How will they rule ??!

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A member of the Democrat party in the House is funding terrorists.

Here's a question: how in the f*ck does she come up with $435k to give away to a terrorist organization? Congresspeople make, what, $180k and she's been in office about 6 years or so, right? But, she's got an extra $435k to donate to this organization? From where? If this were a Republican, you can bet your last nickel that there would already be multiple investigations into this donation.
You have a very shallow intellectual understanding of the founders and founding of this country. G-school has dumbed you down. Very sad. Just so you know, they were for freedom OF not freedom FROM religion. CofE and whatnot. The reason many fled England to found our country. They would likely face palm every single time you throw out your leftist atheist inspired re-write of history. Feel free to go poach some made up or out of context writings as you are wont to do.
Where you are so brainwashed is your continued insistence that the Founding Fathers were gung ho on Freedom of Religion WITHIN our government and it's laws. They were not all atheists but some were very leary of religion's influence on government and said so.
They wanted freedom OF religion for individuals and freedom FROM religion being imposed by the government.
That is EXACTLY why they left Europe. The government was dictating their religious expression. They wanted freedom to worship as they saw fit....not as the government dictates.
That belief in separation between church and state was a foundation of our Constitution and the very reason the Establishment Clause was written into it.
Many of the Founding Fathers were very fearful of organized religion's influence on government and there are documents written by some in the Library of Congress I have cited numerous times proving that fact.
The continued notion that this country was founded on Christianity is patently false. Are there references to God and some basic religious based tenants like man being created mentioned....yes.
But those can be true of EVERY religion in the history of mankind....not just Christianity.
Zeus was a god and created men. Does that mean they believed in Zeus dictating government policy??
The word "Christianity" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Jesus" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Bible" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The "Ten Commandments" are NEVER referenced.
Not one thing is mentioned specific to the belief in Christianity...NADA, ZIP.
Facts are facts Jack.
"The text of the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity. In fact, it bends over backwards to establish freedom of religion and the separation of church and state."
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You disingenuous jackaass, just 2 days ago you said you were aware Trump lines that you AGAIN quote in this post were cut and taken out of context, amd here you are, AGAIN, spouting the exact same shit you agreed 2 days ago was, by your own admission, debunked bullsht.

Which is it, you.mentally ill coward?
There's a pattern that you purposely chose to ignore. Everything Trump says and does is for his audience.
I'm simply pointing out a pattern of behaviors you don't wanna see.

Forgot about the line "Dictator for a day". Enjoy your 4th Reich.
NY media reports. Do you think this judge does everything to benefit the prosecution on accident? Did you know his daughter is a bundler for Democrat politicians? She has taken in millions of dollars off of her dad prosecuting this case.
You don’t have any idea how the legal system works . But I’m most interested in why you claim the judge excluded Jews from the jury because the trial takes a break on Wednesday.
You don’t have any idea how the legal system works . But I’m most interested in why you claim the judge excluded Jews from the jury because the trial takes a break on Wednesday.
NY media was reporting that Orthodox Jews were unable to attend court on Wed. The defense asked for Fri to be the day off but Merchan declined and picked Wed instead.

And you keep telling people they don't know how the legal system works but even cnn legal analyst are saying this trial is a farce. Are you saying that this case is happening just like any other case in America and isn't suspicious at all?
Social media is not free speech you damn lunatics. You are still free to walk out of your trailer and scream you conspiracy bullshit to your neighbors because that is free speech. Social media is a business and they get to decide who their customers are. That's called capitalism. Pretty much the only time I see any tweets is in this board so I give no ****s about it.
Where you are so brainwashed is your continued insistence that the Founding Fathers were gung ho on Freedom of Religion WITHIN our government and it's laws. They were not all atheists but some were very leary of religion's influence on government and said so.
They wanted freedom OF religion for individuals and freedom FROM religion being imposed by the government.
That is EXACTLY why they left Europe. The government was dictating their religious expression. They wanted freedom to worship as they saw fit....not as the government dictates.
That belief in separation between church and state was a foundation of our Constitution and the very reason the Establishment Clause was written into it.
Many of the Founding Fathers were very fearful of organized religion's influence on government and there are documents written by some in the Library of Congress I have cited numerous times proving that fact.
The continued notion that this country was founded on Christianity is patently false. Are there references to God and some basic religious based tenants like man being created mentioned....yes.
But those can be true of EVERY religion in the history of mankind....not just Christianity.
Zeus was a god and created men. Does that mean they believed in Zeus dictating government policy??
The word "Christianity" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Jesus" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Bible" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The "Ten Commandments" are NEVER referenced.
Not one thing is mentioned specific to the belief in Christianity...NADA, ZIP.
Facts are facts Jack.
"The text of the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity. In fact, it bends over backwards to establish freedom of religion and the separation of church and state."

