How will they rule ??!

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The money injected hurt too for sure. My point is it’s everything, not just Biden like morons on here say. It’s mostly corporate greed and taking advantage of things. Things that Trump isn’t going to change by just magically taking office. Your deodorant and toilet paper are still going to cost a lot from here on out. Deal with it.
It’s funny that there was no corporate greed before the pandemic. The economy was as good as it’s been in our lifetimes.

Maybe government policies really do impact the economy. Maybe Biden really did eff it up.
The whole point of Blackrock buying up homes is that they don't want the 20-30 somethings owning homes. they want us to become a nation of Renters. They want to end home ownership unless you are among the elite ruling class. You will own nothing and be happy.
It needs to be stopped. I’m a free market guy as much as possible but this is far outside of the bounds of fair play; more than that, it’s a threat to our national security.
what a bizarre creature

Well, if you look at his situation, you can understand where he's coming from.

-4 yrs ago pedophile networks and human trafficking were being targeted and shut down on a massive scale
-a plandemic wasn't quite at its intended peak and wasn't yet generating the hype the dems and globalists needed for the needed, november political shenanigans
-the economy was still excellent
-kids were still in school for a couple more weeks
-people still had jobs and could attend church
-NK and Russia had scaled back their aggressive maneuvers
-Israel had signed peace agreements with several Arab states
-baby parts weren't so easy to come by or sell
-the political money laundering operations in Ukraine were put on indefinite hold
-housing prices were fairly stable
-interest rates were low
-gas prices were low
-the US was as energy independent as they had ever been
-young people could afford to buy a starter home in most communities
-cnn along with the rest of the media was dying as more and more people realized they were being manipulated and programmed rather than informed

Knowing that, Olberwoman, and those of his ilk must have been completely miserable 4 years ago, even though their salvation was just around the corner. Rampant inflation, peoppe and businesses out of work or gone, human trafficking on steroids, high home costs and interest rates, fires raging in key cities and regions, no upward mobility for the poor, mikkions of people sick and/or dying like never before, and baby parts are back on the shelves, so Kweeph Olbermann is DEFINITELY better off than he was 4 years ago. Except the psychological scarring remains
Can’t believe those crazy corporations just up and decided to get greedy over the last 3 years. What the hell got into them? They used to be so altruistic and generous.

These people are so myopic and ignorant. And to act like there is nothing we can do to get prices down is even more ignorant. Remember Obama’s “magic wand” comment? How’d that comment work out for him?
POLL: 73% of Gen Z not happy with direction of the country.

Trump is going to win but they aren't going to certify it and what happens after

Makes sense why they’re increasing the Trump and the maga voters are dangerous and a threat narrative.

I think they’ll just claim Biden won again and say “do something about it”. Worked well enough in 2020.
Here's a reply from the Turtle, to my complaint about Turtle's support for Ukraine.

I bolded the bullshite to highlight the problem... the Rino's really believe this crap.

Dear Mr. XXXXXX;

Thank you for contacting me regarding Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified invasion of Ukraine. Hearing from you helps me better represent Kentucky in the United States Senate. I appreciate your taking the time to share your views with me, and I welcome this opportunity to respond.

Russian President Vladimir Putin miscalculated in his brutal invasion of Ukraine. Since February 2022, Russia’s aggression has been met with a brave and determined Ukrainian population and crippling sanctions and isolation from the international community. But make no mistake, the future of America’s security and core strategic interests will be shaped by the outcome of this fight. Putin has made clear that his larger ambition is the restoration of the Russian empire and the diminishment of NATO. China is also watching this fight closely, and have increased their saber-rattling toward the free people of Taiwan. The United States must stand firm with Ukraine to preserve our national interests, promote the security of our allies and partners around the world, and deter future Russian and Chinese aggression.

Like so many Americans, I have been inspired by the heroism of the Ukrainians in the midst of this tragedy. As you may know, I had the honor to lead a delegation in May 2022 to meet with President Zelenskyy in Kyiv. I reassured him of America’s strong bipartisan support for Ukraine, and our commitment to stand with him and his people as they fight for their lives and sovereignty. President Zelenskyy made clear that Ukraine does not expect the United States to fight on its behalf, and he is only asking for the weapons and ammunition they need to continue defending their homeland from Russian aggression.

As I stated before, America’s decision to support Ukraine is not a frivolous act of charity. It serves our own security and strategic interests to impose massive costs on Putin’s long-running campaign of violent imperialism and to deter potential future wars of aggression before they start. The costs of a Russian victory in Ukraine would be far greater to the United States and our allies, and would necessitate much larger and longer deployments of U.S. forces to Europe to protect our vital security interests. It is clear that additional investment is necessary to give Ukraine the tools it needs to win this war, support our allies and partners, and help backfill our own defense stockpiles.

On February 13, the Senate passed the National Security Act, 2024, which provides additional security assistance for Ukraine and addresses a variety of other national security challenges. I was proud to support the legislation, which reaffirms our commitment to rebuild and modernize our military, restore our credibility, and give the current Commander-in-Chief, as well as the next, more tools to secure our interests. While this legislation must still pass the House and be signed by the President to become law, I remain hopeful that America will swiftly respond to rising global threats with strength. As the 118th Congress proceeds, I can assure you that I will keep your thoughts in mind as I continue use my position in the Senate to promote U.S. national security, support our partners in Europe, and help the brave people of Ukraine.

