How will they rule ??!

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Congratulations. You’re making bank off the public dole while expediting the ghettofication of good neighborhoods.
Our neighborhood is far from a ghetto in suburbia. And its quality is going up if anything as our rents show and our tenants demonstrate. Feel free to continue with your prejudiced beliefs.
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* KA -- BOOM *

Money quote: Chains including Red Lobster, which is considering a bankruptcy filing, and TGI Friday’s Inc. are becoming even more distressed as their labor expenses increase and more diners opt to eat at home. The fast casual segment’s reliance on lower-income households means their customer base has been disproportionately impacted by rising prices, analysts from Moody’s Ratings wrote last week.

Good job, Joe. Price everybody out of a meal. Let them eat cake.
I used to be a major manufacturer of lamp shades. Because of my age and china taking over the market, I have dropped most of my customers and now just piddle with it to give the wife and I something to do. I still know and talk to guys that are still as active as possible. One is a major vendor for Guest Supply (the major supplier for the motel industry). He is getting very few orders. It makes me think motel business is slow. Another is the largest supplier of lamp shade wire in the USA. He says business is as bad as he can recall. Another imports parts for lamps. His business is awful. Another is a route salesman for furniture stores who has over 500 stores he calls on. His business is historically bad. I don't know what the gov numbers say, but the people on the front lines say things are very bad.
It's too bad that the hundreds of thousands of young black men, that Biden directly helped put in prison (many of which, Biden was a major investor in) didn't get the same benefit of the doubt that HE currently enjoys.

Yes, Biden is truly a friend to black Americans.
The Biden regime, ( Its not really Biden, he has the brain of a turnip. shhh!), doesn’t concern itself with legislation. They do their damage via EO. Your personal experience with Covid is not relevant. More people have died under Biden from Covid than under Trump. Thems facts.
What specific EO has Biden issued that personally impacted your life?
I used to be a major manufacturer of lamp shades. Because of my age and china taking over the market, I have dropped most of my customers and now just piddle with it to give the wife and I something to do. I still know and talk to guys that are still as active as possible. One is a major vendor for Guest Supply (the major supplier for the motel industry). He is getting very few orders. It makes me think motel business is slow. Another is the largest supplier of lamp shade wire in the USA. He says business is as bad as he can recall. Another imports parts for lamps. His business is awful. Another is a route salesman for furniture stores who has over 500 stores he calls on. His business is historically bad. I don't know what the gov numbers say, but the people on the front lines say things are very bad.
Lamp shades in hotels?? Very few updated hotels use traditional lampshades for their light fixtures dude. That's 90s/ early 2000s style lighting. No wonder business is slow in that segment.
Here's the facts on hotel revenue/occupancy...
MAGA hates facts.

In 2023, Florida's market share of domestic tourists increased to 14.8%, up from 13.8% in 2022. This surge in market share represents the largest increase of any state, underscoring Florida's appeal to travelers from across the country

But...but...but....Billy Bob MAGA and Trump say nobody has a dime to spare.
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Our neighborhood is far from a ghetto in suburbia. And it’s quality is going up if anything as our rents show and our tenants demonstrate. Feel free to continue with your prejudiced beliefs.
Oh my mistake. I had forgotten that Section 8 renters by and large take great care of the grounds/property while being quiet and keep their kids from vandalizing, playing basketball at all hours and generally being a nuisance. Silly me.

In fairness, there are exceptions like for the disabledand senior citizens. Welfare momma and 8 kids . No way in hell
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Not sure if it was an EO or some other proclamation. But where do you think the money comes from in order for millions of people to receive student loan forgiveness? Or to send hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine?
The student loan forgiveness was shot down by the Supreme Court. It was pure pandering for the young vote and Biden knew it was not gonna fly.
Ukraine is a dream for our military and national security. Putin's dumb ass is bogged down there losing thousands of soldiers and billions in military equipment while the US doesn't have to put any boots on the ground and only spends 3 PERCENT of our military budget there. It is a brilliant move by Biden.
"The $24B the U.S. has spent on security assistance to Ukraine amounts to less than THREE PERCENT of last year's defense budget."