Great essay. Now answer the question, which theocratic Jesus based law are you up in arms about?

Be specific, no abortion.
Where you are so brainwashed is your continued insistence that the Founding Fathers were gung ho on Freedom of Religion WITHIN our government and it's laws. They were not all atheists but some were very leary of religion's influence on government and said so.
They wanted freedom OF religion for individuals and freedom FROM religion being imposed by the government.
That is EXACTLY why they left Europe. The government was dictating their religious expression. They wanted freedom to worship as they saw fit....not as the government dictates.
That belief in separation between church and state was a foundation of our Constitution and the very reason the Establishment Clause was written into it.
Many of the Founding Fathers were very fearful of organized religion's influence on government and there are documents written by some in the Library of Congress I have cited numerous times proving that fact.
The continued notion that this country was founded on Christianity is patently false. Are there references to God and some basic religious based tenants like man being created mentioned....yes.
But those can be true of EVERY religion in the history of mankind....not just Christianity.
Zeus was a god and created men. Does that mean they believed in Zeus dictating government policy??
The word "Christianity" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Jesus" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Bible" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The "Ten Commandments" are NEVER referenced.
Not one thing is mentioned specific to the belief in Christianity...NADA, ZIP.
Facts are facts Jack.
"The text of the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity. In fact, it bends over backwards to establish freedom of religion and the separation of church and state."

The majority of all the colonists identified as Christian with the remaining 1-2 percent being Jewish. Christian influence, religious text, and even cited verses are found in various early constitutions and laws among all the colonies.

Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (which was a model for the US Constitution), and the Massachusetts Body of Liberties are all full of such language. Even the more tolerant and progressive Quakers of the time quote Romans 13 to the effect that God ordains government in their Charter.

I really hope you don’t teach American history, imo it’s impossible to truly appreciate without an understanding of the influence that colonial Christianity had in the founding of this country.

It’s no surprise why liberals and commies love to rewrite it.
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Guys, if you have some time to kill, amd want to be highly amused, use the search feature here, type in keywords such as hoax, bleach, etc, and username sambowieshin.

A veritable gold mine!

Especially when the MSM was breathlessly reporting the 'Walls are closing in' and 'Another bombshell in the Trump....', oh, boy those posts are comedy GOLD!
Where you are so brainwashed is your continued insistence that the Founding Fathers were gung ho on Freedom of Religion WITHIN our government and it's laws. They were not all atheists but some were very leary of religion's influence on government and said so.
They wanted freedom OF religion for individuals and freedom FROM religion being imposed by the government.
That is EXACTLY why they left Europe. The government was dictating their religious expression. They wanted freedom to worship as they saw fit....not as the government dictates.
That belief in separation between church and state was a foundation of our Constitution and the very reason the Establishment Clause was written into it.
Many of the Founding Fathers were very fearful of organized religion's influence on government and there are documents written by some in the Library of Congress I have cited numerous times proving that fact.
The continued notion that this country was founded on Christianity is patently false. Are there references to God and some basic religious based tenants like man being created mentioned....yes.
But those can be true of EVERY religion in the history of mankind....not just Christianity.
Zeus was a god and created men. Does that mean they believed in Zeus dictating government policy??
The word "Christianity" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Jesus" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The word "Bible" is NEVER mentioned one time.
The "Ten Commandments" are NEVER referenced.
Not one thing is mentioned specific to the belief in Christianity...NADA, ZIP.
Facts are facts Jack.
"The text of the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity. In fact, it bends over backwards to establish freedom of religion and the separation of church and state."

