you don’t understand anything about federalism without using the word federalism…the chef’s kiss of ignoranceWell…great.Lots of ways to do that other than by giving low population states control of the country.
Soros's so anti-American. Is like a rich communist has been planted here. And our government just allows it. Should be protests all over the country demanding this family be prosecuted or run out of the country. Like everything else, a big portion of Americans does not keep up with things like this while half the country could care less. Even though they make this country a hundred times worse for decent common sense people they are allowed to stand up for anti-Americans, criminals, rapists, illegals, killers, drug dealers and protesting with violent and destructive behavior.
She doesn’t have to. 90% of the media is behind her. She has more air cover than an army battalion. If I’m her advisor, I tell her to keep as far away from the press as possible and never stray from the teleprompter at your rallies. (Something Trump could learn from sometimes)When is Kamala going to address the issues? Been over a month now. All we've heard is she's going to tax the hell out of us and bring down the price of Eggo's.
This has to be fake at this point right? Is he really that mentally broken?
Did Commiela really say the government could steal intellectual property and inventions from people? Is there anything more Commie than that?
There was a pundit that used to be on cable news shows....15 years or so back....that I believe was a journalist (use that term lightly) for one of the news magazines. Remember reading one day (probably as he was 'coming out') that the media could/would influence elections to the tune of 5% or more of the vote. I think probably more based on today's media.I have been convinced for some time that the people pull the lever at the booth but it’s the media that elects the President. They are a dangerous group, imo.
Think it was this guy. Evan Thomas. G'father ran for Prez as a Socialist.There was a pundit that used to be on cable news shows....15 years or so back....that I believe was a journalist (use that term lightly) for one of the news magazines. Remember reading one day (probably as he was 'coming out') that the media could/would influence elections to the tune of 5% or more of the vote. I think probably more based on today's media.
Can't remember his name, but I remember that his Dad (?) was either in the Communist or Socialist party and may have run for Prez on their ticket. I've looked several times but I can't figure out who he was/is.
Can you imagine if Kamala Word Salad Harris becomes the Commander in Chief?
Really? Are you selling shares in a media company? Have you ever changed your mind based on what somebody in the media told you? How do we know you're not the dangerous one, eh? "Look at tannerdad! He let Gumpfart on the radio tell him how to vote!!!"I have been convinced for some time that the people pull the lever at the booth but it’s the media that elects the President. They are a dangerous group, imo.
Well, they are legit state run propaganda at this point, so yeah they do catch all of the sheep and people with no critical thinking skills whatsoever.She doesn’t have to. 90% of the media is behind her. She has more air cover than an army battalion. If I’m her advisor, I tell her to keep as far away from the press as possible and never stray from the teleprompter at your rallies. (Something Trump could learn from sometimes)
I have been convinced for some time that the people pull the lever at the booth but it’s the media that elects the President. They are a dangerous group, imo.
Think it was this guy. Evan Thomas. G'father ran for Prez as a Socialist.
Evan Thomas - Wikipedia
Adam Kissinger, the very definition of RINO.