How will they rule ??!

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Such ridiculousness. so if you're sitting at $432K You'll be taxed at what? around 45% meaning you keep around $238K. If you make $2k more you'd take home $43,400, so barely enough to live on. Yeah, that makes sense.

I have not read about this, but the money made above $400k would be taxed at 90%, not the income below $400k. Right?
Immigration, who cares?
It's only a matter of national security. We know lots of people from unfriendly countries are coming in, but what's the risk?
It's only a matter of economic security. Having to feed and give ongoing stipends versus taking care of our own and bankrupting our own country. No big deal.
It's only a healthcare matter. Bringing in tuberculosis, measels, typhoid, etc., diseases that have been non-existent in our country since the early 70's. What effect does that have on me?
I kid but sometimes you have to spell it out.
One of a few reasons they’re flooding the country with illegals. If the current population rejects your agenda, just change the population.
This has been the strategy of Democrats since the 60s, ramped up in the 80s, and killed us off the last 20 years. They saw that they were losing the majority of white voters and then started trying to replace them. California showed what happens when you shift the demographics. Minnesota's congresswoman Omar was elected because of the importing of Somalians. This stuff matters. When you can't rightfully win just change the voters.
That feels so dirty. Have candidates generally set up websites in the opposition’s name to pretend the opposition supports policies he doesn’t?

Feels like it should be illegal to spend campaign dollars on something like that.
If you read the leaks back in the 2016 election, the DNC was creating bogus craigslist ads for Trump.

In one email, staffers discuss a fake Craigslist advertisement that calls for women who want to work for the Trump Organization.

The email begins: 'Digital created a fake craigslist jobs post for women who want to apply to jobs [at] one of Trump's organizations.'

The job description reads: 'Multiple Positions (NYC area) Seeking staff members for multiple positions in a large, New York-based corporation known for its real estate investments, fake universities, steaks, and wine.

'The boss has very strict standards for female employees, ranging from the women who take lunch orders (must be hot) to the women who oversee multi-million dollar construction projects (must maintain hotness demonstrated at time of hiring).

'Title: Honey Bunch (that's what the boss will call you). Job requirements: No gaining weight on the job (we'll take some "before" pictures when you start to use later as evidence).

'Must be open to public humiliation and open-press workouts if you do gain weight on the job. A willingness to evaluate other women's hotness for the boss' satisfaction is a plus.

'Should be proficient in lying about age if the boss thinks you're too old. Working mothers not preferred (the boss finds pumping breast milk disgusting, and worries they're too focused on their children).

'About us: We're proud to maintain a "fun" and "friendly" work environment, where the boss is always available to meet with his employees.

'Like it or not, he may greet you with a kiss on the lips or grope you under the meeting table. Interested applicants should send resume, cover letter, and headshot to

Luis Miranda, Communications Director for the DNC, responded to the email after being asked for approval on the fake advertisement.

'As long as all the offensive s**t is verbatim I’m fine with it,' he wrote in an email.
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This has been the strategy of Democrats since the 60s, ramped up in the 80s, and killed us off the last 20 years. They saw that they were losing the majority of white voters and then started trying to replace them. California showed what happens when you shift the demographics. Minnesota's congresswoman Omar was elected because of the importing of Somalians. This stuff matters. When you can't rightfully win just change the voters.

the Hart-Cellar act of 1965 was the end of America it was just going to take time. Republicans didn’t foresee a party of treason taking place within the democrats at the time and assumed it would stabilize immigration from Europe. They actually themselves wrote in the chain migration stance thinking it would bring Europeans and as we see that’s not what happened.

The left is not just a threat to our way of life they’re a threat to the world. Guys like Sam above and I’ve spoke with him before, he still goes by political maneuvering from the party system like it’s 1980. It takes some a long time to understand what’s actually happening because he bit into the apple of party politics long ago. And that’s what’s keeping the left moving. People just don’t wake up until it’s too late. @sambowieshin is one of those who it won’t affect him as much but his grandkids will live through it. It’s sad.
That feels so dirty. Have candidates generally set up websites in the opposition’s name to pretend the opposition supports policies he doesn’t?

