How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
The electoral votes sent to Congress are irrevocable.
So if this is your position(the correct one), what were Trump's fake electors? Since only the originals met the Safe Harbor standard of said Electoral Count Act of 1887, they always had no legitimacy. So you grant that Trump organized fake electors and tried to get them acknowledged to steal the election, you just don't care since it didn't work and you, personally, don't think it would have. How TF can you be willing to vote for someone who tried to destroy our Constitution?
So if this is your position(the right one), what were Trump's fake electors? Since only the originals met the Safe Harbor standard of said Electoral Count Act of 1887, they have no legitimacy. So you grant that Trump organized fake electors and tried to get them acknowledged to steal the election, you just don't care since it didn't work and you, personally, don't think it would have. How TF can you be willing to vote for someone who tried to destroy our Constitution?

There were no “fake electors” hahaha

There were alternate electors for the grace period if fraud was found (there was fraud). So pipe down, Mr Treason. You are out of your element
I've watched Biden (and quite literally, every POTUS in my lifetime, try to run rough-shod over the Constitution. It's a favorite past-time of Presidents. It's practically a tradition. That's why we have it, and separation of powers.

You've been dispatched. Run along. (he's still typing, isn't he... LOL)
I've watched Biden (and quite literally, every POTUS in my lifetime, try to run rough-shod over the Constitution. It's a favorite past-time of Presidents. It's practically a tradition. That's why we have it, and separation of powers.

You've been dispatched. Run along.
Answer the question my man. Who counts the votes?
How tf is it "the same thing"? Jan 6th people did that shit. Whether you think they should be prosecuted for it is a legitimate question, but it isn't "the same thing" as holding and torturing people who did LITERALLY NOTHING and were completely falsely accused.

Of course you think the Biden DOJ was justified in imprisoning its political opponents.

I’m sure you also think Bannon and Navarro belong in jail, and Garland is fully justified ignoring subpoenas. Etc.

Jews are the only people who wrongfully imprison anyone.
Answer the question my man. Who counts the votes?
Well, I guess anyone can. They're public record. I already suggested the Exchequer, but I guess anyone that has a pad and a pencil could do it. Or an intern with a chalkboard. Or someone with a tablet. Maybe a wax tablet with a sharpened reed?

Maybe they could have an old fashioned type baseball scoreboard, that a person has to hand change the numbers.

They could do it in binary. 100001110 = 270 if you're scoring at home.
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Of course you think the Biden DOJ was justified in imprisoning its political opponents.

I’m sure you also think Bannon and Navarro belong in jail, and Garland is fully justified ignoring subpoenas. Etc.

Jews are the only people who wrongfully imprison anyone.
I specifically said in the very post you quoted, "Whether you think they should be prosecuted for it is a legitimate question". Whether they should or should not be prosecuted is irrelevant to the fact of whether or not they actually did it. Which they did.
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Well, I guess anyone can. They're public record. I already suggested the Exchequer, but I guess anyone that has a pad and a pencil could do it. Or an intern with a chalkboard. Or someone with a tablet. Maybe a wax tablet with a sharpened reed?
The Constitution specifies it can only be one person: "The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted." No one else. Looks like your accusation of making up fantasies was classic projection.
Who is the real threat to Democracy? Let's just watch the Dems and how they propose their own slate of fake delegates at the DNC.

Dem VOTERS spoke. Joe won. End of story in a party that values democratic process. But if it is authoritarian and unwilling to let the PEOPLE rather than the elites pick their candidate, then they will change the rules and overturn the will of the people.

Trump is the threat? Let's watch the REAL threat. We know where this goes.
That just says the President of the Senate, in the the presence of the Senate and HOR shall OPEN the Certificates which shall then be counted. It doesn't say who COUNTS them.

So, like I said, it could be any of my suggestions above. (mic drop) I have handed you your ass all evening. You know it, I know it, the people know it. LOL

God help us if Dion ever gets elected. The bureaucratic minutae will be the likes never before seen by mankind. LOL

Mods, feel free to remove this entire argument. I'm half tempted to ban Dion, AND myself (for continuing on with this nonsense)
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That just says the President of the Senate, in the the presense of the Senate and HOR shall OPEN the Certificates. It doesn't say who COUNTS them.

