Impossible. You need strong wrists to play polo.
There's an irrational breakdown when you consider people who don't mind ruling over a broke, non prosperous, depressed nation. That's not rational or logical. But these people want this. That indicates a supernatural influence. If you step back and look at the big picture, you can see Satan's influence over most of this world and over half of this country. Those who deny his existence are the easiest ones for him to fool.
Trans stuff really needs to be lumped into Flat-Earther conspiracy and the like. It should no longer be a "don't talk about it political" subject. I shouldn't have to feel awkward bringing it up in other threads.. instead trans stuff should be treated as if "we all know this is bullshit right?", and be able to mock it freely, without it being "political" just like we'd mock flat-earthers or any other bat-shit crazy ideology or cult.
Shit is damned horrifying. Sorry ass trash.But JD vance is weird, not the ppl who support this...
@Dionysus444 is this inclusive? Where a woman can't compete?
And we all know these same voters are going to play dumb in the coming years like "OMG! HOW COULD THIS BE? TIKTOK AND CELEBRITIES SAID I WAS SAVING DEMOCRACY!"14% of 20 million (way conservative number) is more than enough to influence an outcome. If this election goes to D, this country will no longer have the constitution upon which it was founded. Rights of the individual will be subject to international law set by dictators in majority of UN member countries.
I'm still waiting on those lying stacks of dog poo that promised to move the last time he was elected to follow through with their empty promises.You have to be getting close to a “If Trumps elected I’m moving to Canada” moment.
I’m speaking from observations. It gets under y’all’s skin. There are so many posts about it from so many different posters, no way you can deny it.He is just talking from personal experience. He likes hearing the word “weird” over and over in lieu of the Dems actually attempting to defend their record for the past 3.5 years. It’s kind of like when the hyenas hear the name “Mufasa” in the movie Lion King.
Winner!Impossible. You need strong wrists to play polo.
You know how they all claimed Trump would never leave the White House? OBAMA NEVER LEFT. He's the only one who stayed in D.C. He spied on Trump, served as a point man behind the scenes in the crap Trump dealt with from 2017-2020. He has obviously run the show with Biden in office, and according to reports, he's apparently the one who ousted Joe and threatened him with the 25th.
At least everyone else went away. Obama never did.
You should've. You couldn't though. As Coulter said:Should have picked Vivek in the primary.
Trans stuff really needs to be lumped into Flat-Earther conspiracy and the like. It should no longer be a "don't talk about it political" subject. I shouldn't have to feel awkward bringing it up in other threads.. instead trans stuff should be treated as if "we all know this is bullshit right?", and be able to mock it freely, without it being "political" just like we'd mock flat-earthers or any other bat-shit crazy ideology or cult.
No weird people allowed! 🤣
Yeah, you've been coping. If it wasn't landing you'd be ignoring it.Gets our goat? We've been laughing about it and making memes showing the true weirdness of the left.
For sure and Obama is a puppet for Soros and his crew. Think of him as Shredder to Soros' Krang.Sort of. He didn't "run" anything himself when he was President that wasn't a cluster. Soros and the like ran him. He's just doing what he was told by those who financed him from before he pretended to be a constitutional scholar. He's an actor. Everything about him and his world is a construct. Not that it matters saying it
Imagine how much of a psychopath you’d have to be to beat up a woman “ in disguise”.Shit is damned horrifying. Sorry ass trash.
He is just talking from personal experience. He likes hearing the word “weird” over and over in lieu of the Dems actually attempting to defend their record for the past 3.5 years. It’s kind of like when the hyenas hear the name “Mufasa” in the movie Lion King.
I wonder what Russia got out of this prisoner swap. Whatever it is will almost undoubtedly be bad for America.
Trump goes to Natl Assoc. of Black Journalists in Chicago, was told there was no option to zoom in and that Kamala would be there....she's not there, IS zoom calling in and he was basically attacked.
Another DEM setup. Her campaign will be despicable.
So, they have white privilege, or they're being exploited? Literally cannot be both, yet you claim both.
Which is it, you ridiculous commie?
You just make it up as you go, don't you?
Enjoy your propaganda tour. Hope your dad has a good time. You, you'll be hearing a little voice in the back of your head now. With its eyes open. Seeing things in a whole new light; through cracks you never noticed were there. Just the tiniest whisper of doubt. Instead of being thoroughly, mindlessly lost in the hoopla.Just got word that my Dad (who is 90) is slated to go on his Honor Flight (Korean War Vet, USS Forrestal) on October 5th, and I'm going to accompany him (everyone that is selected to go on one has to have an escort with them)
Dion, I know you detest Honor Flights, but if you run your talk hole about this, I'll take a trip to Eastern Kentucky, and personally stop yours from working for 3 to 6 months.
Dogs are the best.Awesome pic ...
Trump is fearless, but to be honest it's good strategy to accept an invitation to a lot of things like this.
He has to get his message out, especially about her and her record.
I do agree with @OHIO COLONEL though that Trump might be better off doing rallies in black communities and saying it directly to the people.
Everything is discriminatory... to some peopleWhat in the ever loving hell of things thrown in your face...
I never knew bourbon was discriminatory. I have a pour every once in a while w/ a good friend at OBC, and he is gay, but he doesn't walk in and demand special privileges, or feel slighted in any fashion. The more this shit is thrown in our face (and I know many in the gay community hate being singled out like this) then the worse it gets....same w/ the race issues.
Well it’s obvious now. Anything you disagree with, just call it white supremacy. SmhEverything is discriminatory... to some people
Cow's Milk A Symbol Of White Supremacy, PETA Claims
Cow's milk is allegedly a symbol used by white supremacists, according to
Well, that settles it. I will no longer be getting tricked for years with food.
You can't even make up how inept and corrupt everything Trump touches ends up. The ****ing companies Trump hand picked to build the border wall have been smuggling mexicans into the country with roads they built specifically for the smuggling under the cover of wall construction. The covered up border patrol cameras with construction equipment and filed thousands of false spending invoices. MAGA!
It's an extremely dangerous situation for our republic when one of the two major parties is openly volunteering to cheat. Think about if the other side were saying these things. Y'all'd be preparing for war.I think the Republicans need to bus an assload of people over from Ohio, to vote in Pennsylvania (once they vote in Ohio or course). I'll volunteer to be one of the drivers.