Feels like it should be illegal to spend campaign dollars on something like that.
It sure looks that way..... It's easier to do when your side gets to decide what classifies as mis/dis information. IOW, it's fine when they do it, but not when Trump and the GOP try the same tactic.
Hey leftists....if the majority of the country are telling you they are unhappy w/ the current state of affairs, yet you continue to do the same thing over and over, what do you expect to happen w/ the voting results? You state you want to save democracy, yet the majority of the country is currently favoring the Republican candidate to save democracy....shouldn't that be telling you something about your platform?
You notice...the lefty trolls paid by Clapper/Brennan in this thread don't bother to defend Biden. Instead they attack Trump or use red herrings to distract from their failed and corrupt ideology.
Also today: for the first time in a while I had to go to a doctor. One of his question, have you taken the Covid vax. I say no, never. Without looking up from the screen or batting an eye he says, Good. We’re seeing a lot of problems in people that did.

I hate to say FU to every leftist sheep that tried to ruin our lives over it, but you know what? FU.
Also today: for the first time in a while I had to go to a doctor. One of his question, have you taken the Covid vax. I say no, never. Without looking up from the screen or batting an eye he says, Good. We’re seeing a lot of problems in people that did.

I hate to say FU to every leftist sheep that tried to ruin our lives over it, but you know what? FU.
If say 80% of the people took the vax, then you'd expect to see 4x the number, "a lot of problems", from people who took the vax, everything else equal. So yep, should see a lot of problems from those that took the vax. Means dick sh!t.
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Hey leftists....if the majority of the country are telling you they are unhappy w/ the current state of affairs, yet you continue to do the same thing over and over, what do you expect to happen w/ the voting results? You state you want to save democracy, yet the majority of the country is currently favoring the Republican candidate to save democracy....shouldn't that be telling you something about your platform?

The sad thing is, without back door politics with immigration and a lying media, democrats would poll in the teens and 20’s every cycle. They didn’t pull half of this shit during the 80’s and they lost political elections by landslides. Even Bill Clinton had to run as a Republican to win.

Insert immigration and propaganda of the last 40 years and here we are. It’s just sad what’s happening to America. You never play with the left, you lock them up and throw the key away. Don’t let’m out unless they agree to put the safety of America first. If they don’t they stay locked up. It’s that simple and we just can’t get there anymore.
Let 'em have it. Joe Biden should get our full support. I hope he tells the Democrat establishment to work it, and stays in the race.

I’m 100% behind Biden until the general. It’s real simple, he has to remain president so his son isn’t targeted. At least, he believes it. I still believe it’s the main reason Jill is pushing this to this day. They’ve lost one son and don’t want to lose the other. Trump in office means Hunter likely goes to prison. Or again at least they believe it.

That and Jill loves her some power.
Islam is a sacred cow to the left which is why they feel brave in attacking a Kansas City Chiefs kicker over his beliefs but don't have anything to say regarding Islam.

I wish we could do something like create a game show where leftist voters and politicians had to do wife swap or daughter dating games with Islamist. It would be a great way to show the world how trusting we should all be of the 3rd world.
Also today: for the first time in a while I had to go to a doctor. One of his question, have you taken the Covid vax. I say no, never. Without looking up from the screen or batting an eye he says, Good. We’re seeing a lot of problems in people that did.

I hate to say FU to every leftist sheep that tried to ruin our lives over it, but you know what? FU.

They just double down on it and now play stupid about how "No one knew and we did our best." You did your best to destroy people's lives and businesses. I'll never forget what these people did.
I wish we could do something like create a game show where leftist voters and politicians had to do wife swap or daughter dating games with Islamist. It would be a great way to show the world how trusting we should all be of the 3rd world.

