I don't want a "reset" at all!! It would be terrible for at least a generation after . It's honestly last thing I want especially for my own kids and future grandchildren etc.the last thing we want is a "reset" especially if it goes down the path the WEF/UN are pushing it. They already have their Agenda 2030 in the works, which is a very large part of what's resulting in the things you complain about in your post.
Politics and media on both sides out of control. Use whatever adjective you you like - cat out of bag, pandoras box opened, genie out of bottle - I don't see a path back to normalcy given the current mentality. Everything is hyper exaggerated projections or out right lies in politics and media. Truth and facts no longer really matter . I wish there was a reasonable way back I don't see it. I hope I am wrong in that.