Fertilizer didn’t ensure your freedom, educator. There’s a reason they wrote the 2A.
Bless your heart.
There is "danger to yourself" type of idiocy, and then there is the uber level - "detriment to others" type of idiocy.
The liberals on this thread are so hateful, demented, and selfish that they want law-abiding citizens to not be able to defend themselves from criminals.
They know full well that criminals don't register their guns.
They know full well that criminals don't respect rules against true assault weapons.
They know full well that criminals don't stop committing crimes until they are stopped by someone or something else.
They know knives in the hands of criminals can kill as many people as guns.
They know that illegals don't respect our laws and won't think twice about registering their guns.
They don't demand illegals be vaccinated.
They dont demand that they be licensed and insured in order to drive.
They don't demand that illegals stop human trafficking or carrying drugs into the country.
They don't require them to register weapons.
In fact, they don't even call for illegals to be prosecuted for crimes, violent or otherwise.
So until the biggest hypocrites in the entire world - which are the liberals on this thread - begin to and continually support the health and safety of citizens of this country, may they continue and continually fall victim to the criminal illegals they refuse to hold accountable, just as they do the politicians they have elected throughout the country and urban areas.
And until they stop being complete hypocrites they can just STFU.