How will they rule ??!

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I don't automatically trust Vance or a couple others based on their past comments. Trump needs loyalty and not a mole who will leak. Also, the VP position attends funerals and nothing else. The position is best used as a symbolic pick. If we are truly trying to reach into the Trump appeal to black voters (mostly men) then Sen. Scott fits that bill. He will be harder for the left to attack because we can just call them racists. You will also see....our side will call him the FIRST true AA candidate with his poor upbringing. Not Hawaii privilege and leveraging his whiteness (Barry). A real rags to riches story. POLITICALLY he is the most compelling choice. I don't think we need to waste the VPOTUS spot based on some "competence" level. Scott is fine wrt that as well but the rest of his story is what will attract voters NATIONALLY. There is no swing state that Trump should grab a VP from. NY is not realistic. Mich? Don't see it.
Why Scott over Ben Carson if that’s the road you’re taking? I’d Trust Carson to have Trumps back more than Scott.
Biden has shown that he is not in charge of anything. The Deep state and the DNC and media pull his strings. So I don't think that we get anything different with Kamala or Gavin or anyone else. "Is it bad enough yet" is the only thing that matters.

As for Trump. He is not someone that I worry about with his health. He is muuuuuuch better physically than Biden so the VP choice is less important and more "symbolic." No fence sitter is going to vote for Trump because of any VP's political views or gravitas. Totally symbolic and a black GOP-VPOTUS sends a really strong message. We are going to fight for the black vote.
I don’t worry about Trump dying of natural causes, more along the unnatural cause line.
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Generally agree but it does happen. Worked with a guy back in 1992 who was a conservative and voted Repub his entire life. Was all for voting for Bush Sr. again....voted for him in '88. My buddy was from Tennessee. Clinton named Gore as his VP. My buddy turned on a dime and became a Clinton supporter and voter. Sad that someone would be that shallow. But he was a good guy.

Same here.
I didn't vote for Bush Sr. because I read his lips. I was Perot.

Bush lost a lot of us and not because of Algore.
Not watching. I already know the outcome.
Trump pointing out the lies, or bringing up things like the HB laptop, Afghanistan withdraw, Biden’s incompetence, Biden’s shady deals, etc will all get edited out. Easy to do when they probably get that same amount of time to answer or respond. Such a blatantly obvious farce and we will never be able to know what was edited out. So much context will be lacking.
Trump pointing out the lies, or bringing up things like the HB laptop, Afghanistan withdraw, Biden’s incompetence, Biden’s shady deals, etc will all get edited out. Easy to do when they probably get that same amount of time to answer or respond. Such a blatantly obvious farce and we will never be able to know what was edited out. So much context will be lacking.
It's not a fair fight but that's no surprise. I really hope Trump kicks ass but even if he does it won't be reported that way.
so infuriating. i could spend hours each day finding stories like this about illegal aliens committing rape, murder, violence against citizens. all countries receiving these uncivilized invaders are suffering the consequences.

This f*cker should be taken to sea and thrown off a boat and instead he’s free to go rape a minor again, all while being here illegally and getting free sh*t. If this doesn’t make you want to vote for Trump, nothing in the world will.
team america vomit GIF
She's not bad looking for her age...but I wouldn't call her hot.