How will they rule ??!

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Is he trying to lose the election? Or does he just not respect people who have served? Abd in this case ones who were killed or injured. Disgusting.
Sounds like a Globalist WEF/UN Agenda 2030 type agreement. Will the Feds be taking over Farms?

I believe that's a safe bet

I've read / beard other crazy things about '✴🅰️㊙️ food supply - but haven't looked closely and don't know any farmers

So that Sentinel Landscape thing - there are some state examples - seemed like 2021 may have been first operational units being established

policy papers or USG publications like the NDAA - recently feature the classification of "partners" being included with "allies"

So - maybe a newly established Sentinel Landscape pact is signed - to a.large land developer who sees some degree of security in entering a deal with the 3-headed USG entity

OR - maybe an ally is the buyer
NATO nations are allies

OR - maybe someone less close to our home and hearth BUT STILL --->> a partner ..... someone doing partner type work for the Govt - ??

Our government has run with some pretty rough partners at times -

The MOU was clear that the USG sees people, civic organizations, commodity groups (?) , and population based organizations --- are all acceptable to enter into the pact
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Weaker? Did they decommision their nuclear arsenal, or improve it since 1991?

Village Idiot.
So you advocate bending over for anything Putin wants because he has nukes?
It's ok if he invades any country in Europe he pleases because he has nukes?
You and Trump might be ok with that but any country/union that has balls like the US, NATO or Ukraine is gonna tell him to kiss their azz.
You have a piss poor understanding of bullies and dictators.

Listen very closely, Village Idiot. And the rest of you morons parroting this line.

In year one an ice cream cone costs $1.
In year 2 an ice cream cone costs $2.
In year 3 am ice cream cone costs $3.

Now, the price is at an all time high, correct?

Now pay attention closely Village Idiot.

In year 3, despite an all time high price, inflation has gone from from 100% to 50%.

Now read that until you comprehend it.
I know, it may take you 100 tries. Don't give up, work at it! You can do it!
My parent's house cost 27k in 1975.
That same house is worth 400k in 2024.
Prices go up over time. Always have... Always will.
Only simpletons like you think all the blame goes to Biden when it was your Dumbazz President that handed out 2 Stemie checks and blew the deficit thru the roof.
Your Dumbass also handed out the largest bailout in US HISTORY.
Your Dumbazz created a deficit that is DOUBLE Biden's deficit.
Let me repeat that for the slow readers.... Trump's deficit spending was DOUBLE Joe Biden's.
Let me repeat that one more time for the super slow readers like Marley.... Trump's deficit spending was DOUBLE Joe Biden's.
Hmmm..... Let's see...... Trump gave us two big azz stemie checks, the largest bailout in US history and DOUBLE the Biden deficit.... But Biden caused ALL the inflation on his watch?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Okie Dokie.

Dumber than owl sh** if y'all can't see Trump had a huge roll in the inflation that Biden finally got under control.

Finally in fairness...
Biden also handed out money he shouldn't have for one round of stemies.

Both Presidents contributed to this inflation period. Only fools don't or won't acknowledge that fact.
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No, they came here the right and legal way and are being productive members of society, running businesses. I have zero issues with any of them because they followed the rules to get here. Why they gravitate towards certain specific businesses is probably a product of the reasons they came here, and I bet a lot of their money goes back home to families.
Come here LEGALLY, don’t be a mooch, produce and provide for yourself and welcome aboard the American Dream.
Then why are you saying this to me and not @blubo? He’s the one who said they weren’t Americans. It should be you calling him out. Why’s it left to me?
I don't think most people understand just how bad price controls are. You look at history and in the 1920s the US had a recession and in 6 months we popped right out of it and started to boom again. Then we had black tuesday and politicians wanted to "fix" it. Among the worst things they did was price controls, minimum wage and production limits. They took what should have been a bad recession that lasted a year and made it into a decade long shit fest.

Even MSM people are calling her out on this. They don't want to go completely broke. She is so dumb.
Who loved the lockdowns? It sounds like your having an argument with the voices in your head.

My take? They're leaving Trump because it's finally dawned on people that he's a horrible man who'd wreck the country.

