Where have you been? Hilary is the OG at claiming foul. She was the first one in my life that called the election a fraud, that Trump cheated, and used Russia to seal the election. Just because she called him that night doesn't give her a free pass for being the first cry baby saying he cheated. That stupid Stacey Abrams in Atlanta did the same thing when she lost, she claimed she was cheated and it wasn't fair.
And why is the capitol riot always brought up?? I dont recall any Repubs SHOOTING Obama or Biden. I dont recall months of Repubs looting, burning, and destroying dozens of cities for months. Months. Could you imagine the media frenzy if the republicans did what the dems did to all those cities? But hey, some rednecks storming the capital for a few hours without even setting fire was despicable, huh?