Again, I appreciate your active and informed participation in our democratic process. If you would like to receive periodic updates from my office, please sign up for my eNewsletter at, become a fan of my page on Facebook by visiting and follow my office on Twitter @McConnellPress. In the meantime, I will continue fighting for Kentucky in the United States Senate and I hope you will continue to keep me informed of issues important to you.


My favorite Trump cult belief is they really think these companies that have been GOUGING us at a historic level the last few years are going to play nice and cut prices because the former host of the apprentice says so lol. They’re making record profits gouging us and they’re just going to give that up? Prices go up and down some based on supply/demand but they used COVID as an excuse to force us to pay through the nose to increase profits. And no one on here cares, they just want to blame Biden. Certainly inflation is a part of it, but not nearly enough to justify what these large corporations are doing to us. You hate paying $7-$8 for deodorant ? Too bad, it’s here to stay. That’s just what it costs now. You think home prices are too high? Well that’s just good old capitalism at work with no regulations to keep one or two companies from buying up all the homes and jacking the prices up. Things cost what they cost now.
The blend of unfettered irony and ignorance of the MAGA's economic demands are hilarious.
They scream bloody murder every day that we are becoming a communist/socialist country while simultaneously screaming for Biden to take over control of our free market prices.
The dumbazzes don't have a clue what the difference between capitalism and communism is.
Screaming like total fools for the thing they say they hate. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It’s funny that there was no corporate greed before the pandemic. The economy was as good as it’s been in our lifetimes.

Maybe government policies really do impact the economy. Maybe Biden really did eff it up.
Or corporations used the pandemic as a great excuse to squeeze more out of us. But hey, the corporations are never wrong right? And of course there was corporate greed before the pandemic. If you can’t understand that, then sorry about your luck. Try to keep up.
We've had this argument several times already and there's no need to rehash it because you're arguing a semantic difference, not a material one. Whether you say it gives "protection" to rights that already exist or that it actually grants those rights itself, matters none at all. In every practical, material way they are the same. The legal protections our people enjoy exist because of the Constitution(and would not be enjoyed otherwise). Whether protecting or granting.
We've had this argument several times already and there's no need to rehash it because you're arguing a semantic difference, not a material one. Whether you say it gives "protection" to rights that already exist or that it actually grants those rights itself, matters none at all. In every practical, material way they are the same. The legal protections our people enjoy exist because of the Constitution(and would not be enjoyed otherwise). Whether protecting or granting.
There is a huge difference between the two. Natural Rights creates a foundation for the existence of those rights that is not dependent upon the State. It is another way in which we as free citizens express our belief that the State is not all powerful. It also places limits on rights because anything that is not derived from the concept of natural rights cannot be a right. It has very far reaching implications on how Government is expected to behave. If Government can grant rights, they can also take them away. They can also grant rights to certain groups that restrict the rights of other groups. The further we move away from the concept of natural rights, the more power, we place in Government, and less freedom, we have.
There is a huge difference between the two. Natural Rights creates a foundation for the existence of those rights that is not dependent upon the State. It is another way in which we as free citizens express our belief that the State is not all powerful. It also places limits on rights because anything that is not derived from the concept of natural rights cannot be a right. It has very far reaching implications on how Government is expected to behave. If Government can grant rights, they can also take them away. They can also grant rights to certain groups that restrict the rights of other groups. The further we move away from the concept of natural rights, the more power, we place in Government, and less freedom, we have.

He "probably" understands that the difference is material, not semantic.

He's just dishonest and duplicitous, caring only for his anti-American agenda which seeks to undo those inalienable natural rights.
I’ve not read the 2A case as applied to illegals. And I’ve not studied the history of “people” and its use in the Bill of Rights.

I don’t have the time, and don’t care enough to look, but what other protections from the Bill of Rights have been extended to people in this country illegally?

And are the protections just to those present in the US, or would protections extend to a school teacher Biden bombed across the world?
I’ve not read the 2A case as applied to illegals. And I’ve not studied the history of “people” and its use in the Bill of Rights.

I don’t have the time, and don’t care enough to look, but what other protections from the Bill of Rights have been extended to people in this country illegally?

And are the protections just to those present in the US, or would protections extend to a school teacher Biden bombed across the world?
If non-citizens who violated the law to come here have the same rights as citizens, then the word citizen has no meaning.

Not that I believe they care. It’s obvious they don’t or they would to allow this invasion to continue.

What seemed like a lot of talk show hyperbole 30 years ago when Clinton entered office has slowly but surely come true: the Democrats intend to destroy the country as we’ve known it and create something else.
Hey everybody, Dems RESPECT the Constitution. (Well except the EC; SCOTUS when it’s not ruling their way; 1A; 2A; 8A; maybe a few others) But Everybody else is a FASCIST!
I know you live in the magical land of the upside down and all, but a huge difference would be a gang of thousands of liberals don't break into the Capitol during a full session of Congress, break windows, steal stuff, rummage through documents, smear feces on the walls, and wave the Rebel flag. We don't build gallows and nooses and threaten to murder our leaders, so there's that.
Not hiding like he did in the prior election. Perhaps they are afraid there won’t be enough mail-in ballots that can be fraudulently submitted at 4 AM.
You DID get the memo where all these mainstream, right wing echo. chamber outlets and the talking heads that work for them confessed they were just lying about all that stolen election stuff, just to fool the idiots and a$$holes in their base? Right? Surely you don't believe someone that lies to you, when they admit they lied to you?