How will they rule ??!

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That last paragraph is exactly what I’m talking about. Owning the libs and thinking we need to stop some sort of “globalist tyranny” is the exact line of thinking that allows the crazy shit in project 2025 to sneak through.
The difference is your side continually just makes stuff up. We point seriously weird positions that liberals are taking and it's crickets. Like pedophilia. There is an effort among progressives to rename it MAP (mino attracted person). This should be the easiest thing to say "NO" to. Every politician or teacher who promotes this should be fired and thrown out of polite society. For some reason dems pretend it's not happening instead of just condemning it. It begs the question....
It doesn’t play well to the general public so he doesn’t publically endorse it. His former administration members are authors of it. He already signed schedule F in through an executive order in October of 2020 (which Biden immediately killed). He might not say he loves it in public but he supports it.
LOL. So Biden lets 14million illegals into our country and they won't ban illegals from voting but we're the nuts for thinking they are going to get illegals to vote.... but Trump definitely supports something he hasn't endorsed because someone who worked for him supports it.... You guys are crazy.
It's not that I don't care about government oppression, which obviously the US engages in all the time, look at Abu Ghraib. I just don't believe you about Jan 6th defendants. You will have to throw up some serious links to prove your point that Jan 6th defendants in the US face worse conditions than detained Gazans in an Israeli black site.
The point wasn’t to get in a dick swinging match about conditions. The point was the hypocrisy of Libs crying about political prisoners in Israel (where there happens to be an active battle raging) versus cheering on the political persecution and imprisonment of J6 detainees.
LOL. Do you think that there are 15 people out there who have even heard of Project 2025? I get it that you and Joe Schmoeboro and Whoopie all poop your pants over things like that...and as well connected and tuned in to politics as I am....I had never even heard of Project 2025.
I have some retired friends from work, who are clueless dolts but good ppl, posting crap on fb about this project 25 and how it's Trump's doing and what it's going to do to your social security.

They are long gone. Bought everything that has been said about it with no idea where it came from. I'm sure there are 100s of thousands more just like them.

The dems already won this. The ppl that know better are a fixed group. The idiots that believe it aren't changing their minds. They just call us conspiracy theorists again for telling them it was created by their side to scare them. And it's already worked.

The pubs did a shit job getting out in front of this. I really believe most of the GOP would prefer to lose and be a part of a one party dictatorship than fight for we have.

It's all just ginned up fear to motivate and distract you from the real threat(s) you face.

I don't think you have to be the gigabrain this guy is, be an evolutionary biologist to notice, nor have the cultural background this guy does as a Lebanese Jew to recognize a real threat to see it, but your hive mind of 55% :rolleyes: is a cultivated hysteria designed to distract you from your own destruction, the wolf you've welcomed in with open arms trhough your own pathology, your neurosis.

Yes, keep voting in the fools that got us here because you are frightened by some hyperbolic interpretations of a conservative think tank.
See what that gets you.

That's what's wild. The far left is determined to bring in the most radical religious people in the world. The 2 philosophies can't mesh. Christianity allowed for this level of freedom but they hate Christianity. It shows that it's just about power and has nothing to do with freedom, rights or diversity. They'll crack down on muslims after they get all the power.
Mayor Adams discovers the trash can and the wheel. NYC's trash and rat problems are solved.

What a dumb lot these metropolitan Democrats are. LOL He says, "We are going to lead from the front, by catching up." Hahaha

You can't make it up.

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Unbelievable people like you were so goddam dumb you didn’t see Biden’s cognitive decline until CNN was allowed to talk about it after the debate.

I googled the same thing, and this was the very first result:

Want me to keep going? It's a definitive NO; Pence could not overturn the election. There are a lot of articles out there about the legal ramifications for the instigators, but it is unanimous that it would not have worked. Which IS after all, what you were asking about. Right?

Read those and get back to me. Consider it your homework assignment. You're not allowed to comment any further until you have read these articles.
Most of those links are the same answer you gave before, that it isn't constitutional to do it. Duh. We all know that already. So what if he still did it? You won't answer.

Your own links even give the statement from Pence's lawyer giving his professional opinion, which is exactly what I'm also saying, "the Vice President would likely find himself in an isolated standoff against both houses of Congress, as well as most or all of the applicable State legislatures, with no neutral arbiter available to break the impasse.”
I googled the same thing, and this was the very first result:

Want me to keep going? It's a definitive NO; Pence could not overturn the election. There are a lot of articles out there about the legal ramifications for the instigators, but it is unanimous that it would not have worked. Which IS after all, what you were asking about. Right?

Read those and get back to me. Consider it your homework assignment. You're not allowed to comment any further until you have read these articles.
I don't think the intent was to overthrow the election but to expose what was going on. It would have taken and has, yrs to figure out what was done.

There is a reason that the "riots" started the exact moment the first state was called into question. It was a Hollywood style production that pence was in on.

I don't know who is worse, the evil vile dems perpetuating these crimes and deception, or the Republicans that are helping them.
lol did you intentionally pick some of the bloated, most wasteful federal government departments to help prove my point?

The experts that bring us a failing education system and shut down schools? The experts who brought us the opioid crisis and allowed experimental gene therapy? The experts who have “lost” trillion of unaccountable dollars spent on their foreign empire building escapades? Etc etc.

Every one of those departments should be gutted.

A long tenure as a government employee doesn’t make you an expert in anything other than grifting.
  • The U.S. placed 11th out of 79 countries in science when testing was last administered in 2018.
  • The top five math-scoring countries in 2018 were all in Asia.
  • U.S. students' math scores have remained steady since 2003. Their science scores have been about the same since 2006.
  • The IMD World Competitiveness Center reports that the U.S. ranked 10th in its 2020 Competitiveness Report after ranking first in 2018.
Dept of Education was created in 1979.

