So many ppl don't understand that "taxes" on corporations are viewed in their expense accts as another overhead cost. Yes they deduct, try to get that number as low as possible, but it's an expense just like utilities etc and that is figured into the costs of the product they make or service they provide. So it is correct in that we the consumer pay those taxes.
Politicians learned along time ago the general public is dumb. Of course you don't run a campaign on saying you are going to raise taxes on the middle class. You slogan the hell out of saying tax the rich, make the rich pay their fair share. Well that's how you raise taxes on the middle class. Corps just spread that into the cost of doing business and we pay it. Double and triple even.
That product you used to pay 200 for is now 207. Big deal right? Well that increase covers the corporate tax increase. We pay sales taxes. 6% in ky. So now you are paying that 6% on 207 not 200. No big deal right?
But we are getting that bill now on everything we buy. The govt is raking in more taxes than ever. The rich still don't feel it because all the cost went to the consumer, who is too dumb to know they voted this in.
All the cost incorporated into buying a home from the lumber to breaker box to the lighting to all the materials bought to build the home went up because we raised taxes on the "rich". That 6% sales tax means something different when that home that used to cost 250 is now 320 thousand.
The govt is laughing at us all the way to the bank. Tax the rich lol.