How will they rule ??!

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Guess Who: New Report Exposes 6 Top Republicans on George Soros Payroll!
Feb 4, 2017 by Harry Hibbs
At the top of the list is our old friend the Vietnam War Hero, Sen. John McCain, who seems intent in stabbing his country in the back just like the good old days. Another of the treasonous group is of course, Marco“which way is the wind blowing” Rubio, followed closely by Paul“no tax relief” Ryan, and John “I should have been the nominee” Kasich.

But the Soros list also includes other names which explain a lot, like everyone’s favorite Bush, Jeb. You can also quickly find John Boehner and the ever compromising Lindsey Graham. The report revealed that while George Soros is busy funding almost all the Democrats, his influence has even penetrated the ranks of the so-called opposition to a very significant extent.

Not surprisingly, all of the names revealed to receive funding fromGeorge Soros have a record of openly opposing Mr. Trump, not only as a candidate, but as the President. All have at one time or another taken cheap shots at Mr. Trumps plans and his character and have a track record of opposition to the President. And an interesting new addition to the payoff list along with Marco Rubio is Carlos Curbelo also of Florida.

McCain Camp Lashes Soros — After McCain Took His Money
04/18/2008 05:12 am ET | Updated May 25, 2011
2002 the Open Society Institute gave $300,000 in grants to various groups that were defending McCain’s campaign finance law against legal challenges to it.
Trump doing his usual US bashing again while praising Russia, yet again. But since he's a Republican it's now ok. America First really means Donald Trump First. And despite WhitesRulesSec's claim that the Australian call was fake news, it in fact, was not.

The rights attacks on real news from CNN while pumping up white right news from Breitbart or Infowars is amusing. Then ole Kelly Ann goes making up terrorist attacks to fit her agenda and she blames the 'haters' because she forgot that alternate facts can still be checked with reality.

Poor white people, they are just soo mistreated in this country. I just hope they eventually get the right to vote, hold office, ride in the front of the bus, etc. Talk about blaming others for your own problems...what are you liberals? Bwahaha

It will be interesting if Trump ever takes responsibility for any mistakes he makes in the next couple of years. He seems to forget the campaign is over and that he needs to work for all Americans, not just whites and Christians. The group overwhelmingly responsible for mass shootings and terrorist attacks in this country btw.
. He seems to forget the campaign is over and that he needs to work for all Americans, not just whites and Christians. The group overwhelmingly responsible for mass shootings and terrorist attacks in this country btw.

Card, I know these comments must be in jest. You're obviously too intelligent to believe half the stuff you post. No one can be as misguided as to believe such a comment. However,just to play along, I bet you cannot name one single Christian acting in accord with the teachings of Jesus that is responsible for even one murder, much less mass shootings. Whereas, EVERY terroristic act by a follower of muhummed IS in accordance with his teachings.
Guess Who: New Report Exposes 6 Top Republicans on George Soros Payroll!
Feb 4, 2017 by Harry Hibbs
At the top of the list is our old friend the Vietnam War Hero, Sen. John McCain, who seems intent in stabbing his country in the back just like the good old days. Another of the treasonous group is of course, Marco“which way is the wind blowing” Rubio, followed closely by Paul“no tax relief” Ryan, and John “I should have been the nominee” Kasich.

But the Soros list also includes other names which explain a lot, like everyone’s favorite Bush, Jeb. You can also quickly find John Boehner and the ever compromising Lindsey Graham. The report revealed that while George Soros is busy funding almost all the Democrats, his influence has even penetrated the ranks of the so-called opposition to a very significant extent.

Not surprisingly, all of the names revealed to receive funding fromGeorge Soros have a record of openly opposing Mr. Trump, not only as a candidate, but as the President. All have at one time or another taken cheap shots at Mr. Trumps plans and his character and have a track record of opposition to the President. And an interesting new addition to the payoff list along with Marco Rubio is Carlos Curbelo also of Florida.

McCain Camp Lashes Soros — After McCain Took His Money
04/18/2008 05:12 am ET | Updated May 25, 2011
2002 the Open Society Institute gave $300,000 in grants to various groups that were defending McCain’s campaign finance law against legal challenges to it.
Get a rope.
I have an Idea. We take these middle Eastern refugees in the place them in our larger gay communities in this country and wait for the fire works. Give the police a stand down order and see what happens.
Guess Who: New Report Exposes 6 Top Republicans on George Soros Payroll!
Feb 4, 2017 by Harry Hibbs
At the top of the list is our old friend the Vietnam War Hero, Sen. John McCain, who seems intent in stabbing his country in the back just like the good old days. Another of the treasonous group is of course, Marco“which way is the wind blowing” Rubio, followed closely by Paul“no tax relief” Ryan, and John “I should have been the nominee” Kasich.

But the Soros list also includes other names which explain a lot, like everyone’s favorite Bush, Jeb. You can also quickly find John Boehner and the ever compromising Lindsey Graham. The report revealed that while George Soros is busy funding almost all the Democrats, his influence has even penetrated the ranks of the so-called opposition to a very significant extent.

