How will they rule ??!

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Also today: for the first time in a while I had to go to a doctor. One of his question, have you taken the Covid vax. I say no, never. Without looking up from the screen or batting an eye he says, Good. We’re seeing a lot of problems in people that did.

I hate to say FU to every leftist sheep that tried to ruin our lives over it, but you know what? FU.
I literally changed doctors because back in 2021 when I went to mine for a physical, he said he would no longer be seeing patients who weren't vaxxed. So that was my last visit with him. He tried to say it was for his own safety. LOL. So if he took the Vax, wasn't he supposed to be protected from it? Kinda lost my trust in him after that. Got a better doctor now who is based out in the more rural county where I live and he has never once asked the question. I think he knows better to ask that in an area that votes 70% red.
Yea I see no way he’s going to run. They have the campaign contributions to worry about now and agree with the poster above once they secure those he’ll be pushed out immediately. They allowed that debate to happen to have him humiliated where there won’t be any questions.

It would be something I could never foresee if he actually ran. I see zero chance it happens actually. This is the Biden’s way of securing what they want to step aside including assurances and guarantees that Hunter won’t be touched. There’s no telling the price they’ll get to walk away.
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US had a 90% income tax rate for some years in the 1950's. I think this was to pay off WW2 debt & because there was practically no where else to invest money then due to the war's devastation.
This is true. But at the time, only 10,000 households were in that bracket. (not that that made it right)
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This Biden stuff is obviously very orchestrated. The left is in unison on pretty much everything all the time so they didn't just magically decide to push the narrative and negative stuff about Biden in an election year without a plan. These people worked to get this guy in office like crazy and protected him. They're not stopping unless they're being told to sell the propaganda so what exactly is going to happen?

Are they keeping Biden and then going to claim he got another 90-100M in votes? Parade his corpe around like Weekend at Bernies for four more years or will they get Kamala in there sooner?

Or go with an entirely new ticket next month?
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Our two main political parties do whatever they deem necessary. And if it means trampling over "democracy" (chuckle) and the people's will, then so be it.

IOW, if the Dems want him out, but he won't step down from the race, they'll strong arm the delegates at the convention. My main worry is what in God's name are they going to have to hand out, in the form of future political pork, to get it done.

I'm sure that the GOP had serious discussions before the 2016 primary, about doing the same to Trump. But, unlike Biden; Trump is a force of nature.
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I love leftist when they support the absolute filth of society think they have some kind of high road because the media has tried to paint Trump as some kind of demon. Like dude, you support the most anti-God party that’s ever existed, gender mutilation, destruction of marriage, doorway to pedophilia, trans sicko’s and kids, the murder of babies, you have no value system at all and wanted to put a rapist back to live in the East wing, yet here we are with your stupid trump points.

It’s quite shocking actually. As a God fearing person, I don’t think they’re gonna want to see how this actually goes. Lol
I'll sum this up: the Left is scum.
Biden looked sad in the George Stephanopolous interview. He rambled. He said he does not think he watched a replay of his debate. HUH? He does not know??? He claimed Trump was yelling when he was trying to speak. He kept calling Trump a habitual liar, as if we don’t know Biden’s long history. George saved him during a couple of rambles and, while persistent, did not really challenge Biden much.
And less than half as many people in the country then as now.

Wait, are you talking about the population, or how many families (as a percentage) in the US today, would make enough per year to qualify for that tax rate right now (which would be about 2 million (after deductions) per year, adjusted for inflation)?

(as an aside, I would think the post-war boom would have provided a crap load of investment opportunities back then, But I'm honestly not sure what the tax shelters were in the 1950's. Yes, I know that's hard to believe; that there is something I don't know. LOL)
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The sad part is she would be spewing the same rhetoric no matter who the republican nominee is. It doesn’t really matter to them. Anyone who might actually replace them in power is considered an “existential threat.”
Yep. It's white noise to anyone who is hip to this. It's literally anyone who is a threat to Democrat Party power gets this treatment. They're the next Hitler. Usually what occurs is they demonize a guy until he's no longer a threat (Bush/Romney/etc) and then will say later on that "I disagreed with them but they're a good guy" (usually when it's if those guys are parroting what the left wants) and you're supposed to ignore all of the stuff they said or how they made a movie about murdering Bush.

Trump is the most fascinating example of the perception of a guy before politics and after. Very famous guy, a beloved pop culture figure who hosted SNL, had a show on NBC, did award ceremonies, movie cameos, and all that- praised by the left. Then you're supposed to believe that Trump became Hitler starting in 2015.

It would be pretty cool though that if the left and their media and supporters cared to vet their heroes and criticize them like they do the right.
Let 'em have it. Joe Biden should get our full support. I hope he tells the Democrat establishment to work it, and stays in the race.
Doesn’t seem very much like a “centrist” to be hoping we have a choice only between Biden and Trump. Hoping Biden stays in the race just so Trump wins is more rightwing…
You know the media is lost when they have to apologize for stating an honest opinion. He strayed from what he's been told to preach, so now he must grovel in his own self pity.
I find it funny, knowing that the media is always trying to shape public opinion as they see fit, but now it's happening in reverse, eating their young. It should be even more clear to those who weren't sure it's how the media operates.
absolutely mind boggling how anyone doesn’t want Trump to get back in there. The corruption is at an all time high and they’re scared to death of him. If you cant think through that then you’re politically retarded.

Western liberal values are on the line and people just can’t seem to understand how this works. The destruction of the department of education showing up like never before.
Whistleblowers leak info about secret Israeli detention camp Sde Teiman where people are held for months with no charges or lawyers. Thousands have been detained with over a thousand eventually released because they did nothing and were arrested and held for no reason.

Hmmm. They woudn't all come out and tell him to step aside unless they knew it wasn't going to be Kamala. With Clooney and now Pelosi coming out, they all know the plan if he steps down and that would be Newsome or Whitmer or Mike O. There's no way they'd all come out to tell him to move over for Kamala.
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Whistleblowers leak info about secret Israeli detention camp Sde Teiman where people are held for months with no charges or lawyers. Thousands have been detained with over a thousand eventually released because they did nothing and were arrested and held for no reason.


They need to learn from the Biden DOJ and twist laws so they can keep the people locked up who did nothing and were held for no reason.

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