You never know. The Muslim dudes may be reasonable people when they’re sharing beard trimmers and don’t have to worry about putting the toilet seat down for their lefty wives.
Democrat opinions are based on fever dreams about Hitler that bubble up from some toxic brew of pharmaceutical products, mental health issues, and brainwashing. “He’s gonna steal my democracy and lock up Rachel Maddow!”

The only way to beat that is to help the sane Democrat men escape
I’m sure your trump supporting friends/family/neighbors/colleagues/clients would love to hear you say that to their face. Post it under your real name on Facebook. Maybe make it your work email signature.

I love leftist when they support the absolute filth of society think they have some kind of high road because the media has tried to paint Trump as some kind of demon. Like dude, you support the most anti-God party that’s ever existed, gender mutilation, destruction of marriage, doorway to pedophilia, trans sicko’s and kids, the murder of babies, you have no value system at all and wanted to put a rapist back to live in the East wing, yet here we are with your stupid trump points.

It’s quite shocking actually. As a God fearing person, I don’t think they’re gonna want to see how this actually goes. Lol
I think the DNC needs to get behind Biden. Millions of registered Democrats made their choice known. They overwhelmingly went for Biden. It would be an affront to democracy to replace him.

You made your bed. Now SLEEP in it.
Pfft! Dems would change their horse and jockey on November 4th if they thought it would give them a better chance at retaining power. They care about nothing else.
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Democrat opinions are based on fever dreams about Hitler that bubble up from some toxic brew of pharmaceutical products, mental health issues, and brainwashing. “He’s gonna steal my democracy and lock up Rachel Maddow!”

The only way to beat that is to help the sane Democrat men escape

I remember in 2016 that Trump was apparently going to "deport the gays. " 🤣

The mental health issues on the left are extraordinary.

You can always tell how few of conservatives they actually know based on their claims of what you want and always push the most absurd stuff because the reality of "stop giving all of our money away, leave us and our kids alone, put our nation first, gut the government fat, stop enabling crime, and cut out the international conflict you're hellbent on being a part of" is just too simple for them.

But you're dealing with people whose entire identity is based on being a victim and needing to feel like a victim and fighting a character they have created. "OMG! WE HAVE TO FIGHT THE FASCISTS BY SILENCING THEM, ASSAULTING THEM, AND IMPRISONING THEM! ORANGE GUY IS GOING TO RALLY THE NAZI FASCISTS TO MAKE THE HANDSMAID TALES A REALITY."
Joe Biden is not running for president. There are just different factions of democrats trying to figure out how they can get control of the campaign contributions. He’ll be pushed out once those closest to him think they’ve secured control, or have been offered an acceptable price to walk away.
Such ridiculousness. so if you're sitting at $432K You'll be taxed at what? around 45% meaning you keep around $238K. If you make $2k more you'd take home $43,400, so barely enough to live on. Yeah, that makes sense.
US had a 90% income tax rate for some years in the 1950's. I think this was to pay off WW2 debt & because there was practically no where else to invest money then due to the war's devastation.
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Also today: for the first time in a while I had to go to a doctor. One of his question, have you taken the Covid vax. I say no, never. Without looking up from the screen or batting an eye he says, Good. We’re seeing a lot of problems in people that did.

I hate to say FU to every leftist sheep that tried to ruin our lives over it, but you know what? FU.
I literally changed doctors because back in 2021 when I went to mine for a physical, he said he would no longer be seeing patients who weren't vaxxed. So that was my last visit with him. He tried to say it was for his own safety. LOL. So if he took the Vax, wasn't he supposed to be protected from it? Kinda lost my trust in him after that. Got a better doctor now who is based out in the more rural county where I live and he has never once asked the question. I think he knows better to ask that in an area that votes 70% red.
Yea I see no way he’s going to run. They have the campaign contributions to worry about now and agree with the poster above once they secure those he’ll be pushed out immediately. They allowed that debate to happen to have him humiliated where there won’t be any questions.

It would be something I could never foresee if he actually ran. I see zero chance it happens actually. This is the Biden’s way of securing what they want to step aside including assurances and guarantees that Hunter won’t be touched. There’s no telling the price they’ll get to walk away.
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