Not surprisingly, all of the names revealed to receive funding fromGeorge Soros have a record of openly opposing Mr. Trump, not only as a candidate, but as the President. All have at one time or another taken cheap shots at Mr. Trumps plans and his character and have a track record of opposition to the President. And an interesting new addition to the payoff list along with Marco Rubio is Carlos Curbelo also of Florida.

McCain Camp Lashes Soros — After McCain Took His Money
04/18/2008 05:12 am ET | Updated May 25, 2011
2002 the Open Society Institute gave $300,000 in grants to various groups that were defending McCain’s campaign finance law against legal challenges to it.


Depressing story out of Sweden. Based on its small population (9 million) and highest per capita rate of Muslim invasion, Sweden will almost certainly become the first nation to fully fall to Islamization. There are currently 55 no-go zones throughout Sweden. They are literally killing their own country and people with 3rd world muslim immigration. Sweden now the rape capitol of Europe.

The Swedes, Germans, French, British, Dutch, Belgians etc. will either conduct mass deportations of the Muslim invaders or they will eventually become Islamic Theocracy Dictatorships. It's really that simple.

Depressing story out of Sweden. Based on its small population (9 million) and highest per capita rate of Muslim invasion, Sweden will almost certainly become the first nation to fully fall to Islamization. There are currently 55 no-go zones throughout Sweden. They are literally killing their own country and people with 3rd world muslim immigration. Sweden now the rape capitol of Europe.

The Swedes, Germans, French, British, Dutch, Belgians etc. will either conduct mass deportations of the Muslim invaders or they will eventually become Islamic Theocracy Dictatorships. It's really that simple.

I wrote of this somewhere else so I'm going to copy and paste it here.

"The BRÅ (The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) shows that when Sweden started the multicultural movement in 1975, 421 rapes were reported to police. Decades later, 6,620 rapes were reported to police in 2014 alone, only reported. The west’s views of women and democracy are not shared by every culture."

The percentage of Muslim migrants was 99 percent. Sweden stopped collecting data that showed they were Muslims.
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I wrote of this somewhere else so I'm going to copy and paste it here.

"The BRÅ (The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) shows that when Sweden started the multicultural movement in 1975, 421 rapes were reported to police. Decades later, 6,620 rapes were reported to police in 2014 alone, only reported. The west’s views of women and democracy are not shared by every culture."

The percentage of Muslim migrants was 99 percent. Sweden stopped collecting data that showed they were Muslims.
And they still refuse to acknowledge the problem... it will be interesting to observe when (or if!) there is a breaking point? Can even docile Swedes be pushed over the edge or will they simply allow their culture and way of life to be stamped out?

I love that TV show Vikings... to see what their progeny have been reduced to now is hard to believe.

Feminism run amok killed Sweden.
And they still refuse to acknowledge the problem... it will be interesting to observe when (or if!) there is a breaking point? Can even docile Swedes be pushed over the edge or will they simply allow their culture and way of life to be stamped out?

I love that TV show Vikings... to see what their progeny have been reduced to now is hard to believe.

Feminism run amok killed Sweden.

I'm on season three of Vikings right now. I really like it so far.
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On Supreme Court nominee, I believe he should get a fair shake and be confirmed. But I also think Dems should still stonewall it to make Republicans remove the 60 vote threshold. It's nearly impossible to get that big of a majority in the Senate to vote for anything even slightly controversial. But they may let this one slide in and stonewall the next one if it happens under Trump.

This after Republicans promised to never fill a seat if Hillary was elected.

And remember: all the 'terrible' Supreme Court rulings have taken place under a conservative majority court.

One of the few things I'll give Trump credit for. He actually nominated someone who isn't both appalling and bat-$hit crazy. The Supreme Court is, in my mind, the most important aspect of our democracy. And should be protected from radicalization at all costs. So kudos Mr. Trump. Please take a screenshot :)
And they still refuse to acknowledge the problem... it will be interesting to observe when (or if!) there is a breaking point? Can even docile Swedes be pushed over the edge or will they simply allow their culture and way of life to be stamped out?

I love that TV show Vikings... to see what their progeny have been reduced to now is hard to believe.

Feminism run amok killed Sweden.
I assure you that Sweden is doing just fine. They are only near the top of the list on most metrics that rank the success of a nation vs its peers. Currently ranked 5th by US News overall; 6th in Entrepreneurship, 1st in citizen rights, and #2 in quality of life.
Other rankings -
More -

Have you ever been to Sweden? If not, then its hard to really know just how well that country works. It's impressive to see for yourself. Of course, not everything they do right would translate to a country as large as ours. But to say they are struggling because of issues with rape and Muslims is a huge stretch.
If you were an alien and watched the Super Bowl to learn about us, you'd have no idea that this was a white majority country, that blacks are only 12 percent, gays are only three percent, Muslims are very small, etc.
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Fox would not allow for too much of a conservative message.

My company, 84 Lumber, has a commercial but had to be revised when the original scanned a long wooden wall as it explained the type of employees we searching for.

That was too much and the wall was seen as a hint to the wall of Mexico or whatever you want to call it.

Fox made us edit it to not be so in favor of anything Trump.