Been a great run.


I was on a SW flight one time and I was sitting on the aisle and this thin teenage girl was sitting against the window. On the other side of the aisle there were two fat guys. Both of the sections had the middle seat open. These were the only two open seats left on the plane. A nice looking woman boarded the plane late. She walked back to our row. She looked at me. Then she looked at the fat guys. And she decided to sit between the fat guys. I've never really gotten over that.
I rode the school bus through the trailer parks in middle school and it absolutely sucked. I would just read and listen to music to try to get through it.

One time these two orca fat rednecks got into a fistfight while I was in the window seat. Fat Cracker A put his considerable bulk on top of Fat Cracker B (who was seated to my left and impeding my ability to skedaddle) and proceed to wear about FCB's head. My narrow ass almost suffocated from these two pricks trying to badly fight each other before the bus driver could stop and sort it all out.

I'd do it all over again, too, to not sit next to Waterhead on a plane.
Poor Jeff....not mentioning that the new rules gift 4.5" to the runner, as well as only allowing the pitcher 2 throws to keep the runner close. Elly would probably have 15-20 less SB's using the forever rules before MLB screwed w/ the game.
Clearly, that explains why he’s 20 SB ahead of No. 2 in MLB.

And, true, he’d probably struggle immensely against athletes like these holding him on…