I think there is a lot happening that's aimed at destroying ppl's Hope

Thats not directed at anyone specific
And the advice applies to me as well

Added link that mentons a home buying program the KH team would authorize

$25,000 down payment made by the Govt for First Time home buyers

And a much higher gift offered for First Generation home buyers - specifically ppl who's parents weren't home buyers etc

ALMOST sounds like subsidized housing for the unchecked and unattached partners that have been courted to the US

Would be consistent with the blatant aid thats been provided hy everyone fm Catholic charities, to the border guard units, on up to state/municipal sanctuary programs - etc

Have you heard or seen anything about block buying of homes In some areas by vague NGOs or LLCs?

ABC News -
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I’d be surprised if the reporting that RFK wants to join with Kamala is true, have no idea though.

He just watched the Kamala handlers overthrow the sitting president of the United States. They’re the exact same people who murdered his dad and uncle. His positions would have no place in the Harris administration (or any D administration at this point).

Rumors are he was in discussions with Trump until his deep state groomed son recorded their phone call and leaked it.

Unfortunately, there's no way nor reason for me to trust RFKJ. Besides his stance on abortion and some policies, he's still a Democrat and untrustworthy. It's not like he's ever denounced the known cheating of his party from which they have benefited in many elections over many decades. There are a lot of things he needs to address before I could ever trust him.
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I think there is a lot happening that's aimed at destroying ppl's Hope

Avoid investing too much emotional weight with the ups and downs of the election, the constant race agitation & other inflammatory tactics

There's an element of this that's designed to short circuit people's minds IMO

Thats not directed at anyone specific
And the advice applies to me as well

^^ 110%

The shit that's coming will require everyone to think and reason rather than react. Dems as well as Republicans. Hopefully, there are some decent Dems that will realize what's happening and not go along with the hysteria generated.

Is he trying to lose the election? Or does he just not respect people who have served? Abd in this case ones who were killed or injured. Disgusting.

I dare you to watch this. You keep trying to pretend Trump hates soldiers but you voted for "this" guy.... He hates having to talk to wounded soldiers or the families of dead soldiers. He constantly makes up stuff about his son in order to make him sound more important than the son of the family he's talking to.
You should seriously get help for your child rape fantasies.
This is another perfect example of why the government needs to GTFO of people's pants and doctors offices.

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This is another perfect example of why the government needs to GTFO of people's pants and doctors offices.

“2 women say”

Nothing in that article states any of what you’re claiming has to do with government. Texas DOES allow “termination” for ectopic pregnancies when necessary. So why wasn’t one performed? Could be a number of reasons.

Treatment various individually case by case. I see nothing in the article stating how far along each woman was, symptoms they presented with, or the ER physicians action plan and discharge instructions. All I see “they didn’t give me an abortion!” “I’m gonna sue” “Texas law fault”

I suspect those lack of details is purposeful from the author (pro abortion/gender health activist - no surprise there) for the benefit of the article and emotionally manipulating the reader.
“2 women say”

Nothing in that article states any of what you’re claiming has to do with government. Texas DOES allow “termination” for ectopic pregnancies when necessary. So why wasn’t one performed? Could be a number of reasons.

Treatment various individually case by case. I see nothing in the article stating how far along each woman was, symptoms they presented with, or the ER physicians action plan and discharge instructions. All I see “they didn’t give me an abortion!” “I’m gonna sue” “Texas law fault”

I suspect those lack of details is purposeful from the author (pro abortion/gender health activist - no surprise there) for the benefit of the article and emotionally manipulating the reader.

Certain types of people are very easily emotionally manipulated, and they usually are the types to scream and wail about covid (and shut it all down!) Then turn around and blame the guy who did a fraction of what they wanted (lockdowns, etc) for the shitstorm that hit the economy and federal deficit.

They're usually Village Idiots.
Certain types of people are very easily emotionally manipulated, and they usually are the types to scream and wail about covid (and shut it all down!) Then turn around and blame the guy who did a fraction of what they wanted (lockdowns, etc) for the shitstorm that hit the economy and federal deficit.

They're usually Village Idiots.

They'll do the exact same thing with price controls and 25k home buying bonuses.

Think the $600 and $1200 stimulus checks were bad?

Absolute morons.