From the Declaration of Independence you clown. I will not make the assumption that you have heard of it in G-School. Google it and its importance.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

by their Creator
and not your secular god.

Again, you are a shallow thinker, tilting at windmills. None of us want the govt involved in our church, religion etc.... You just continue to push your leftist version of what a leftist thinks we believe or to push as a talking point because you are too stupid to think for yourself.
From the Declaration of Independence you clown. I will not make the assumption that you have heard of it in G-School. Google it and its importance.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

by their Creator
and not your secular god.

Again, you are a shallow thinker, tilting at windmills. None of us want the govt involved in our church, religion etc.... You just continue to push your leftist version of what a leftist thinks we believe or to push as a talking point because you are too stupid to think for yourself.

One of the Founders biggest mistakes was no doubt underestimating the stupidity, dishonesty, and evil of the generations that would follow them.
One of the Founders biggest mistakes was no doubt underestimating the stupidity, dishonesty, and evil of the generations that would follow them.
I agree. It was assumed that you were a Christian and go to church on Sunday. But of course they assumed you didnt have to be a biologist to tell someone what a man or a woman is. They assumed you would pay your own debts and raise your own kids. An atheist who professes to wish to destroy all religion (Dsuss)? Never.

They assumed they lived in a melting-pot while having no concept of the damage brought by gerrymandered diversity.
LIBS said Foxnews and the rest of us questioning gain of function were "bat chit crazy".

Now with all the stuff coming out about Fauci they can all STF down in the corner until told to move.

Yeah, good advice, now apply it to basically every single thing these fools are dead wrong about. The list is very long.

For examples, merely look to any post by The Village Idiot or Dion.

Almost like MeManBoy, 'Wrong on Purpose.
Yeah, good advice, now apply it to basically every single thing these fools are dead wrong about. The list is very long.

For examples, merely look to any post by The Village Idiot or Dion.

Almost like MeManBoy, 'Wrong on Purpose.
I put Nion Dion on Ignore within 2 weeks of joining. Cannot believe anyone woud want to read that drivel.
buisness isnt religion. i know MAGA morons worship money but try to learn the difference. Just like how you sign away all rights when you join the Army, when you start a buisness you agree to follow rules. IF you want to be a bigot start a church. Buisness rules don't inhibt your exercise of religion. and the US has never even followed that prohibitation rule even in private matters, AKA the mormons. You are free to practice your religion up untill the point it is deemed to infringe on others or morally unacceptable. At that point parts of your religion will be restricted.
Saw someone (may have been Catturd as well but don't remember) say Trump should invite the granddaughter Biden wont acknowledge to the debate and sit her in the front row.

Co-workers and I discussed this subject before 2016 Presidential Election. Donald Trump enjoys trolling the hell out of opponents. Brilliant.
That belief in separation between church and state was a foundation of our Constitution and the very reason the Establishment Clause was written into it.

Jefferson's 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists makes that pretty clear:

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.
If Trump brings up Biden’s crackhead business partner son, or the daughter he molested, or the granddaughter he’s disowned, or the fact he continuously lies about how his non-crackhead business partner son died before joining the family business, I wouldn’t put it past Biden to physically attack him.

Biden’s dementia is rapidly advancing, and as hopped up as he’ll be on amphetamines, I don’t know if he’ll be able to control himself.
Yeah, he was a 'fixer'.

You act like he was Trumps consigliere or some nonsense.

He was basically an errand boy that thought much higher of himself.
I don't act like anything. You're lazy a$$ just makes stuff up to suit your immediate need..
Saw someone (may have been Catturd as well but don't remember) say Trump should invite the granddaughter Biden wont acknowledge to the debate and sit her in the front row.
Shows how much they know. There is to be no live audience at the debate.