The US scored at the top or near the top all the way up to the 90's and then it goes from slowly declining to rapidly declining.
So what about the 4 years preceding that "event"? What's your beef, what policies of his were so egregious? How are you better off under Biden than you were under Trump? Put your "feels" aside, we all know he occasionally pops off with something that makes you libs run to your safe spaces for a good cry. J6 aside, how did Trumps presidency harm you? What are you honestly scared of if he wins?
Just stop. There's nothing "honest" about Dion nor his answers.
If a government is imprisoning political opposition, it’s wrong. I don’t care if they beat them or just hold them in solitary confinement without access to a lawyer in an effort to break them mentally.

You’ve supported all the January 6 political imprisonments, yet are now up in arms over the Jewish state doing the same thing.

Oh, they treat their political prisoners worse than the people you support. Get the **** out of here. Showing your true communist colors.
Those aren't political prisoners. They are terrorists.
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It never would have even gotten to the Supreme Court, because the entire hairbrained scheme attributed power to the the VP that he doesn't have. It's laughable... Only an uninformed contrarian would keep arguing otherwise.
Then outline the applicable process if it's so obvious.
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The difference is your side continually just makes stuff up. We point seriously weird positions that liberals are taking and it's crickets. Like pedophilia. There is an effort among progressives to rename it MAP (mino attracted person). This should be the easiest thing to say "NO" to. Every politician or teacher who promotes this should be fired and thrown out of polite society. For some reason dems pretend it's not happening instead of just condemning it. It begs the question....
I'll sum it up: Dems support pedophilia because they are pedos.
Joe Biden isn't fit to be POTUS = Joe can't beat Trump lol

Joe could be blowing bubbles in the Rose Garden, chasing "flutterbyes', and playing in the dirt (because Jill told him to go outside and find a good activity) if he was up in the polls, and the Democrats would still be goose-stepping in the parade to re-elect him. LOL
How’s all our Trump hating repubs/conservatives feeling at the moment? I know ol’ Netcat has come back around and said he’d hold his nose and vote for him. Wondering if the rest of you guys are gonna do the same?

Funny thing about that. Remember when @sambowieshin would tell people like netcat he was full of crap and would eventually end up voting for Trump?

Now he’s in the same position. After the debate he was going on and on about how there was no way he was gonna vote for Biden, but you just know he’ll be back on board by September if not sooner. You know, to SaVe DeMoCrAcY

I’m not a Trump hater, but I do hate where politics has stopped because of him. It’s not all his fault either, but it’s very polarizing and the dems should be embarrassed of themselves and how far he has them stooping to with the fear mongering and irrational dealings.

The other part of the down side to Trump is the Republican Party being a bunch pushover lame duck old ass white dudes. Politics has absolutely changed and these dudes all watched the game pass them by.

I’ll be happy once his 4 years are up to see where both parties end up at that point.
Joe Biden isn't fit to be POTUS = Joe can't beat Trump lol

Joe could be blowing bubbles in the Rose Garden, chasing "flutterbyes', and playing in the dirt (because Jill told him to go outside and find a good activity) if he was up in the polls, and the Democrats would still be goose-stepping in the parade to re-elect him. LOL
If Joe digs in, expect whisteblowers everywhere, and the DOJ to start "taking a closer look into the Bidens."

You heard it here first.
Who would have arbitrated the electoral dispute? You're not getting off the hook on this one.
  • Haha
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wow. looks like the guillotine for france

I read that Jews were fleeing France in droves. France had the third largest jewish population on Earth and the influx of violent muslims and refusal to protect citizens is scaring them off. This will just run off even more people. France may actually beat Germany to collapse now. LOL.
If Joe digs in, expect whisteblowers everywhere, and the DOJ to start "taking a closer look into the Bidens."

You heard it here first.
I still think that's why they finally made a couple cases against Hunter. It was a warning but the Bidens are too corrupt to worry about the law.
I have some retired friends from work, who are clueless dolts but good ppl, posting crap on fb about this project 25 and how it's Trump's doing and what it's going to do to your social security.

They are long gone. Bought everything that has been said about it with no idea where it came from. I'm sure there are 100s of thousands more just like them.

The dems already won this. The ppl that know better are a fixed group. The idiots that believe it aren't changing their minds. They just call us conspiracy theorists again for telling them it was created by their side to scare them. And it's already worked.

The pubs did a shit job getting out in front of this. I really believe most of the GOP would prefer to lose and be a part of a one party dictatorship than fight for we have.
I honestly never heard of it. The vast vast majority have not either. The ONLY people who care are not our voters anyway. Nothing burger.
Sigh... The Electoral Count Act of 1887

It sucks to have to do the same peoples' homework for them, over and over again.

The electoral votes sent to Congress are irrevocable. PERIOD. IOW, there IS no arbitration. If somebody makes a stink, you laugh at them, and count the duly sworn electoral votes as submitted by the states previously. For f***'s sake... LOL

I guess Pence could have grabbed a pistol or a sabre, raised the Jolly Roger, and compelled them to change the votes. I mean, ANYTHING is POSSIBLE. Hahaha

(But then, after a short skirmish, The Pirates of Pence(ants) would be hauled off, and Biden would have been confirmed.

Is that specific enough for your micro-denying tighter than a ten penny nail questioning ass? LOL
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Sigh... The Electoral Count Act of 1887

It sucks to have to do the same peoples' homework for them, over and over again.

The electoral votes sent to Congress are irrevocable. PERIOD. IOW, there IS no arbitration. If somebody makes a stink, you laugh at them, and count the duly sworn electoral votes as submitted by the states previously. For f***'s sake... LOL
Who counts them?