By comparison...We spent about 7.5 percent of our entire GDP during the Cold War. Ukraine is a damn bargain!
"During the period 1948-1989 military purchases cumulated to more than $7 trillion (1982 dollars), averaging about $168 billion annually, or 7.5 percent of GNP."
The student loan forgiveness was shot down by the Supreme Court. It was pure pandering for the young vote and Biden knew it was not gonna fly.
Ukraine is a dream for our military and national security. Putin's dumb ass is bogged down there losing thousands of soldiers and billions in military equipment while the US doesn't have to put any boots on the ground and only spends 3 PERCENT of our military budget there. It is a brilliant move by Biden.
"The $24B the U.S. has spent on security assistance to Ukraine amounts to less than THREE PERCENT of last year's defense budget."

By comparison...We spent about 7.5 percent of our entire GDP during the Cold War. Ukraine is a damn bargain!
"During the period 1948-1989 military purchases cumulated to more than $7 trillion (1982 dollars), averaging about $168 billion annually, or 7.5 percent of GNP."
That was for our own defense Sam. Not the Ukraines. And in case no one has told you, Biden has forgiven billions in student loan debt despite the Supreme Court shutting it down.
More people died from Covid under Biden than Trump. (And that is even if you pro rate it for the difference in the length of time in office)

Toilet paper currently costs more than coffee filters.

And Biden has the US involved in not one, but TWO wars. (Three if you count the border)

You're not very good at this...
And Biden had the “vaccine” to work with too.
Facts. Pure and simple.

Spam, spam, Sam.
I’m honestly surprised you’re part of the YouTube grifter scene. Didn’t take you for that much of an idiot. Today has sadly been very revealing. You’re the same as any of the other rubes here, just dressed up in more sophisticated language.

So you're saying that these things didn't happen? Even though they are now a matter of public record. Is that your contention?

These aren't opinion pieces. These are factual things that have been discovered and reported.

It very much sounds like YOU are the rube...
And Biden had the “vaccine” to work with too.
The lockdowns ended under Biden. Once everyone came out and started spreading it around, there was no stopping it.
It would have been much, much worse without Trump's vaccine. I give him credit for that. If only he had stuck to the science and avoided making a virus a political issue...he might be President today.
He handled Covid like a schizophrenic lunatic. The combination of promoting a vaccine at the same time he was holding super spreader rallies before the vaccine was available was nuts.
That was for our own defense Sam. Not the Ukraines. And in case no one has told you, Biden has forgiven billions in student loan debt despite the Supreme Court shutting it down.
It still has legal challenges and effects a much smaller number of students. Personally, I think the government should either go all in on free college or ditch the forgiveness.
This half ass effort is unsustainable and confusing.
He had these kind of rally numbers in 2020 and still lost. No one in their right mind really believes he lost, and that Biden got 81 million votes unless you are just plain stupid. All others who support the Biden numbers who aren't stupid (very few) are just corrupt evil scum who want this country to fall. Traitorous morons who should just go to a country that will rule them like they want.
It's only propoganda to you. The points he makes are well-founded and spot on. You just don't happen to agree with them. And I'm a "boomer"only in the "technical" sense (missed Gen X by a few months). But I'm Gen-X, with respect to life experience, which is what counts.
More to the point is that he chooses to ignore the facts. He does not care about what happens to our country because he hates it.
So you're saying that these things didn't happen? Even though they are now a matter of public record. Is that your contention?

These aren't opinion pieces. These are factual things that have been discovered and reported.

It very much sounds like YOU are the rube...
I didn't watch it. Patrick Bet-David is a piece of scum grifter. The world would be much better off without him, doesn't matter if he's saying the sky's blue you shouldn't be listening.
I didn't watch it. Patrick Bet-David is a piece of scum grifter. The world would be much better off without him, doesn't matter if he's saying the sky's blue you shouldn't be listening.

So, you're impugning facts, that you admittedly didn't listen to, just because you hate the messenger.

Got it...

I think I see the problem here.
So, you're impugning facts, that you admittedly didn't listen to, just because you hate the messenger.

Got it...

I think I see the problem here.
I have no position on whatever "facts" are in that video. It's not worth giving him the view to find out. Anything said in that video can be gotten from a source that doesn't benefit someone like Patrick Bet-David.
The prosecutor in the manafort case expected a pardon so he filed his forfeture as a civil case so the bitch don't get any of his money back. And NJ already prepping a state case to lock his ass back up.
Meanwhile, back in New Jersey....

GD crook!
You're the only one talking about Patrick Bet-David (I didn't even know that name until you mentioned it), I'm talking about the startling revelations that have come out of Wisconsin and Georgia.

While YOU keep prattling on about someone I've never heard of or seen before.
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