Meanwhile, back in the real world.Two different things can both be true at once.
Biden sucks. Trump sucks.
Biden is just the lesser of two suck burgers.
Pedo Joe is a complete disaster for the democrat party. The next story will be how he was abducted and spent time in a UFO.Meanwhile, back in the real world.
You can't make this stuff up. You simply can't.
Yeah you know Haifa. That's the place where Biden got arrested along side of Nelson Mandela while Biden was driving his 18-wheeler to the all black church that he attended.
They’re waving f’ing Hezbollah flags. Of course they need help. I don’t care if you’re right or left, no American should be waving a Hezbollah flag.And it isn’t the people in that picture.
Exactly what a totalitarian, fascist regime would do ...
Meanwhile....out in the real world away from Meme Land....Meanwhile, back in the real world.
You can't make this stuff up. You simply can't.
We live in a Banana Republic. And when the Dems cheat their way to victory again, It will be us they start coming after next, once they know they have full enfettered power.
Meanwhile....out in the real world away from Meme Land....
Republicans are trashing women's rights and upholding laws written before Arizona was a state.
Sick as hell.
So we have mentally ill people writing textbooks now?
So tell me this....If your 12 year old daughter is brutally raped by an illegal alien in the woods near your are going to look her in the eye and tell her that her childhood is now done?1. No women's rights were trashed.
2. Sick as hell is the democrats viewpoint that it is acceptable to kill babies.
3. You're a blithering moron.
Well if Joe Biden didn’t have an open border policy then maybe this would never have happened.So tell me this....If your 12 year old daughter is brutally raped by an illegal alien in the woods near your are going to look her in the eye and tell her that her childhood is now done?
You are going to tell her that she is now a mother at 12 and will be giving birth to her rapist's baby whether she likes it or not?
She will no longer be able to play at the playground swings and jump off for fun....ride a bike....will need to drop out of school for a while....lose touch with her friends....possibly need to have her belly sliced open....her privates torn....and has to do this because the law says she no longer has control over her own body so she can give birth to Juan the rapist's baby.
Father. Of. The. Year.
Father In Law of Juan the Rapist. 🤢🤢
Never answered the question.Well if Joe Biden didn’t have an open border policy then maybe this would never have happened.
Not at biDIM's rate. And those caught were deported.Never answered the question.
Btw... illegal immigrants have entered America under every President.
So tell me this....If your 12 year old daughter is brutally raped by an illegal alien in the woods near your are going to look her in the eye and tell her that her childhood is now done?
You are going to tell her that she is now a mother at 12 and will be giving birth to her rapist's baby whether she likes it or not?
She will no longer be able to play at the playground swings and jump off for fun....ride a bike....will need to drop out of school for a while....lose touch with her friends....possibly need to have her belly sliced open....her privates torn....and has to do this because the law says she no longer has control over her own body so she can give birth to Juan the rapist's baby.
Father. Of. The. Year.
Father In Law of Juan the Rapist. 🤢🤢
Mental institutions....We need to bring back mental institutions.
Ya never answered the question.Not at biDIM's rate. And those caught were deported.
Mental institutions....
Common sense abortion laws that weren't written during the GD 1800s....
Common sense gun laws that weren't written in the 1700s....
Make America Sane Again
Never said it was wrong.The constitution of the United States is one of the most intelligent, well thought out documents in recorded history. Anyone who thinks it is wrong because it was written in the 1700s has absolutely no common sense.
But what could we expect from you mouth breathers who are supporting a man running around making up lies about his grandpa being eaten by cannibals.
So the population of black men in the US currently is ~6%. what is the problem?
Well, if we are going to ask hypothetical questions, I’ll ask you one.Ya never answered the question.
Will you commit to being a Mexican illegal alien's father in law via the rape of your daughter?? You ok with that? Yes or No.
Will you name him Juan Jr or just call him Lil Juan?
Never said it was wrong.
But times change and it is a living, breathing document that has been amended numerous times to reflect those changing times.
Our Founding Fathers were shooting muskets in the 1700s, not AR15s.
There was no standing US army when the 2nd Amendment was written.
Times change. Technology changes.
Intelligent people recognize this and look to make life better by changing laws to meet the times.
Rigid fools cling to outdated ideology and refuse to adapt despite clear evidence that their way of doing things is failing this country.
I think we both know which group you belong to.
Here we go again. Only now there’s the admission that yes, the guy he wanted as POTUS has flooded the country with rapists.So tell me this....If your 12 year old daughter is brutally raped by an illegal alien in the woods near your are going to look her in the eye and tell her that her childhood is now done?
You are going to tell her that she is now a mother at 12 and will be giving birth to her rapist's baby whether she likes it or not?
She will no longer be able to play at the playground swings and jump off for fun....ride a bike....will need to drop out of school for a while....lose touch with her friends....possibly need to have her belly sliced open....her privates torn....and has to do this because the law says she no longer has control over her own body so she can give birth to Juan the rapist's baby.
Father. Of. The. Year.
Father In Law of Juan the Rapist. 🤢🤢
6% black AMERICANS in baseball. What's the percentage of Dominicans, Cubans, or Asians in MLB?So the population of black men in the US currently is ~6%. what is the problem?
It will almost be impossible for anyone to quickly fix everything that biDIM and the lib/DIMS have screwed up. Especially if we don’t also win the House and Senate. Even then it will be tough with all the rinos .At this point, anyone who votes for Biden wants to destroy America.
Will Trump turn things around? Maybe, maybe not.
But whether it’s through utter incompetence or intent, we know the Biden administration will continue destroying America.
Honestly though, I’m not even sure if a fiscal conservative could pull us back from the brink of financial collapse. But we know the Biden admin is going to keep its foot on the gas.