So Illegals from Africa are now "African Americans"?
So what are the new voter numbers in ID-requiring states? Much different per population or not?
They should take him off of the bridge and put him in another concreted holder off of the side of the road and leave him there.
Resident libs, prove to us this isn’t the case. We’ve shown you tons of evidence backing up this claim. Your turn to prove it’s not the case.^^^
Yep, they already stole this election too.
There’s no peaceful way out of this. Jailing the opposition, controlling the media and courts, rigging elections.
This isn’t hyperbole- it’s what they’re doing.
That’s why we have accelerators
Our Government is run by ree tards. We elected Ree tards who appointed more ree tards.
The US cannot survive this. It has to stop immediately.
God bless the good guy with the gun. 💯
That looks like a job for Lucille...
Tell 'em, Coach.The war did not start on 10/7. That was the entire point of my post and criticism. It had been going on for many decades before that. And the only one who has the power to stop it is Israel, not Hamas. The exact opposite of what you state here.
i don’t think the nba is solely supporting the wnba. i suspect our government is somehow enabling their mediocre existence. jmdo
travis said today that in 25 years the wnba has never made a profit. how and why?
You mean the same government that attempted the Watergate break in? The same government that initiated the Iran/Contra arms deal? Same government that had Monica Lewinsky smoking cigars in the Oval Office? Same government that said there was WMD in Iraq? Same government that incited a riot on our own Capitol??
Not really seeing the difference buddy.
Pubs are the ones passing all the laws like in Arizona trashing individual bodily autonomy.
I want to have a baby...