How will they rule ??!

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Biden, the guy who was in the senate so long that he served with seven guys born in the 1800s, now wants term limits? 😂

RBG was drooling and out of it at the end and that was fine. I’m sure Biden will ask Congress for term limits. I’m sure none of this has to do with being outnumbered 6-3.

Biden sure tries to do a lot of stuff that an authoritarian drunk on power while projecting it on others.
And just for SCOTUS.
You do understand that Hawking radiation is entirely theoretical . You know....theoretical like the 'information paradox." Now run back to ChatGPT for a reply.
Currently, but if you'd been paying attention you'd know a framework for using current telescopes to look for it has just been outlined. ChatGPT's training cut off was years ago btw.

If they had beaten him fair and square the 1st time they wouldn't need to try all thse stunts..

But they are trying them all because they know there's no Covid for them to use this time.
Most popular presidential candidate ever, everybody. Don’t question it. You must accept these bizarre anomalies and record voting and weird stops in the night for vote spikes.

Sure no one had won the presidency without Ohio/Florida in like a hundred years, and Biden got more black votes than Obama despite not actually campaigning but don’t question it, guys. It’s legit. So legit that they have been obsessed with trying to imprison Trump, get him off the ballot and just tried to kill him.

Biden just asked "what the hell is the matter with this man" as he talked about Trump and tried to paint him as a racist. Actually he yelled it agrily.

Democrats don't mean ANYTHING they say to your face unless it's vitriol against CONS.
Remember he doesn’t engage in that rhetoric, guys. He’s white noise anyway. Doesn’t mean anything. His supporters are batshit crazy and everyone has acknowledged now that he should be eating pudding in a nursing home.

Still amazing to me the picking and choosing of who is and isn’t prosecuted in Washington. The entire concept of no violence in politics is to limit the concept of a people taking their country back from the criminal element. No criminal politician wants to end up like Mussolini and that’s the truth. Which I don’t blame them, id rather go to prison rather than be drug through the streets.

You know this country has been completely propagandized when guys like JFK, Reagan, and Trump are seen as assassination worthy but the Clinton’s, Bush’s, and Obama’s have never even experienced a paper ball thrown their way.
Didn’t George Bush have a couple of shoes thrown at him once?
Biden says Trump won't leave office and is a threat to Democrcy.............while just announcing that he's going to come out with a major initiative to change the Supreme Court.

Do Liberals have any clue how stupid and easy to see right through they are ?
He won’t leave office, guys which is why he has stayed in the White House since 2020. He just won’t leave, bruh as Trump keeps on citing squatters rights.


Biden has always been dumb AF.
Lol wtf are you talking about? Your understanding of science is like a first grader’s.

Hardly. As usual you walked into the typical lefty trap where you sink into a juicy position then find out you cant logically defend it

Getting back to Vance for a second....if his book and bio are fake, or parts of it....don't you think that Trump's people would have uncovered that? He ran for Senate here in Ohio and I don't recall it ever coming up. And the Dem/libs in Ohio are as ruthless as any of them. In fact I don't remember seeing a whole lot of anti-Vance commercials run by the Dems...rather most of their commercials (for Dem Ryan) were trying to make Ryan out like a conservative.

It isnt a secret. There is nothing to uncover. The only political point to that is it's so well known, there is no gotcha on that point. Much like Trump's infidelity and womanizing.

I am curious to see if anyone digs into appharvest or whatever it was called. From my understanding they cut him in solely so they could say he was involved.

Have you read the book? He doesn’t lie about anything . He grew up in Middletown, OH, family was from EKY, and he spent parts of summers there. That’s what he says in the book. He doesn’t need to lie.

Then be lapped up the media attention and played a different tune. Then played another tune when he was busted. Then another when he saw trump resonate.

I have no concerns about him solely as vp. Hes exactly what trump wants. Everyone should have legitimate concerns about him as president on deck.

I remember the last time i caught this much flack was warning everyone that lin wood was a fraud. Same exact reaction.
What? Again? If you paint a painting, are you confined by the properties of the painting? (To avoid confusion, the correct answer is “no”)

Even non-believers should know that the properties of this world, including time, matter, and space, did not exist at some point (point - just using our limited language as well as I can), according to scripture and the current predominant scientific theory. Asking where anything outside of creation “came from” is inane, because we are bound by all of creation’s properties cannot imagine what being unbound would be like.

One more thing before I move on to the misfits of the left, they always pay for my much.

The most illogical position in the history of mankind are of atheism. They’ve mentally isolated themselves from basic understandings of reality because they can’t think beyond time and matter directly in front of their face.

NDE’s nearly prove atheism totally false and yet they still can’t see it. It’s a choice not to believe it and remain willfully defiant.

NDE’s have been recorded in medical journals and many of them line up together. Lifelong atheist have experienced them as well. Some of them are incredible, especially the ones where the doctors admit there’s no way a patient on a table could have seen what they saw outside of their body while under deeply induced anesthesia. Gonna throw one of these out there if anyone is interested in watching. It’s actually fascinating and pretty wild even if you don’t believe. They cover others that explain the proof behind them.

So was destiny demonetized after his leftist hate filled rants all over X.

Dork - check
Lisp - check
Floppy wrist - check
Mental illness - check

All of the boxes. The biggest problem today is too many leftist buy a set of black spectacles and a microphone and then thinks that makes their mental Illness cured and also creates intelligence.

No, it means you bought glasses and a tool, you tool. This guy has admitted to studying Wikipedia to memorize topics lol.

Btw can anyone explain the situation that understands it better than me. This guy was rising up the ranks and being taken seriously. Appearing on shows like Piers Morgan, having scheduled debates with guys like Sebastian Gorka and Ben Shapiro, being written and talked about routinely, to losing his mind and making fun of the victim at the rally and going on profanity laced rants about wishing Trump and his supporters were dead. It was pretty crazy, now he’s been demonetized and will never have those opportunities again. What in the world did he do that for? Just a sign of his mental illness?
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US Marine Corps veteran critically wounded by Trump assassin, comes out of coma

David Dutch, 57, who was shot in the chest and liver, and placed in a medically-induced coma, emerged from coma — his condition upgraded to “stable”.

David Dutch is a USMC veteran from New Kensington, Pennsylvania.
GTFO. You didn't mess with Joe and Mouse

"Why not at this point" is one of my favorite quips in quite some time. It's really something to just watch him outright lie nonstop. What little lucid thought he has believes hes so slick no one knows hes lying.

But then again...why not at this point. Libs will vote for him anyway.
Langone was a huge trump supporter in 16 and 20
I was going to respond the same (and more) earlier but waited to see if anyone else would.
And he will support and vote for Trump this year. He's a very, very strong Republican and conservative in the Wall Street environment.

I would say more but don't want to come across as bragging. Many on this board know that I used to live in Atlanta... 😉 😉