So, like I said, it could be any of my suggestions above. (mic drop)
No. The President of the Senate counts them as part of that clause. From the very first presidential election. The Electoral Count Act, which you already referenced yourself, reinforces that in its power of law as well, so arguing that supposed ambiguity is already a nonstarter.
Actually, the clerk tallies and counts the votes, which are then verified and signed bubba. The Senate President presides over the count "ministerially" (that means he says the votes aloud)

Wrong at every single turn, you are...
I have handed you your ass all evening. You know it, I know it, the people know it. LOL

God help us if Dion ever gets elected. The bureaucratic minutae will be the likes never before seen by mankind. LOL

Mods, feel free to remove this entire argument. I'm half tempted to ban Dion, AND myself (for continuing on with this nonsense)
You have only proven yourself to be ignorant of our Constitution. Again you just try to run away because you have no answer. It would've been an immediate constitutional crisis that we have no answers for. The only other vaguely similar situation was the contested election of 1876 which was only resolved through shady backroom deals that would never fly today. The entire point of writing the Electoral Count Act was so this would never be attempted again. But it was, in an even worse and more nefarious way than the racist postwar South tried it.
getting ready in michigan

“the law will eliminate the board of canvasser’s investigative powers, instead requiring the board to refer any allegations of fraud to the relevant county prosecutor, rather than conducting a recount.
Only alleged errors could merit a recount, and only when the alleged errors could potentially change election results.”

You have only proven yourself to be ignorant of our Constitution. Again you just try to run away because you have no answer. It would've been an immediate constitutional crisis that we have no answers for. The only other vaguely similar situation was the contested election of 1876 which was only resolved through shady backroom deals that would never fly today. The entire point of writing the Electoral Count Act was so this would never be attempted again. But it was, in an even worse and more nefarious way than the racist postwar South tried it.

No, you are ignorant of the constitution. There would not be a “constitutional crisis “ if you all had not committed a coup on November 3rd, 2020. You all have pissed all over the constitution. Pissed on it and you have the audacity to think you know. Piss off liar
Actually, the clerk tallies and counts the votes, which are then verified and signed bubba. The Senate President presides over the count "ministerially" (that means he says the votes aloud)

Wrong at every single turn, you are...
The Teller records the votes that are read out by the President of the Senate. You're just reinforcing my point by highlighting that conflict, what would have happened had Pence read out Trump's fakes? Would the Tellers be forced to record them? Could they even record the real ones since they weren't read out by Pence at all? It's totally unresolved and complete chaos.
The clerk records the votes that are read out by the President of the Senate. You're just reinforcing my point by highlighting that conflict, what would have happened had Pence read out Trump's fakes? Would the clerk be forced to record them? Could they even record the real ones since they weren't read out by Pence at all? It's totally unresolved and complete chaos.

Yes, nobody would notice if Pence started spouting off invalid electoral results. LOL (and they are checked and verified) LOL

No disrespect, but were you ever tested for Asperger's? (it's never too late)
If say 80% of the people took the vax, then you'd expect to see 4x the number, "a lot of problems", from people who took the vax, everything else equal. So yep, should see a lot of problems from those that took the vax. Means dick sh!t.
I hope you're triple boosted.
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Trying to get your VP to acknowledge fake electors you organized and unilaterally just gavel you re-elected when you weren't, is not "just fine". It's the end of our constitutional republic had he acquiesced.
Imagine having millions of people overrun your border and your government hiding and lying the truth at every turn…..

and believing there’s still a constitutional republic.
Sen. Fetterman was just now on Jessie Watters. I gotta admit, he is a good dude. Hard not to like him and appreciate the battle he had with his stroke. He doesn't seem to be a liar and crook like so many in the congress.

Also, he was awesome in Goonies. (kidding. I get what you mean. He is turning into a sensible Democrat. He's got an open mind, which is rare for either party)
Yes, nobody would notice if Pence started spouting off invalid electoral results. LOL (and they are checked and verified) LOL

No disrespect, but were you ever tested for Asperger's? (it's never too late)
More deflections and insults. Obviously people would notice. Democrats would've been justifiably outraged and chaos would've ensued. To be resolved exactly how?